It seems to be something produced by your typical conspiratorial "Freemasons Rule the World" crowd, and accuses the Masonic/Illuminati cabal for creating urban hip-hop music to keep the black community in poverty.
I found the video linked on a website that proclaims itself "Your hip hop music culture and lifestyle portal." They're proud to say "We eat breathe & sleep hop hop."
The article containing the video is titled "Freemasonry's Use of Hip Hop to Deceive and Destroy Souls."
Frankly, the video is a nine-minute mishmash of interviews and music that isn't worth viewing, in my opinion. Don't bother watching it all unless you've got time to burn. It includes weird statements such as Bill Gates' father created Planned Parenthood to lead to the elimination of the black race. How'd that work out?
The material between roughly 5:45 minutes and 7:00 minutes is kind of intriguing, but not necessarily from a conspiratorial point of view.
Apparently at least one hip-hopper, KRS-ONE, has taken his cue from the same idea that led to the book and movie The Secret. Here is a line from his rap:
When someone says the rich get richerIf you're not familiar with The Secret, it is simply this idea: "Your thoughts create your reality." It's a simple philosophy, and it's true, as I've found in my own life. When I focus on the negative, more negative comes along. When I focus on positive, happy things, then positive, happy things and events appear in my life.
Visualize wealth and put yourself in the picture.
It's a secret I personally too often forget, but thankfully, usually I catch myself before I've created too much negativity and can turn things around by changing my perspective and beliefs and thoughts.
The conspiracy-minded video producer doesn't see anything positive about thinking positive. KRS-ONE's rap is followed on their video by these words:
Here KRS is pushing the "New Age Agenda," that says you are poor because of your thoughts (Translation: BLAME THE VICTIM!)One the one hand, the video-maker is saying that there is poverty in society because the Grand Cabal keeps it that way, and on the other hand is saying that to encourage those in poverty to think their way out of that poverty creates a "lack of care and/or empathy."
It is a way of thinking that leads to a lack of care and/or empathy for others who are suffering, because you are rationalizing it as, "Oh... it's their fault they are poor, or starving, or homeless, or raped, etc... due to their thoughts...."
Confused? Me too.
Which is solid proof the Discordians must be the real Men Behind the Curtain.
Masons | Hip Hop | Illuminati | Freemasonry | Conspiracy Theory | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
I love it. The whole video :)
ReplyDeleteTuPac lives, with the Pope of Freemasonry uncle Al.
This is too good not to advertise. This makes us look hip! Imagine if we can drop the old white guys in baseball caps charity club image and move on to the hip hoppers trying to show you how to get rich image. We'll have a lot of petitions to print!
ReplyDeleteYou gotta love a bunch of guys uberladen with gold complaining about poverty.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say KRS is blaming victims, that's a bit out of context. Actually, KRS has some great insight laid out in Alex Jones' new movie, "The Obama Deception."
ReplyDeleteHere's a little secret:
ReplyDeleteMost self-proclaimed Discordians are only joking. If they're not, then they're Doing It Wrong.
Discordia is a society of free-thinking jokesters who take little seriously and find nothing too lofty to poke with The Golden Stick...including themselves.
In reality; I have nothing but respect for any society of men whose main focus is is betterment of themselves and mankind and whose history is entwined in traditions of liberty and free-thinking.
We are not so different after all.
All hail Eris (don't forget hotdog Friday)
ReplyDeleteI am one of the two people who created this video and this critique is bull. We never said anything was aimed at just the black race or that Bill Gates's father created planned parenthood to eliminate black people. Also the website he says the video links to isn't one we're affiliated with. "One the one hand, the video-maker is saying that there is poverty in society because the Grand Cabal keeps it that way, and on the other hand is saying that to encourage those in poverty to think their way out of that poverty creates a "lack of care and/or empathy." we never said any of this in the video either. We also never said that it was wrong for poor people to think their way out of poverty. Did you watch any of the video? If anyone wants to see the evidence of what we really did illustrate in the video come here for a respectful enlightening discussion http://thcforum.ning.com/ we don't mind criticism but this is trash.