A few days ago, on St. John the Evangelist's Day (once a day of major importance to Freemasons), the current Florida Grand Master, Robert Trump, ordered Bro. Bryce to stop communicating via email with Masons in other jurisdictions unless he had express written permission from the Grand Master.
On Dec. 27, W. Bro. Trump wrote to W. Bro. Tim, demanding he "cease and desist the distribution of any and all materials, either printed or transmitted, to be used by members of any other Grand Jurisdictions unless prior permission has been obtained by you in writing."
What the hell are they afraid of? What hackneyed powerbase are they trying to maintain? What has Freemasonry become, where a brother cannot communicate with other brothers without "permission"?
Bro. Tim, being a good Mason, is following the dictates of his Grand Lodge, and will no longer be sending out his regular email communications to other Freemasons. Again, the Masonic world is worse off because of the stupid "orders" of a self-serving Grand Master and Grand Lodge.
Freemasonry, once the bastion of free speech, self-improvement and self-knowledge, has shown itself once again to be the stronghold of archaic, petty would-be tyrants.
Below you'll find the letter from M.W. Grand Master Robert Trump to W. Bro. Tim Bryce, and Bro. Tim's reply:
RE: Articles to other Grand JurisdictionsPhoto: W. Bro. Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
W:.Timothy L. Bryce,
Find enclosed a copy of a letter from the Grand Lodge of New York and a copy of an email from the Grand Jurisdictions of Iowa and Washington, in reference to materials sent by you to members of those Grand Jurisdictions and their stated concerns. As you can see, when communicating with members of other Grand Jurisdictions, there is a certain protocol to be maintained and proper procedures which must be adhered to.
Chapter 15, Regulation 15.01, Page 171 in our Digest of Masonic Law states, "All Inter-Jurisdictional correspondence shall be sent through the office of the Grand Master, except that request for "Work by Courtesy" to and from other Grand Jurisdictions may be made through the office of the Grand Secretary."
All Grand Jurisdictions have similar regulations to govern all correspondence with their members within their particular Jurisdiction, and your correspondence violates these regulations.
This latest letter from the Grand Lodge of New York and this email from Iowa and Washington are only two of several pieces of correspondence received from other Grand Jurisdictions by our Grand Lodge in the last few months, all of which questions the legality of your correspondence with, and to its members.
Therefore, in order to allow the Grand Lodge of Florida to be in compliance with the rules and regulations of other Grand Jurisdictions, and continue to maintain a good and friendly Fraternal relationship with said Jurisdictions, you are hereby ordered and directed to cease and desist the distribution of any and all materials, either printed or transmitted, to be used by members of any other Grand Jurisdictions unless prior permission has been obtained by you in writing. Also Regulation 15.01 in our Digest of Masonic Law must be adhered to in all future cases.
I firmly rely on your duty and honor as a Master Mason to see that this order is carried out immediately upon receipt of this letter.
With regards,
Robert D. Trump
Grand Master
RW Martin A. Danoff, GM/NY
RW Gilbert Savitsky GLNY
RW Robert P. Harry, Jr., DGM
RW Joe A. Fleites, SGW
RW Dale I. Goehrig, JGW
MW Roy Conner Sheppart, PGM&GS
RW David A. Henderson, DDGM-21
MW Richard E. Lynn, PGM/Chairman, Jurisprudence
December 30, 2006
M:.W:.Robert D. Trump
Grand Master,
MW Grand Lodge of F.& A.M. of Florida
East Palatka, FL 32131
Dear Bro. Trump,
I am in receipt of your letter of December 27, 2006 to "cease and desist the distribution of any and all materials, either printed or transmitted, to be used by members of any other Grand Jurisdictions unless prior permission has been obtained by you in writing."
