I was initiated, passed and raised in an "Antient" lodge over 19 years ago, and went on to become a member of the York and Scottish Rites as well as the Royal Order of Scotland. My experience with "Antient" Free-Masonry is much like that of many other men my age, and is probably quite similar to those who have joined an "Antient" lodge more recently. After many years of BBQ’s and suffering through the back-biting and internal politics I decided to just walk away.
The vast majority of "Antient" Masons never attend lodge or any other function. If you invite these men back they are reluctant to return because of their past lodge experiences. Too many of them have been stabbed in the back by their supposed brothers. "Antient" Free-Masonry can take a good moral man and remove his faith in the goodness of humanity. I’m not the first nor will I be the last to leave "Antient" Free-Masonry. Since 1963 the number of "Antient" Free-Masons has dropped by over 50%.
The ideas and concepts behind the new United Grand Lodge of America are both modern and refreshing. By returning to the basic principles of the "Moderns" of 1717 it has gone a long way towards restoring Free-Masonry and rendering it a viable 21st century institution. Not since the great schism of 1751 has Free-Masonry had such an honorable and noble mission — "the brotherhood of all mankind under the All-Seeing Eye of Deity." It is more than just words; it can be an achievable goal by working with other organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Amnesty International, and the Nature Conservancy.
The United Grand Lodge of America has removed the veil of unnecessary secrecy and brought Free-Masonry into the light of day. It has paved the way for a return to the enlightened natural philosophy of Spinoza and Descartes, and openly admitted that the progress of Reason and Science are synonymous with the progress of Free-Masonry. No longer do Masons have to wander down the endless tangents of the occult superstitious non-sense brought into our fraternity by the Scottish Rite in 1855. Free-Masonry has returned to its solid roots in natural philosophy, progressive science and reason.
The new "Modern" Free-Masonry offers every man the opportunity to open his mind to the world of ideas and better both himself and his family. The United Grand Lodge of America isn't just talking about a voyage of self-discovery; it is driving us towards the ultimate discovery: that we are all a part of something much greater than any single individual, and that through uniting ourselves together as one great brotherhood there is no limit as to what we can accomplish.
I don’t know about you, but I need to be continually inspired by such high and noble ideas; it helps keep me focused on what is best in life. I think all human beings need something to look up to and strive towards. Not just a single goal but a global vision of what is possible when we open our hearts and minds to one another. "Modern" Free-Masonry can and will provide that vision for all who desire it.
In the past to be a Free-Mason was to be a dues-paying member of a social club. Today, it is to join together as one great brotherhood and chart a new moral course for all of mankind. The scope of this vision goes beyond the individual to the very core of what makes us all what we ultimately want to become. For it is in this that we can all find contentment and happiness.
I became a "Modern" Free-Mason not because I wanted to be a member of a club, but because I wanted to do something good for myself and others.
— Bro. Jeff Peace
You can read previous essays by other former Antient Masons who have left their original lodges and become Modern Free-Masons:
Rite of Rose Cross of Gold | United Grand Lodge of America | Grand Lodge of Georgia | Freemasonry | Modern Free-Masonry | BurningTaper.com
You can find out more about the Modern Freemasonry movement at http://www.modernfreemasons.org/.
ReplyDelete— Widow's Son
Brother, lovely post.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I do not practice the Scottish Rite. I do believe Masonry does have incredible amount of esoteric and spiritual information, being this one of its pillars of the Order. What I fully agree with you is in that there is a worldwide tendency undermining its moral and philosophical pillar.
Sadly it many cases the Order has lost great part of its esoteric column, but the biggest worry to me is that it looses both the esoteric and the philosophical pillars. We all know that no structure can properly sustain itself without support. Therefore as a brother, even if you don’t embrace one of the pillars, I exhort you to keep this train of thought and defend its moral and philosophical column; but I also ask you to leave an open mind for other currents, thus no true philosopher nor scientist should truly and completely seal all possibilities to further his knowledge. Most importantly a Master Mason has to be a builder of bridges for his apprentices and all of his brethren.
Also, don’t fully send away all of the elders for there’s great wisdom in them, aside from the rough edges and stubbornness…
I leave you a phrase I recently had to use in a slate directed to a few Dear Master Masons that were actually prohibiting apprentices to learn anything other than what they believed was “right.”
It is by a Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis, it reads:
“True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.” (Bridges/ideas)
Not a poorly-written article, yet not entirely factual, and the author takes great liberties with assumptions. "The new "Modern" Free-Masonry offers every man the opportunity to open his mind to the world of ideas and better both himself and his family." makes an attempt to infer that 'Antient' Freemasons do not have this ability. I can tell any reader from personal experience that the assertion is erroneous. Brother Peace has his own experiences, yet they are not reflected across the board of experiences.
ReplyDeleteAs for a 'great schism', two groups forming slightly differently and disagreeing is not a 'schism' by any stretch of the imagination. Read 'Masonic Facts and Fictions' by Brother Henry Sadler for a treatment on this matter. To be a 'schism', groups have to be initially together. While the author has some facts, he also presents a significant amount of conjecture, seemingly to lead the reader to his point of view. He has the Freemasonry he loves, yet it is unfair to assume value or lack thereof for others.