Without notification or apology, or ever once responding to my many attempts to contact them, Blogger unlocked the blog today, thus fulfilling the Law of Fives (23 = 2 + 3 = 5).
During those 23 days, I experimented with using two different versions of Wordpress blogging software. While I found good aspects to both versions, I found they both had limitations, and I spent more time tweaking code and "the look" than I did writing and publishing content. Maybe you can't teach old dogs new tricks, or something, but I found both versions a bit clunky and difficult to use for "blogging on the fly," perhaps simply because I've been using Blogger for so long that I know where all the buttons are.
So for now, I'm returning to blogging here on the original Burning Taper, hosted by Blogger. Maybe I should create a t-shirt that says "I Survived the Blogger Lockout." I'll probably be regularly backing up this blog on the "in exile" version I've worked on this past month.
So, if I still have any readers left, I'm back, and hopefully will get back to writing instead of pretending to be a php and css genius, which I'm not.
Look for The Taper to resume "normality" (Ha! Normal?) within a week or so, if I find I still have something to say.
Thanks for reading!
— W.S.
Masons | Blogger | Blogging | Freemasonry | Spam Blog Lockout | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
Hey WS, glad to see you haven't fallen off the face of the earth, or met an untimely demise at the hands of your detractors!
ReplyDeleteLike all software, Wordpress does have its kinks and you need to adjust, but it could definitely give you what you're looking for and then some.
Yup, I gave up on blogger. I had "southern knight". Later, I was able to delete everything only to have blogger put one page of it back up?
ReplyDeleteAfter repeated emails asking them to delete the page, I gave up.
I moved to wordpress under the handle Gnostalgia.
And here I thought you were taken up in the Rapture!!
Just when things were becoming peaceful, The Burning Taper comes back on the air!
ReplyDeleteYes it's good to have you back !!!!
ReplyDeleteEven though the mainstream hate is getting more vile. We need your sensiblity and firm stand all the more.
"mainstream hate." That fellow must be in the club camp. I am a so-called mainstreamer, and there is no hate coming from here. I just dislike garden club masons.
ReplyDeleteSo the question everyone's been waiting to have answered: When they unlocked it and you finally got inside... was the taper still burning?
minutes reading
pork samwiches
Mainstream hate, stupidity and vain attempt to hang on to their club socials of fish fry's, pancake breakfast's, goissping old men, and racist bigots telling jokes. Such a great society of friends....
ReplyDeleteWhat a nightmare! Welcome back, WS.
ReplyDeleteI promise I'll never tell Blogger about all those viagra ads you send me.
Welcome Back, to Blogger...
ReplyDeleteThere are only a few "Mainstream" hate Masons and web sites. Masonicinfo and THe Line come to mind.
ReplyDeleteMost mainstream Masons are good brothers too all. Let's not toss all mainstream Masons into the same bucket with the few bad apples among them.
I just realized that "The Line" got grouped in with "Masonicinfo." Not bad company - not bad at all.
ReplyDeletePalmetto Bug,
ReplyDeleteIf your "Freemasonry" teaches you to hate others and treat other Masons like Ed King does then I guess this is a real feather in your hat. You get to join the "illustrious" list of other hate groups like the KKK, Nazis, Spanish Inquisition, etc.
Hate and intollerance are un-Masonic in both the Anglo-American and Traditional Cosmopolitan forms of Freemasonry.
I'm sure both groups are happy that people like you and your beloved Ed King represent only a tiny fraction of the fraternity that is irrelevant to the bigger picture of global Freemasonry.
Just wondering... do you sit around wearing one of those black outfits with double lightening bolts just waiting for the time when the "perfect men" will rule the world and dispatch with the rest of humanity?
How stupid; If you think being with Ed King the demented liar who is a SR puppet is a great honor, you must alsos be a SR clonesmen.
ReplyDeleteTo love a man above his sins, to cherish him in spite of his faults, to forgive him in all sincerity is possible only as we live in the spiritual life, our souls purged of selfishness....
ReplyDeleteA True Tenet of any Free-Mason!
