Some 9/11 conspiracy theorists plan to boycott Stone's film for "its non-conspiratorial viewpoint," according to a release circulating on the web, RAW Story reports.
"This is not a political film," Stone said recently in an interview with Dateline NBC.
"Was Stone used by the Illuminati as an unknowing pawn," reads the release, "to whitewash the 9/11 conspiracy theories to the masses? Was he approached with the project and coerced into a commitment to occupy his time in attempts to thwart any other 9/11 angle from being used? Is Stone a pawn in the game? Perhaps Stone didn't know at the time, and found out too late."
The release was sent out by John Conner (sometimes spelled Connor) who claims that he and others in a Christian branch of the 9/11 Truth Movement plan to distribute DVDs of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' film Terror Storm outside of theaters showing the Stone film.
"When I first heard that Oliver Stone was directing a film about 9/11, I was overjoyed. I thought that Oliver Stone would blow the lid off the 9/11 inside job," said Conner, who claims in the release to be the author of The Resistance Manifesto.
We last met up with Conner in Burning Taper's Jan. 27, 2006 article titled "The Masons worship Satan! The Masons worship Satan!" where we discussed Conner having filmed himself outside a Masonic lodge shouting and holding signs about devil-worshipping Masons.
Here are some things Conner is against, according to his book:
The September 11th Inside Job, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, The Georgia Guidestones, Satanism, Terminators, The Illuminati, Freemasonry, The mark of the Beast, U.S. Concentration Camps, the Mormon Church, Catholic Pedophile Priests, FEMA, PATRIOT Act, Mind Control, Underground Bases and Tunnels, Our Right to Bear Arms, The New World Order, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Project for a New American Century, Rosicrucians, Washington D.C.'s Satanic Symbols, Deism, Echelon, Carnivore, Animal Human Hybrids, Hybrid, Computers/Biocomputers, Neural Interfaces, Biometrics, and much more as a dark web of evil is exposed like never before, making Bible Prophecy and the New World Order crystal clear.He also claims to be "most well known" for calling for a Christian boycott of singer Jessica Simpson, who Connor characterized as a "singing stripper," "whore," and "slut," the latter of which is repeated once again in the 9/11 release.
Not everyone who questions the official story about 9/11 agrees with the boycott.
Other 9/11 conspiracists are mixed in their opinion of the upcoming (and unscreened) movie, RAW Story said.
David Slesinger from 911Courage is calling for non-violent civil disobedience demonstrations in August when Stone's film opens. Volunteers are being sought to pass out leaflets which request "the Editor in Chief of some large local daily paper to promise readers he/she will either investigate the hard questions about 9/11 or else resign."To amuse yourself until the movie comes out, pull a $20 bill out of your pocket and fold it [click here for folding instructions] to show the Pentagon burning on one side, and the towers burning on the other.
"If we successfully invite calm, orderly, nonviolent civil disobedience arrests in 24 states on the same day, we will set an all-time record for such coordinated protests that will be hard for the media to ignore," Slesinger writes at his Website. "The action we propose is simple, safe and civilized, just flyer a suburban mall theater where it is prohibited when Oliver Stone's movie opens in August."
"Stone's personal plot perspective is not important," Slesinger continues. "The crucial point is that the audiences will be large and care about the issue, and the opening day hype will draw lots of media cameras to record our gesture and perhaps our comments, too."
Volunteers who don't wish to face arrest are also being sought to assist with "leafleting at theaters which allow it."
- Pro-conspiracy: "9/11 Controlled Demolitions of September 11, 2001"
- Penn & Teller: "That's Just Stupid"
- Penn & Teller's World Trade Center Memorial
as long as he covers the free fall those buildings did, like a las vegas casino being demoed, or why tower 7 fell, like a casino being demoed, or why such a small hole at the pentagon and no debri?
ReplyDeleteI hope he covers that.
9/11 conspiracists need a life!!! This Connor guy is a nut-job and a half. HE poses more of a threat to the security of the USA than any shadow organization!
ReplyDeleteAs you can read/see from these 9/11 conspiracy theories, it's not about what happened or could have happened. It's solely based on a Anti-Bush mentality of the Far Left.
ReplyDeleteDuring the Clinton administration, you don't see these same people supporting the demolition theory of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City; that the orders to burn the kids in the Branch Davidian "compound" came from the White House; or that Vince Foster was "suicided" and then his body moved to Fort Marcy Park.
The Clintons wouldn't do that! How could they? They're just nice people tyring to look out for the little guy and were victims of The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.
Good conspiracy theory is an art and these guys are just not that talented.
the OKC bombing had bomb squad guys defusing bombs from INSIDE the murrah building. Live news covering on the site of the incident had news casters covering the defusing of bombs that had been planted within the building. How did T. mcviegh get them inside? or why was it not brought up or talked about?
ReplyDeletetry and find live coverage or news from that day and see if it mentioned?
Yeah, and there were John Doe #2 look-alikes getting beat up all over the country that week, too.
ReplyDeletePlease elaborate your point, Anonymous.
— W.S.
The weirdest thing about OKBomb was that Ryder truck on the decommissioned military base photographed from a passing plane days before the attack.
ReplyDeleteJust a coincidence, I'm sure, Gg. Rental trucks are often parked in decomissioned military base parking lots. I mean, they were moving, or something.
ReplyDelete— W.S.
ReplyDeleteThe issue I was trying to point out is that Clinton-era conspiracy theories were deemed by the Left as Right-wing nut jobs trying to take down the boy from a place called Hope. No doubt, some truth to that among the smoke.
But the moment power shifted, suddenly it was vogue and very reasonable by the Left to do the exact thing they claimed earlier was just a bunch of hooey of lonester crack-pots. Just read the New York Times for further study.
We're not Leftists just because we're against the neocons...we are the true conservatives and Bush is a phony...and by the way, he DOES worship Lucifer.
ReplyDeleteWho's this "we", pale-face? I bet you're talking about THEM.