As you know, I was ordered last year to cease and desist producing all Masonic publications, which I complied with. Since then I have written several Masonic articles aimed at improving the fraternity, all of which I make freely available to anyone who wants to publish them (except Florida). To this end, I include the following statement in my articles:
"NOTE: The opinions expressed in this essay are my own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any Grand Masonic jurisdiction or any other Masonic related body. As with all of my Masonic articles herein, please feel free to reuse them in Masonic publications or re-post them on Masonic web sites (except Florida). When doing so, please add the following:
Reprinted by permission of the author and "FreeMason Information" http://www.freemasoninformation.com/"
Accordingly, I have received numerous requests over the last year to reprint my articles in Masonic publications which I have granted. I have also been asked on several occasions by Florida Lodges to use my work, all of which I have denied. To this end, I believe I am already in compliance with your order.
Since I no longer operate any Masonic publication, I have no control over the physical publication of my articles, nor do I seek such control due to the censorship ruling by your predecessor. I would like to mention here that I have not received or charged one penny for any of these articles. Also, I do not discuss anything that could be construed as Masonically secret.
2007 represents my 10th year as a Mason. During the past several years, I have been in contact with Masons from around the world via the Internet. When a work of mine is published, I send out a notice to my contacts that it is now available and where on the Internet they can find it. I believe it is this notification you are referring to in your letter of December 27th. When I broadcast an e-mail message of the availability of my articles, I include the following statement:
Further, I do not charge anyone for these notifications or solicit any money for doing so. In addition to the notification, I include links to Masonic News stories as published on the Internet.
As per your order, I will cancel the weekly e-mail broadcasts and will notify my contacts accordingly.
However, I need some clarification: Do you mean to say that I can no longer communicate with a Mason outside of Florida? Please understand that I monitor obituaries in the Tampa Bay area, and when I come across a Brother who has passed away in our area from another jurisdiction, I notify the Grand Secretary of that jurisdiction and the Brother's home Lodge (if I can find them) of the passing. This is greatly appreciated by all involved. By your order, I assume I am no longer allowed to do this.
I also assume your order applies to all other Florida Masons and that I am not being singled out and discriminated against. In other words, no other Florida Mason should be making e-mail broadcasts or contacting Masons outside of our jurisdiction without the expressed written approval of the Grand Master or Grand Secretary. For example, I am on the e-mailing list of some of your District Deputies who forward to me your own weekly e-mail message. I did not ask to be placed on these lists but have not registered an objection yet. Nonetheless, I believe the Craft should be formally informed of your policy regarding e-mail in order to avoid any other embarrassments to the Grand Lodge.
My Masonic writings are something I do personally and have nothing whatsoever to do with my business, M. Bryce & Associates, a division of M&JB Investment Company. Any attempt to interfere with my business will be resisted by all legal means. I am beginning to believe there is a premeditated attempt by the Grand Lodge of Florida to interfere with my rights under the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Brother Bob, we have known each other for many years now, back to when you were State Chairman for the Grand Master's Charity where I built a web page to assist you. Since then, I have fully cooperated with you and have always been honest with you. I do not believe you can accuse me otherwise. It is for this reason that I am surprised and disappointed that you thought so little of me as to send me your letter as opposed to picking up the telephone to discuss the problem. From my end, it appears there are other forces at work here driving your decision.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Masons | Masonic Trial | Florida Freemasonry | Freemasonry | BurningTaper.com | Grand Lodge of Florida | Robert Trump | Burning Taper
Interesting. What the Grand Master is doing contrary to his Masonic obligations. Furthermore, he is acting like a Pope, not a Grand Master. The southern lodges , in particular, have this exalted view of a Grand Master which flies in the face of all men being "on the level". The Grand Master is nothing more than a freakin' administrator/enforcer of Masonic law, just like the President of the US or Governor of a state. They have no power except as dictated in Masonic law. Period.
ReplyDeleteOh well, I guess we're supposed to just obey and say nothing like Bro. Tom--Taoist of Masonry--would recommend. Or, we can just walk away and not participate. The lodge(s) will collapse and we can come in and pick up the pieces later.