Regular, Recognised, Clandestine, Irregular or one that has only been a mason in their heart only.
so mote it be
Welcome Back WS. Glad to hear that Blogger decided to let you back in. Bouncers, you can go to the same club for months and then the new guy shows up and roughs you up.
I'm confused... When did Palmetto Bug say anything about hating anyone? In defence of Palmetto bug... I think something was read out of context here.
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ReplyDeleteHis personal blog advocates the destruction of all other forms of Masonry by the Anglo-American system.
ReplyDeleteIt's as radical as Ed King's work.
Welcome back my friend. It is great to have you posting once again.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemasonic tabloid: The comment section of "The Line" has not been removed - it is simply being moderated. Though some of the vile comments help to prove some of my points, I no longer wanted to subject my more well-mannered readers to such.
ReplyDeleteIn other words PalmettoButt can't promote his hate agenda in a free and democractic society. He needs to work in a controlled environment where only those who agree with his hate message have a voice.
ReplyDeleteAny ideology that promotes the hate of others is un-Masonic.
Odd isn't it, that he claims to possess the only true Masonry? What kind of Masonry promotes hate?
It's also clear that he represents only a small fanatical faction of Ango-American Masons. The vast majority of Anglo-American Masons look upon him and them with disdain.
howard: You people are starting to make me tired. I state a position and I welcome the discussion concerning such but, instead, you use silly juvenile names (ie: "PalmettoButt") rather than debating the issue as an educated adult. Of course, you further the strength of my position with every comment that you make.
ReplyDeleteBTW: I am not aware of any "Anglo-American Masons." I am only aware of Masons.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI am going to offer you some really unsolicited advice. Do not get so upset with those who get joy from you being upset. I know better than anyone what that can do. Just get to building the temple and leave the others to what they will.
The facts are that all speculative Freemasonry comes from the "time immemorial." That is the root of it hence, it is firmly and forever more in the realm of the public domain. Others recognition, approval, malice or chastising does not matter one iota under the canopy of heaven.
You cannot sit in their lodge and you and the members of your lodge can decide who can sit in yours. No one other than yourself has control of the lodge located in your heart and mind. You need only to recognize yourself.
My Brother, like it or not you are in a role of great responsibility. Will you take up the challenge and service those seekers of your light, or will you allow those who do not like the idea of your temple being built have control of that destiny?
It's up to you my Brother.
Dear Brother Widow's Son,
ReplyDeleteI have noticed that Masonic Tabloid has repeated made reference to what may or may not be The Palmetto Bug's real name. In accordance with your views on web aliases and revealing the real names of internet users on http://burningtaper.blogspot.com/2007/12/theron-dunn-outs-widows-son.html, can these comments please be deleted. Thanks!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteMasonic Tabloid,
ReplyDeleteMy request had nothing to do with him being a mainstream mason. I would have made the same request if he was using your name. As far as I know, PB hasn't revealed his name in his profile or his blog and may not wish to have his name be made public. This revelation is not only rude, but it can be potentially dangerous to the person whose name is being revealed. No matter which grand jurisdiction you may hail from or what type of Masonry you support, revealing personal information about someone and potentially placing them and their family in danger is unmasonic.
Personally, I am a mainstream mason who does not agree with most of PB's opinions. Nor do I agree with most of yours. However, your tone and actions are not showing your viewpoint in the best of light.
Now, feel free to rip me, my grand lodge, my views, my opinions, my blog or whatever apart. Whatever will make you feel better about yourself.
Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.
- Brother Mark Twain
charles tirrell: I appeciate your efforts, but you are only subjecting yourself to abuse. If you want to join this unilateral war, as declared by masonic tabloid and some of his kind, be my guest - I will stand by you and appreciate your support. However, I have learned that these folks are obsessed - they will not quit. They are not Masonic in name or action.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that I really feel that everyone from time to time has to be remind of is what is it that is a Mason's work?
ReplyDeleteThe work of a Mason is to build. If that for you con-sits of work in the mainstream then get to work and earn your wages. If it is "outside" the mainstream in some other Order the same applies.
