Owners of a Richardson, Texas gardening store were burglarized by a monkey, surveillance video shows.
"You can see the back legs, the front arms and the white head, co-owner Jerry Duncan said while pointing the monkey out in the dimly-lit video.
About 40 plants were missing, and pieces of concrete were shattered in the parking lot, according to primate-pun-riddled news reports.
"They need to train him better," Duncan said. "Especially if he is going to do the big jobs."
Image: The alleged monkey in his getaway car.
Monkeys | Crime | Grand Lodge of Georgia | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
I am shocked you have wasted valuable bandwidth with this story. Certainly it can be put to better use with still more non-relevations about Michael Jackson or those Jon and Kate people.
Monkeys are instantly funny! Bring back the Chimp Channel!