In his 61-page deposition, Adilson described how certain American men he identified as being "Masons" returned year after year to Brazil for fishing expeditions that involved having sex with minor Brazilian girls. The females, some as young as 13, were hired, Adilson said, to provide "programs" that consisted of "oral sex, strip and dance contests."
In other Jesters news, The Buffalo News reported Saturday at least two Erie County, New York deputies have been caught up in the federal prostitution investigation which has already led former Niagara County police captain John Trowbridge to plead guilty to violation of the Mann Act. Also under investigation for "spreading the gospel of mirth and merriment" by spreading a prostitute's legs are former New York Supreme Court judge Ronald H. Tills and attorney and court clerk Michael Stebick.
The two unnamed deputies were implicated last week as being part of the Jesters group that transported prostitutes across state lines in violation of the Mann Act. Trowbridge was the owner of a recreational vehicle (RV) that was used to drive at least one prostitute to a Jesters function in another state.
The Royal Order of Jesters is a group made up of approximately 23,000 Shriners. The Shrine accepts into their membership only men who are Masons in good standing.
The Jesters try to take the "highest caliber Shriners we can get" who distinguish themselves in the community, Alex Rogers, business manager at the Jesters' Indianapolis headquarters, told reporters in March when this story first broke.
"We try to keep the cream of the crop," he said.
Another recent article by Sandy Frost ties the "whole thing" together, from her initial investigation into former Shriner Vernon Hill's allegations through the financial records and Shriner hospital records through the allegations of sexual impropriety by Jesters in Brazil and Buffalo.
Image: Royal Order of Jesters member and federal court witness Bro. Don Anderson showing off his peacock bass, taken sometime between Aug. 31 and Sept. 9, 2005, during a Brazilian fishing expedition. See the Wet-A-Line website for more photos.
Masons | Shriners | Royal Order of Jesters | Freemasonry | Prostitution | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
Good things Jester's are not American Freemasons who take oaths to follow the rules of the Government of the country in which we live.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder they leave the USA to uncircumscribe their desires and NOT keep their passions within due bounds.
I wonder how a group knows to only find deviants to join? AH, American Freemasons, in the mold of our forefathers.
I wonder what type of lures they used when trolling for under age girls?
ReplyDeleteWebkinz or Barbies?
Maybe CZ earings?
Maybe green cards?
Maybe a job in a Buffalo Massage parlour?
To be a fly on the wall on that tour boat!
The Holy Bible, Master Mason Edition, 1 Corinthians 5:11: But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortionist; with such an one no not to eat.
ReplyDeleteDuring the initiation of new Jesters I was offered the opportunity by another fellow brother to sleep with a whore, even though I had a wife and kids waiting for me to come home. I was not strong at the time and I violated every oath I had ever taken with my wife. This did not stop at initiation. These were a constant occurrence at our Jester functions and they are a common occurrence today. The initiation practices have not changed as well. Prostitutes were offered/made available at our functions and often brothers would have sex in front of other brothers.
Oral sex competitions between brothers were considered “fun” activities to build a strong brotherhood bond between members of the Royal Order of Jesters. Potentates and Chaplains, Attorneys and Judges, Past Masters and brothers all participating or watching with open eyes, but closed minds. I often felt ashamed of what I was doing, but the pleasure outweighed the guilt. I had fallen within a deep hole and my cable-tow had been severed.
Sex, illegal gambling and Alcohol were and are the preferred order of business to ease the "pain" of brother masons. Prostitutes are available at Jester functions for the brothers to have their way with.
There is also illegal gambling at our functions where Masonic brethren are playing high-stakes games with hard-earned cash. I have seen it all brothers and it is going on today, right under your noses, within your communities, and these men are calling themselves your Masonic Brothers.
Not in My Masonry here in America!
"You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons, except murder and treason, and these only at your own option, and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him. Prevaricate [falsify], don't tell the whole truth in his case, keep his secrets, forget the most important points. It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligations, and remember if you live up to your obligation strictly, you'll be free from sin." (Edmond Ronayne, "Masonic Handbook," page 183)
ReplyDeleteDo the Jester's take different oaths than every one else?
t.ron dunce,
ReplyDeleteIn respect to the Jesters:
P.S. And if that word offended anyone so very sorry.7
2007 Society of Professional Journalists Pacific Northwest Excellence in Journalism Awards Celebrate the Best of the Best
ReplyDeleteThis year's award certificate.
For the second year in a row, “by Sandy Frost” and Newsvine.com have been honored by the Society of Professional Journalists, this year being awarded second place in the Online Media, Special Report/Enterprise (Original) category for “Shriners Investigation."
The award was part of the annual Pacific Northwest Excellence in Journalism awards banquet held last Saturday night at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington.
Last year’s award announcement can be found here.
This year’s winners list can be found here.
Congratulations to all the other journalists who represent the best of the best in the Pacific Northwest!
This investigation has evolved from a whistleblower’s tip to exposing Shrine temple crime, tax fraud and retaliation in 2006 to, in 2007, documenting unusual Shrine mortgage activities, exposing how one Shrine Club used illegal gambling tournaments to raise over $200,000 that was not reported on any tax returns and uncovering how two Shriner hospitals received FDA warning letters after the agency discovered “serious violations” of clinical study protocols.
The 2007 entry included articles that detailed how:
• Shriner whistleblowers are punished by “kangaroo courts,” designed to retaliate against and intimidate those who ask about crime instead of going after the criminals.
• One potentate threw out a club’s officers, replaced them with his own “yes men” and refused to send money to the hospitals so they could, instead, pay off the club’s mortgage.
• The Shriners Treasurer’s meeting minutes were taken offline after it was reported that they revealed how ongoing crime was openly discussed at these meetings, but not reported to law enforcement because of the “bad press.”
• The Gwinnett Shrine Club raised over $200,000 for the hospitals through illegal poker tournaments without reporting the money to the IRS.
• Some Shriner executives’ repaid personal mortgages in unusually short times.
• The FDA sent warning letters to two Shriners hospitals after inspections found that those conducting clinical studies failed to obtain informed consent, failed to report adverse effects, failed to follow protocols, and failed to keep accurate patient records.
This second award means that the judges once again acknowledged this site’s presence, importance and professionalism as well as all the hard work it has taken to single-handedly research, document, write, and edit those 2007 articles submitted for their consideration.
This SPJ competition, more formally called the Region X Mark of Excellence Competition, recognizes the best in professional journalism published or broadcast during 2007. Over three thousand entries were submitted by journalists from Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Idaho and Montana.
About SPJ, from the organization’s site.
“The Society of Professional Journalists works to improve and protect journalism. The Society of Professional Journalists is dedicated to the perpetuation of a free press as the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty.
To ensure that the concept of self-government outlined by the U.S. Constitution remains a reality into future centuries, the American people must be well informed in order to make decisions regarding their lives, and their local and national communities.
It is the role of journalists to provide this information in an accurate, comprehensive, timely and understandable manner.
Founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, SPJ promotes the free flow of information vital to a well-informed citizenry; works to inspire and educate the next generation of journalists; and protects First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and press. For more information on SPJ, visit www.spj.org.”
Here’s to next year’s best case scenario.
All copies of material reprinted or duplicated from “by Sandy Frost” must include the following credit line: From http://sandyfrost.newsvine.com/ Copyright © 2008 by Sandy Frost. Used by permission.
I've heard those men returned to Brazil to having sex with minor girls because they had a generic viagra overdose that's the reason they got totally crazy.