How much work is being done with this "war" going on? When was the last time those of you who are very active in the battle have picked up a trowel and laid down the mortar for the foundation of a better planet?
Now, I am not chastising anyone for I have in the past been one of the very worst offenders. Now, I have an assignment and I know that the temple much be built. That is what matters.
Do the words of others sometimes hurt? Yes, very much. To the point where some scars may be left behind. But what we cannot do is change what anyone is going to type. We are not going to change anyone who has "drawn a line in the sand" to reconsider. We will get the same result with those futile efforts as we will attempting to swim in a parking lot.
Let's all step back and remember what an apron's original purpose was. To keep our close clean while we are doing labor. When was the last time your apron got dirty?
ReplyDeleteA very true statement indeed. Thank you for the timely advice. A lesson we should all take to heart.
magus masonica: Though I'm sure we would agree on very little when it comes to discussions on the topic of Freemasonry, I am appreciative of your polite comments.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to be treated with tolerance and respect then perhaps you should examine yourself and your remarks. You may be surprised at how well you are treated when you treat others with same respect that you expect.
Keep drawing "lines in the sand" and you will get what justice demands. The choice is yours: hate for others or tolerance of others. You decide.
Everything is in divine order...
ReplyDeleteThe gang leader now joins us.So we now have the three Mainstream stooges.
ReplyDelete"The gang leader now joins us.So we now have the three Mainstream stooges."
ReplyDeleteYou will know a man's values by what he values enough to say.
Br. Arthur Peterson
Fascism(White Anglo(51 colonies) UGLE controlled puppet obligated masonry) is a term used to describe authoritarian nationalist political ideologies(UGLE puppet masonry)or mass movements that are concerned with notions of cultural decline(one day class in mainstream masonry and prince hall recognition) or decadence(jesters,thieves and realestate swindlers) and seek to achieve a millenarian national(White Anglo Colonial) rebirth by exalting the nation or race( white anglo masonry/UGLE only), and promoting cults of unity(flying monkey's and sanctum sanctorum forum, etc), strength(bullying of free thinkers) and purity(white race and UGLE authority only).
ReplyDeleteBr. Arthur Peterson's approach to "his" masonic world and association's towards others.
Great Masonic ideaology, Brother?
Who I am...
ReplyDeleteBr Arthur Peterson
New River Lodge #736 AF&AM
Jacksonville, NC 28546
FYI... The Grand Lodge of North Carolina was chartered in 1760 by the Grand Lodge of Scotland, not the UGLE.
Former Military (14 years Marine Corps)
Born and raised in Baltimore Maryland (not the south unless you really want to split hairs)
Of Native American and Italian (Sicilian) decent.
Priest of the Afro-Carribean (as in African which was brought to Cuba during the slave trade)religious traditon known as Palomayombe.
Proud supporter of my lodge, Grand Lodge, and Freemasonry.
What I am not...
A racist (Those who know me in the real world know the absurdity of any such claims)
Tolerant of deliberate deception (AKA Lies). (I respect all points of view, but if you claim something as fact be expected to deliver proof.)
Bully of "Freethinkers" (The truth of the matter is most who claim this title utilise very little thought in their diatribes.)
Anyway, welcome back to the netwaves WS. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Widow's Son:
ReplyDeleteI may be wrong, but don't most of the comments here belong in the Masonic Corral?
Traveling Man
ReplyDeleteNot condemnation just a sincere question based on a observation. Does a self decribed "bully" and opponent to free thinkers really belong in an institution that promotes kindness, benevolence and free thinking via it's very credo ?
1. Please specify where I described myself as a bully to free thinkers.
ReplyDelete2. I submit the first sentence of the first article of Anderson's Constitutions of 1723 AKA The Ancient Charges:
"I. Concerning GOD and RELIGION.
A Mason is oblig’d by his Tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine."
Supplement that with the definition of Libertine as found in the American Heritage Dictionary:
lib·er·tine (lĭb'ər-tēn') Pronunciation Key
1. One who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person.
2. One who defies established religious precepts; a freethinker.
Or, as Br. Pike would put it:
Morals & Dogma
PG. 112
"The word of a Mason, like the word of a knight in the times of chivalry, once given must be sacred; and the judgemnet of his brothers, upon him who violates his pledge, should be as stern as the judgements of the Roman Censors against him who violated his oath."