I find it ironic that Bro. Tom would call his website the Tao of Masonry since the central principle of Taoism is "action through inaction" (Wu Wei--sp?). Maybe in his unenlightened way, he is trying to tell us something.
As Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of America, I will be sending an official letter to the GM of Florida.
ReplyDeleteI will also send a letter to Brother Bryce. He is more than welcome to send articles to the UGLA blog site.
David Cooksey
Grand Secretary
United Grand Lodge of America
This seems to be the key to the matter:
ReplyDeleteThis latest letter from the Grand Lodge of New York and this email from Iowa and Washington are only two of several pieces of correspondence received from other Grand Jurisdictions by our Grand Lodge in the last few months, all of which questions the legality of your correspondence with, and to its members.
There are protocols to be followed, and most of them are clearly spelled out in the regulations. It appears that it's not simply GL FLA that has an issue, but the GLs of several other states as well, and Bro. Tim's GL is informing him of this. If these other states are getting miffed because of Tim's emails, etc, then they have the right to complain to the GL FLA; certainly they do not have the right to complain to Tim, himself.
That said, I certainly wish I knew the backstory behind them asking Bro. Tim to stop his newletters and other publications. I've read some of his excellent essays and can't imagine what anyone would find objectionable.
As to my "anonymous" fan, I find it ironic that you completely misunderstand two things:
First, the principles of 'wu-wei' as applied to Taoism. I have never encouraged anyone to blindly obey; in fact, if you've read any of my comments over the last year you'd see that I believe that it's important to get people together to bend the ears of the various brothers and the District and GL officers. Volunteer to run a program, or make it known that you'd like to be appointed to a committee.
Second, you seem to misunderstand that the GM, while being an "admisistrator", is also imbued with the power to do pretty much anything he pleases. Yes, they have no power except that which is dictated by Masonic law - however, in most US states, Masonic law dictates that GMs have almost unlimited perogatives. That some choose to exercise those perogatives in a seemingly unfair manner is a shame, but it's within their rights to do so.
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
I think the issue here is the FLA GA trying to tell a Mason he cannot communicate with Masons in other states. Regulatations or not, that goes against common sense, against the "on the level" nature of Freemasonry, and certainly doesn't and won't work in the 21st century of instant communication.
ReplyDelete— W.S.
The Grand Honchos are in violation of the 1st Amendment. I am a Mason and damn tired of these egostical bastards that have a title that gives them the illusion that they walk on water and are "God Like" becaue they are a Grand Master in the Masons. They have no idea of why the membership has gone to hell, why the brothern have lost interest, why the Masonic Lodge
ReplyDeletehas almost destroyed itself. They fail to understand you earn respect, not demand it, because of a Title that 99.5% of the public
is not aware of the Masons. If I
was doing the web site, my Attorney would be dealing with the Grand Master. I am about to lose all my interest in the Masons due to the BS from the Leadership whom
refuse to grow up and realize they are dealing with adults whom can think for themselves.
I think it is only right that all be made aware of what the other grand jurisdictions were complaining about. I do not see how it is possible for a Grand Master to prevent anyone from publishing articles. That is a constitutional right that we all have and cannot be abrogated by ANYONE even a Grand Master.
WS, frankly I'm not sure what the issue is at all. I don't understand why the GL would tell Tim not to publish his excellent writings - that's ridiculous - to me, anyway.
ReplyDeleteHowever, there is a separate issue if other GLs have a problem with his stuff. Is Tim contacting GL officers without going through proper channels? That's clearly spelled out in their rules (as it is in Conn, I might add). Yes, it might be archaic in view of what we have now, but if other GLs think that TIm is doing an end-run, then they are well within their rights to complain. Granted, it seems ridiculous, but it would be worth hearing their reasoning.
Is there any way to get the rationale from Florida? Do you know anyone down there that you could ask?
