When I became a Freemason in 2000, I was amazed to find that the inner workings of this once-revered institution was in a state of advanced decay. The once-hallowed halls of Masonry had become filled with men who were more like the characters you find lurking in the smoke-filled dens of a gambling hall, men who sought only to further their social standing with extravagant titles and philanthropic associations. Their own quest for personal fame and financial gain was the impetus for their pretended pious adherence to the Lodge.
I joined the RRCG because I feel that they are in the spirit of TRUE MASONRY. They adhere to the old ways and value honor, integrity, and brotherhood over title-grabbing and fame-seeking. It is an order that values enlightenment and masonic education over fish-fry dinners and BBQ's.
True charity begins with compassion for the spirit. All other acts of charity follow. Truth... above all else.
The Grand Lodge of Georgia has become a "Whited Sepulchre." It is full of dead men's bones. Nowhere is there Light to be seen — only old blind men sucking their own blood. They deny the Light to the weary traveler. The sacred fire has been taken from their own hearth.
Yet Prometheus remains bound. The thief is in their own ranks and he shall bring it to that place swathed in purple, where the unrighteous shall hoard its meager light unto themselves and hide it from the worthy.
As the righteous dead implore the Lord, "How long must we wait before thine vengeance is meted out upon the usurpers of the truth?", we watch and wait until the ultimate and ineviteable end of all evil intentions runs its course.
I will cleave to the RRCG, this pinnacle of what true Freemasonry can be.
And I shall defend it to my own end, should it be necessary.
— Brother Darren
Rite of Rose Cross of Gold | United Grand Lodge of America
Grand Lodge of Georgia | Freemasonry
As the righteous dead implore the Lord, "How long must we wait before thine vengeance is meted out upon the usurpers of the truth?", we watch and wait until the ultimate and ineviteable end of all evil intentions runs its course.
ReplyDeleteI will cleave to the RRCG, this pinnacle of what true Freemasonry can be.
And I shall defend it to my own end, should it be necessary.
— Brother Darren
Does no one else see the danger in this? Freemasonry is NOT meant to be a replacement for relgion. Sectarian infighting is not supposed to darken our halls.
Have we forgotten the EA degree? "In your outward demeanor be particularly careful to avoid censure and reproach. Let not interest, favor, or prejudice bias your integrity or influence you to be guilty of a dishonorable action. Neither are you to suffer your zeal for the institution to lead you into argument with those who, through ignorance, may ridicule it."
It doesn't say anything about what OTHERS should do, but what YOU should do.
The GL of GA really dropped the ball, but I don't think that the RRCG is the solution. It's apparently an extension of the problem. "My lodge is better than your lodge." How long before legal action is taken to ensure the 'trademark' of the S&C, or some other such crap. don't laugh, the Church of God went to court over the writings of it's founder, and who controlled them.
Is that what we want?
If the RRCG wants to go off and practice it's own brand of Freemasonry, fine. Why this persecution? Why is everything with them set up in opposition?
Religion, not Relgion. Damn spell check and my weakening ability to police my fingers.
ReplyDeleteThe RRCG IS practicing it's own form of freemasonry in as much as it is going back to the rituals and standards set in place before the American Blue Lodge rituals, as they exist now, were ratified.
ReplyDeleteAll that was being said was that the GL of GA will destroy itself without the assistance of any other organization. The issues that plague the GL of GA are of their own concoction.
The RRCG was formed by Masons who saw that that was never going to be allowed to change.
No persecution...just opening the door to the facts. You call an orange and orange.
The RRCG is not a religion. That's rubbish! It's thre greatest fraternity ever. :-)