So Freemasonry is not about being a "freethinker" as some would have you believe. It is about being free in opinion, yet bound by obligation.
Thats my 2 cents on it, your mileage may vary.
For further light, here is the definition of freethinker.
ReplyDeletefree·think·er (frē'thĭng'kər) Pronunciation Key
n. One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
Now seeing as we who are Freemasons are obligated to support our Grand Lodge, being a freethinker is a bit contradictory wouldn't you say?
Br. Peterson,
ReplyDeleteI misread your original post, for that I apologize. As for your other points I will thank you for making them.
In regards to Anderson
s Constitutions they are all well and good. Now, Bro. Anderson all though I am sure he was a fine man, was just that my friend, a man. He was not Divine nor where his writings that of Divine law. They were a benchmark for his time and place. I am sure Rev.Anderson was a man of our time, just as we are men of our. I am also sure just as times have changed since the times of Anderson he himself if he could be so consulted would recognize change. In his own lifetimes he changed his own positions more than once.
Brother Pike is a man I have great affection for. One of those reasons was his own ability to change and self reflect. In his later years he was quite a passionate advocate for Co-Masonry and he even stated to the fact if he had known then what he knew to be true in his later years he would have initiated women into the SR from the start.
Wise is the man who does poses the power to self reflect.
As to the freethinking part of Freemasonry. The very ideals of Freemasonry of equality, liberty and fraternity are the result of freedom of thought. The idea that men of all backgrounds, religions, castes and class could meet as Brothers on the level is in fact the rejection of dogma. A revolutionary concept for more than one Mason it cost them their very life.
Let us not forget that within our grandfathers (and sometimes fathers) lives Masons where put to the death at Auschwitz, Dachau and Sobibor. These ideals we cherish as members of the Craft where considered that dangerous by the forces of tyranny.
IMHO, waging "war" on one another is the highest form of disrespect that we can pay to our fallen Brethren.
As Masons, we are charged with the task of building. Lets all get out there and earn our wages.
I meant to state that Anderson was a man of "his" time just was we are men of "ours."
ReplyDeleteSorry for any confusion.
Is this thing on?
ReplyDeleteAnderson was indeed a man of his times and he was codifying the ancient rules as they were at that time. These are not trivial concepts of a particular age nor are they divinely inspired gospel. Freemasonry is not a religion, but an organisation of like minded men founded on relighious. Now while this set of constitutions was based on his perception of the historical records at the time, and there are those who offered a differing set based on tehir findings, it is indisputable that from these sets we can derive some that all Masons who formed the first Grand Lodges could agree on. One of these being a belief in Deity. While Freemasonry declares no religious ideology supreme to another, a belief in God was found to be absolutely essential to the earliest Freemasons at the formation of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Ireland, and both primative English Grand Lodges. In England it was reenforced when the lodges of the Antients and Moderns united. Now the earliest records show that speculative Freemasonry evolved from the operative guilds in Scotland, England, Ireland, then France. At this early stage of Masonic history the records reflect that it was understood that all Freemasons have a belief in deity. Such a belief was absolutely essential to the foundation of trust between one Mason and another. Lets visit Pike again:
Morals & Dogma
PG 111
"When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it. It is better thou shouldest not vow than shouldest vow and not pay."
No man of any God believing faith relegates their God to be triffled with. Words spoken before God, regardless of dogmatic preferences have always carried the full weight of the heavens to the true believer. Such were Masons bound, such are they bound today.
Now both Pike and Anderson changed views on many things as they aged and grew wiser, but this issue has never been disputed by them or any Mason true to the Art.
But, you know this. You have read the same that I have read, heard the same as I have heard. Somewhere along the lines, our paths diverged. So be it.
Far too much importance is placed on the craft. It is not a means to salvation, it is not a religion, and it is not open to all. Even those who have broken from Freemasonry to start something new apply standards as they see them fit and just. What of those who do not meet those standards, are they some how unredeemable before God? Not at all!