And while I'm at it, best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
Tom, what the GM of Florida is saying, from what was written, is that all of Tim's emailed articles are being considered as interjurisdictional correspondence.
ReplyDeleteIF (and that's a big if) they are determined to be interjurisdictional correspondence, then they are subject to that section of Florida Masonic Law.
Tim's first amendment rights aren't EXACTLY being trampled on: he can continue to publish whatever he wants. The GL of Florida woudl then also be within its rights to expel him. I don't like it, but Masonry is a VOLUNTARY association.
"Freemasonry, once the bastion of free speech, self-improvement and self-knowledge, has shown itself once again to be the stronghold of archaic, petty would-be tyrants."
ReplyDeleteI have been folowing your blog for some time now. I have seen post after post that refers to nothing but problems.
My question is simple, Why do you bother? It seems you are up against the wall all the time,and that you can never "win".
Why do you do it?
"Freemasonry is not a religion or a system of religion. It is the handmaid of all seeking truth, and light, and right. It is a centre of union of good and true men of every race and tongue, who believe in God and practise the sacred duties of morality. It has no politics; it knows no sect; no hierarch; no Caesar. Therein freedom reigns; therein the tyrant and the oppressor have no place; the intolerant are not; and the pessimist and the misanthrope are unknown."
ReplyDelete"Freemasonry, The Conservator of Liberty and the Universal Brotherhood of Man"
By M W John Hamilton Graham LL.D.
First Grand Master Grand Lodge of Quebec
This is amazing!
ReplyDeleteWhen did a pre-schooler get elected GM?
Good to see Free Masonry has wiped out the freedom part of its organization. It succeeded when it had a bunch of order takers in its ranks, now that free thinking men have joined, the control freaks are losing their grasp on their fraternity and are heading down a totalitarian path...
good luck einsteins
Anonymous said: "I have been folowing your blog for some time now. I have seen post after post that refers to nothing but problems. My question is simple, Why do you bother?"
ReplyDeleteWhy do you bother following and reading the blog? I write it because you read it. You read it because I write it. Do we need a deeper "why"?
— W.S.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said: "I have been folowing your blog for some time now. I have seen post after post that refers to nothing but problems. My question is simple, Why do you bother?"
Why do you bother following and reading the blog? I write it because you read it. You read it because I write it. Do we need a deeper "why"?
You lie like a mother fucker. You write this stuff to stir the pot. That's the only reason. You must have never got any attention as a kid and this is the only mother fuckin way you can get. I know I'am right. Shut the comment moderation button off. You are a fuckin gut less pussy racist asshole motherfucker. When someone calls your bluff you shut them out. Now I called your bluff and you can't take it. You fuckin pussy.
Andy Warhol
I thought I'd let the above post go public just to remind you why the comment moderation has been activated. "Andy Warhol" hardly misses a day visiting the Burning Taper to post his juvenile name-calling; never does he contribute anything of interest. In the last month he must have attempted to post fifty or more of his foul-languaged comments here. I don't know why he's chosen this blog to put so much negative energy into. I don't think he can hold a conversation without vulgarity.
ReplyDelete— W.S.
"Why do you bother following and reading the blog? I write it because you read it. You read it because I write it. Do we need a deeper "why"?
ReplyDeleteI was not refering to the blog itself, but more or less the constant struggle you seem to face when trying to change what can seemingly not be changed.
But quite frankly, you are right. ("IE: I write the blog because you read it")
However, It seems nothing is changing or has changed in all the time i have been reading the blog. At first it was entertaining, but the more things dont change (or get worse) the more depressing it really is.
He must really need attention.....
ReplyDeleteHe has never had a girlfriend either I guess
Anonymous said: "I have been folowing your blog for some time now. I have seen post after post that refers to nothing but problems. My question is simple, Why do you bother?"
ReplyDeleteWS Said... Why do you bother following and reading the blog? I write it because you read it. You read it because I write it. Do we need a deeper "why"?