Freemasonry is a society of Brothers. It is a family, nothing more nothing less. To be in my family you must meet criteria x,y,z. If you don't, find another family. Freemasonry is not designed to unite all mankind. It is designed to make men better able to serve mankind. If yours does that, wonderful!
On a personal note, you seem to have found peace in your new order and family. Congratulations! and may it serve you well. And, I mean this with all sincerity
Lastly, please provide a reference to the work by Pike which demonstrates that he supported co-masonry. I haven't read all of his work, and would like to see it and develop my own conclusions.
Been a pleasure.
I didn't realize the Masonic Coral had moved to this post. Get over there boys... We are so far from the original post it isn't funny anymore.
ReplyDeleteArt Peterson writes:
ReplyDelete"Morals & Dogma PG 111: 'When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it. It is better thou shouldest not vow than shouldest vow and not pay.'"
I'll go you one better:
Holy Bible, King James Edition, book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 5, Verses 4 and 5:
"When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed. Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay."
Now, you may (or may not) know your "Morals & Dogma," but you apparently don't know your King Solomon very well, and that's too bad, because King Solomon is considered to have been the first and most excellent Grand Master of the Masonic Craft.
He's also said to have been the author of the book of Ecclesiastes, from which Brother Pike obviously "borrowed" substantially.
I won't use the word "plagiarize," but I will say that Brother Pike had a way of recognizing insightful wisdom, and frequently "memorializing" it in his own works.
In any event, if you're going to present yourself as a Masonic scholar, perhaps you might want to consider reading the timeless wisdom our first Grand Master left for us. You may even find it as "enlightening" as "Morals & Dogma."
-- Diogenes
His Holiness, Arthur Peterson, of the un-Holy Anglo-American Inquisition has arrived to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that facism, racism, sexism, and hate are alive and well in Anglo-American Masonry.
ReplyDeleteArthur Perterson was previously a Waffen SS officer that served with distinction in the death camps (in his previous life), before being executed by the Allies for war crimes. Now, he is back dressed in new colors with the same old message.
Amen Howard. He is just yet another bought and paid for SR puppet for Morris who hides behind the curtain pulling all the strings.
ReplyDeleteAh, how nice to see how the "new" Grand Orient of US Masons conduct themselves in a public place. Name-calling, Hitler-comparisons, and peeking under the bed in search of SR spies and Brent Morris' informants. That's some great new organization you fellas are building.
ReplyDeleteDoes your Grand Master know you boyz conduct yourselves that way? Or have you guys written your rules so he has no power to reprimand you?
No matter, you'll be off to change the name again and make new claims in another year or two. All hail, GOofUS and the Jeff Peace Corps!
Burnining Tempmer":Ah, how nice to see how the "new" Grand Orient of US Masons conduct themselves in a public place. Name-calling, Hitler-comparisons, and peeking under the bed in search of SR spies and Brent Morris' informants. That's some great new organization you fellas are building."
ReplyDeleteAh, how quick to judge another!?
Are YOU sure that all these anonymous poster's are Grand Orient masons?
Or could some less than scrupulous mainstreamers with aliases be posting, duping you, the judge of all masons, into wrongful assumptions of "who" is posting what to whom??
Thank you for uncovering "who" the bad poster's are and claiming to have insider info to the origin of the poster's and trying to equate it to the whole system.
Is not that what mainstreamers claim, do not judge the fraternity by a few criminals?
why try to judge the Grand Orient by some anonymous posters that could be frauds, posing as something they are not......
Thank you for clearing up this posting situation with your Solomon like wisdom and judgement!
What would we do without your wisdom impatarted upon us ignorant poster's....
I understand...
Mainstreamer's = good, upstanding
Grand Orient = Name-calling, Hitler-comparisons, and peeking under the bed in search of SR spies and Brent Morris' informants..
Oh wait, did you just name call another? exactly what you labeled the Grand Orient masons of doing, you just did the same? Right?
Hypocracy.......name call name callers?
Vulcan Lodges future is driven by desire. The desire of the band of Brother's fighting against all odds yet driven by passion to that perfect place that all men desire to be.