My point is more or less not about the blog, but about the constant struggle you seem to have in getting along with your fraternity brothers.
The blog at first was entertaining, but the longer i read it, the more depressing it becomes.
It's like a black hole of problems. Problems that you cannot change no matter what.
Thats why i asked "Why do you bother?"
Like I wrote in the "Change your thoughts" article a few weeks ago, I've stopped worrying about changing things in Freemasonry, and have started looking at making changes in myself.
ReplyDeleteThe Tim Bryce article we're commenting on here is about events in Florida, not my home state of Georgia, and I'm simply relaying news of what's going on in the Masonic world. It's certainly more interesting to write (and read) about than the next Masonic Pancake Breakfast or who the new Grand Lodge officers are.
— W.S.
Brothers -
ReplyDeleteThank you for all of your comments, both pro and con on this subject.
I want you to understand something: I believe the problems I am experiencing are less about censorship and more about driving me out of the fraternity.
2007 represents my 10th year as a Mason and I have always spoken my mind. I am not a politician nor care to be. I enjoyed success during my year as Worshipful Master of my Lodge, as President of the local Masters & Wardens Association, as Zone and District Chairman for Publicity and Public Relations,
and received various Masonic awards for my efforts.
Unfortunately, my opponents seethe
with jealousy over these successes and have gone on a crusade to see
my reputation discredited, even going so far as to whisper lies into the ears of the Grand Masters.
Even after this latest episode is settled, this will not be the end of it and they will continue to try and discredit me.
Even if they succeed, we must forgive them for what they do and hope the fraternity survives and becomes stronger.
If I am eventually removed from the fraternity I will at least have the comfort of knowing I have met and
talked with many fine Brothers from all over the world, and will always consider myself a True Mason.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Tim Bryce, PM, MPS
Palm Harbor, FL, USA
never does he contribute anything of interest.
ReplyDeleteOh, I wouldn't say that - "Andy" has been visiting me lately, and his posts have been chock full of amusement. That is, if you're the type who slows down for accidents and train wrecks. Maybe it's just me, but someone who uses more profanity than normal words, and manages to misspell most of them generally makes a great side-show.
My hat's off to you, WS.
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
Tim, I've been following your stuff for a while now, and I want to thank you for the great stuff that you've written about the fraternity and Masonry in general. I've even passed some of it on to others who I thought might enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI'mm curious, though - I've only been a Mason for the five years, and I really haven't seen anything in Conn like what I've been reading about on some of the blogs from brothers south of the Mason-Dixon line. Do you have any comment on that?
And again, I'm confused about the "jealousy" being motivation for people to drum you out of the fraternity. I would have thought that a state the size of Floriday would have more than enough room for brothers to get a lot of work done without stepping on each other's toes.
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteYou are not a Mason. Your comments are Un-Masonic in nature and you are certainly guilty of Un-Masonic conduct. Remember the obligations that you took and the lessons you were taught because you are in violation of them. Conduct like yours and the Grand Lodge of FL's are the reason I left the Grand Lodge of AL and joined the United Grand Lodge of America.
Jamie Peffer
Senior Warden-Temple of Regulus
Past Master-Birmingham #757 (Grand Lodge of Alabama)
Now, if I go down to florida and want to visit a lodge, are any of the brothers allowed to TALK to me, since I am from another jurisdiction/state?
ReplyDeleteBro. Tim:
ReplyDeleteI am surprised by the news that you are not allowed to make weekly e-mail broadcasts.
The cc lists RW Martin A. Danoff, GM/NY - As a GLoNY Freemason, I can tell you that RW Martin A. Danoff is not the Grand Master here. I believe that he is the Chairman of the Law Enforcement Committee Pro Bono Program. Perhaps this is a typo?
ReplyDeleteListed below his name is RW Gilbert Savitsky and he is our Grand Secretary. I would love to read the letter sent from the GLoNY.
I categorize this "censorship" with the May, 2006 gag order from the Alabama Potentate who ordered all Shriners to not speak with the media and the "cease and desist" sent via email to Vernon Hill, Shriner whistleblower who was later sued by the Shriners (both charitable and fraternal) for defamation.
ReplyDeleteOh, let's not forget the Russ and Dee firing after they outed Gov. Bob Riley as a Mason.
What is it that the censorship is supposed to protect? Sounds like the Mafia to me. I wonder when someone in a three letter agency will start chanting the "RICO" mantra?
Best of luck to those who work so hard to uphold all that is good in these organizations and Happy New Year to everyone!
Sandy Frost
"Now, if I go down to florida and want to visit a lodge, are any of the brothers allowed to TALK to me, since I am from another jurisdiction/state? "
ReplyDeleteThat is not what this GM was saying and your statement is a non-sequitur that ultimately confuses the issue in an attempt to attach it to a completely different argument, which would be your specific definition of what constitutes "freedom" of speech.
To answer your question, it is a courtesy to notify through your GS to theirs that you will be in their jurisdiction. Nevertheless, if you went to FL and met with brethren and were not SNPD or expelled then yes, they could talk to you.
Please read the letters again without the usual anti-GL filters. Judging from what both parties have said, it would seem that other GLs consider some of Bro. Bryce's contributions to their members to have been unsolicited (consider the quote, "…to be used by members of any other Grand Jurisdictions unless prior permission has been obtained by you in writing.” I hardly think this is some mass conspiracy to silence the "true" lights of Freemasonry. Believe me, there are many others doing work that is just as good or better without running afoul with their GMs. I think that in this case, perhaps, there is a serious misunderstanding about the nature and content of Bro. Bryce’s work and that it can ultimately be worked out.
The GM of FL is only going by their code, which may have to be revised given the nature of electronic communication and the nature of such. In my jurisdiction, we have a similar code, but it's far more strict regarding membership issues (transfers, courtesy degree work, etc.) and far more lax on brethren just seeking friendly information (dad in their lodge, offering a paper, etc) However, in general, if one is offering something, it’s usually a courtesy to check with their Grand Lodge or even that lodge’s WM. In the case of actual business, it is a requirement to go through the GLs. This saves, believe it or not, a lot of grief in the long run. Many mistakes, such as a criminal getting into a lodge, were prevented from diligent brethren. Some that have flagrantly and proudly ignored this protocol have really screwed up sensitive situations and their tarnished reputations are nobody’s fault but their own.
Just as it is not the right of brethren in the name of free speech to overshoot their WM to tattle to the DDGM or plan an event, it is not the right of a brother to circumvent his jurisdiction's law just because he may decide that he doesn't agree. There is a due course for disagreement. However, I don't think Bro. Bryce did this on purpose or for spite, so unless you're from FL or can objectively look at various masonic laws, let's refrain from commenting until the facts appear.
Reading the comments on the various blogs reveals that many of you truly do have a problem just getting along and advancing workable opinions and conjecture; it makes me wonder if it starts in your own lodge and if they enjoy your sermons on "true masonry". Geez.
I'm sure Bro. Bryce will get over this before you guys do.
I agree completely. Masonry doth suck.
ReplyDeleteWell, not the One True Freemasonry, that is.
I thought Masonic Communications were MEETINGS (like Stated Communications and Special Communications) not publications, not letters, not correspondence. Communication between Jurisdictions must be approved by the Grand Lodge (i.e. inter-jursidictional Masonic meetings and visitation.) What does this have to do with one brother speaking to another? When I travel between states, do I have to ask anyone I talk to: "Are you a Mason?" and make sure they ARE NOT before I'm allowed to talk to them?
ReplyDeleteThis is very disturbing.
I don't know why he's chosen this blog to put so much negative energy into. I don't think he can hold a conversation without vulgarity.