ReplyDeleteTo that end Vulcan Lodge members have re-lit the torch of Masonry and committed themselves to Vulcan Lodge, Free-Masonry yet most especially each other.
When the light has been dim and the hearts heavy we somehow gather strength from each other and each individual light becomes on shining beacon.
Though discouraged at times we have prevailed now rededicated we will reach our goal, and the light will disperse all the shadows and we shall all stand in the brilliant light of truth.
David Cooksey
The tone here is much better.
David, that site has been noticed. It is interesting in that it does not allow for comments, moderated or otherwise, and it does not provide a contact email address. Becuase of this, it is hard to provide factual information that refutes the many full and half truths posted on that site.
ReplyDeletedavid cooksey: Drop me an email. You should know how to contact me. I would contact you, but I'm not sure how via email. No BS here - I just wanted to politely discuss something I just read about you.
ReplyDeleteI have summed up my feelings in my latest blog: eMasonry Fight Club
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteBlogger just locked me out of my site and I received almost exactly the same email that you noted...only difference is that they promised a review within "two business days." Of course, this being a Thursday night, that means nothing until next week even if they live up to their promise.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear of what you went through and now I'm dreading this process even more. I've been on blogger for two years and can't believe that they did this.
I have no idea what to do if this goes on past the 20 days and they delete the blog as they threatened to do...unbelievable.
Bro. Sam,
ReplyDeleteMake sure you've clicked on the "request a review" link that shows up when you try to access your blog. Click on it every day; usually when I did it, it said my blog was in the queue to be reviewed, but twice during those 23 days, it had reset and had I not clicked again, there would never have been a review, I guess. And not having it in the queue is, I think, what starts the 20 day countdown to deletion.
Also, go to this link and make sure your request is "added to Dana's spreadsheet," whatever that means.
And find a new hobby for the next month. It could take them a while.
— W.S.
"For further light, here is the definition of freethinker.
ReplyDeletefree·think·er (frē'thĭng'kər) Pronunciation Key
n. One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
Now seeing as we who are Freemasons are obligated to support our Grand Lodge, being a freethinker is a bit contradictory wouldn't you say?"
NOT if you obligate yourself. We are obligated to support each other, but those of us who took oaths took them of our free will and accord. You are obligated by the G.O. to believe in the dogma of Global Warming, for example. It is most definitely a dogma. as it does not favor rational examination and even, yes, dissention of the G.O.'s authority on the matter. It requires members by its authority to agree with it.
"For further light, here is the definition of freethinker.
ReplyDeletefree·think·er (frē'thĭng'kər) Pronunciation Key
n. One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
Now seeing as we who are Freemasons are obligated to support our Grand Lodge, being a freethinker is a bit contradictory wouldn't you say?"
NOT if you obligate yourself. We are obligated to support each other, but those of us who took oaths took them of our free will and accord. You are obligated by the G.O. to believe in the dogma of Global Warming, for example. It is most definitely a dogma. as it does not favor rational examination and even, yes, dissention of the G.O.'s authority on the matter. It requires members by its authority to agree with it.
"So Freemasonry is not about being a "freethinker" as some would have you believe. It is about being free in opinion, yet bound by obligation."
ReplyDeleteTo expand on this thought, I'll offer some consideration from Paul Naudon's book, THE SECRET HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY. Paul Naudon is a Freemason from France.
"The corporative organization of labor goes back to distant antiquity, and associations of builders are among the most ancient...First and foremost, this assocation ALWAYS (emphasis mine) had a religious basis."
(Granted and obviously, this 'religious basis' likely functioned under different dieties at different times in different areas.)
"The brotherhoods that had emerged directly from monastic associations and that remained in the abbey's domain remained subject to the sovereign jurisdiction of the abbey and often continued to benefit from great franchises and priviledges issued by the Church. It is within these brotherhoods that we can see the birth of the francs metiers (free craftsmen)and freemasonry."
So the term 'freemasonry' most likely arose from the rights and priviledges extended to the operative masons, not from a specific notion to the concept of 'freethought'.