ReplyDeleteWell meat head are we going to have a debate about the real issues. Or are you going to be a punk mother fucker? Who is such a fucking pussy who can't handle it? You fucking asshat bitch.
Andy Warhol.
"When I travel between states, do I have to ask anyone I talk to: "Are you a Mason?" and make sure they ARE NOT before I'm allowed to talk to them?
ReplyDeleteThis is very disturbing."
Again, this IS NOT what this protocol states. Please re-read the post and think about it a little before reacting again.
The fact that Bro. Tim's plight is on a fake-Mason site tells me how low he has had to stoop to get his message across. I see that this has to be approved before it's posted to your blog. You wouldn't censor anyone would you?
ReplyDelete"fake mason site"?
ReplyDeleteInteresting description. But I can log in and type comments, and Google seems to find them, so it can't be a "fake" site, can it?
Oh, wait - maybe that's not what you meant?
We'll never know if WS is censoring posts, although by allowing those that disagree with him, or call him "fake," you'd think that would be a clue.
Unfortunately, I also went to a "comment moderated" format, at least until an issue with a particular troll is resolved. I'm hopeful that the same will happen here.
Daily Survival Kit for Freemasons
ReplyDeleteby Dennis A. Coltart, P.M.
Today, I will contemplate my presence here on earth and that my Creator has a purpose for my existence which may or may not always be clear to me, but will live by his Commandments in order that I might not spot or stain the character which has become me.
Today, I will strive to be a good citizen in the eyes of my neighbor, my community, the state and my country. I will revere my country's banner, honor its Constitution and laws, be grated I for the freedoms I enjoy and bear in mind what the right to those freedoms has cost in lives throughout the ages.
Today, I will remind myself that I am a Master Mason and that I have knelt at the alter and have taken an obligation upon myself and in the presence of those, my brethren, with my hands, my heart and my mind focused upon the Holy Bible, Square and Compass and to live and act in accordance with their moral and symbolic teachings.
Today, I will extend my hand to a worthy brother in distress, and to all persons knowing them to be one of God's children who is in need or suffering, and will require of them only the reassurance that they would act and perform the same should they f nd another in like situation as they themselves are and requiring no more or less of them.
Today, I will be more tolerant and cordial of those around me, and will abstain from being judgmental of those who are less fortunate than myself, but will encourage them to stand erect, to count their blessings and to make the best of the life for which God has so graciously given them.
Today, I will speak only positively about my fellow man and will cast away all criticism, animosity and jealousy that may offend, humiliate or otherwise degrade another's name, their heritage or their religion, keeping in mind that we are all made in the image of the Grand Architect of the Universe and through him we are all related.
Today, I will do whatever is required of me to perpetuate the existence of Freemasonry by being mindful of those who have not found it in themselves to seek more "light" about our gentle craft, its beginnings, its tenets, and its teachings. To offer up information to those who demonstrate a genuine interest and, who in my mind, are worthy to receive that "light".
Today, I will spend quality time with my family and provide for their happiness and welfare so that together we may support one another physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Today, I will pray to my God according to the dictates and customs of my chosen religion.
Today, I will support Freemasonry by attending a Symbolic Lodge and will endeavor to be an active, enthusiastic, and supportive member of the worlds largest and oldest "Brotherhood of Man. "
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work,We brothers in Florida need your Voice,God knows the Grand Lodge of Florida dosn't have one.
I want to know why they spend the money to print the Masonic Digest and then just make up their own rules as they see fit.
We have a DDGM in the central florida area who was made an improper member in one of the lodges,The master investagated it and found the vote improper but let it stand.Money Talks!
So if he's improper in one Lodge he has to be improper in all Lodges,Rules:Not in Florida!
Keep Posting we need you.
You poor fools...don't you realize you're near the bottom of the pyramid as it is. You'll be following THEIR rules until the day you die. If this wasn't the case NOBODY in the Lodge would be trying to keep you down...think about it. Get wise. It's a game you can't win because it's FIXED from the top down.
ReplyDeleteNot very "LEVEL" or "SQUARE" is it?
ReplyDeleteAs an individual who is not a Mason, but has considered becoming involved I find this type of tyranny and bullying disheartening. Inevitably I ask myself would I want to be part of an organization that behaves in this manner?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely NOT - so here I am still not a Mason. Perhaps someday that will change.
Could I be the agent of change by becoming involved - maybe? This thought alone is why I am still on the fence and have not totally dismissed Freemasonry.
Very disheartening indeed!
Unfortunately, tyranny and bullying are common from the "leadership" in Freemasonry today, at least in many of our experiences.
ReplyDeleteAgents of change in any endeavor aren't usually welcome. Too many people have too much at risk; they hang on the status quo with a vengeance. Just ask Bro. Jeff Peace, Bro. Tim Bryce, Bro. David Cooksey, et al. Many of us have tried to do our part, in various ways, to suggest changes for the better, changes that would return Freemasonry to that which it once was. Working from within has not been easy. Working from without is even more difficult.
But don't let me dishearten you. You can't help change Freemasonry unless you're a part of it.
— W.S.
"Agents of change in any endeavor aren't usually welcome."
ReplyDelete"But don't let me dishearten you. You can't help change Freemasonry unless you're a part of it."
Wow, that's quite a Catch-22 they've got working there isn't it? Order out of chaos indeed!
ReplyDelete$ does seem to play a role in rules
and regulations, especially when we
have leaders like Trump, Bush, Gates,
Edison, etc. the list is like the
milkyway, it seems to the naked eye
to go on endlessly. I do believe that
there are good hearted masons(shriners,odd fellows, ect.)and
people in this world as I believe the
most majority have a sadistic tendancy to withhold the truth, the
whole truth, as they run this world. Unlike the majority of people who fall prey to the vices
of their personality unwilingly.
You masons & the like(industrialist,politicians,bui-
sness-men) eat virtues for lunch &
are hell bent on ruining & confus-
ing the lives of the inocent majo-
raty, all the while wearing the mask of someone who cares. All for
the sake of profit.Alchemy, masonry,Art & Phylosophy ineresting enough to rap your mind around! Now
I'm not calling you guys (Masons,
alchemist,and the like) idiots on the contrary you're to smart for your(our) own good, what I'm saying
is that, the truth, in the hands of the greedy & lustfull is a hell
on earth. I know the truth and it's
not about money it's about electrical magnetic storms and the
allienment of the planets, that is
going to pull the biggest solar-
storm along with the asteriod belt
our way.Good luck with your space
travel & station hope it works out for you!
I feel your frustration, but please put your anger(vices) in check, you will better suit your cause, trust me.
After reading all of the information, I am convinced that the real enemies of Freemasonry are Freemasons and not anti-Masons. No wonder Freemasonry is dying. I visit lodges that are barely functioning and wonder why this is. Not no more. The fraternity of Freemasonry is dying because Masons are cutting each others throats over anything that crosses them. I thought that there was only brotherly love and harmony in this fraternity. I thought that there was no politics in Freemasonry. I was proven wrong. Bro. Tim, keep up the good work and find away around the bureacracy, politics and petty BS that you are being subjected to.
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ReplyDeleteAll Masons should be free to write and communicate as his freedoms as a American and more so as a Mason Demand. By God these freedom is given us, and let no one be able to take it away.
ReplyDeleteBrother Tim, You always seem to find a legal and moral way around any obsticles like bogus big egoed Grand Master edicts. Remember that Freemasony is only just a Volunteer Fraternal Organization (VFO) and not a religion or usual vocation. This what I say when I hear or see bogus edicts being put out. Remember this, Grand Master's serve only one (1) year term and their edicts go away when they leave office. Consider this in all of your future actions and decisions. Keep up the Good Work.