The Rose Cross of Gold represents a form of modern Knighthood that is derived from the time honored principles and ideals of Freemasonry. It is a Masonic body specifically dedicated to the gentleman and the scholar who enjoys the company and camaraderie of other like-minded men and Masons. The Rose Cross of Gold is on the collegiate level; the depth of Masonic knowledge is uncompromisingly the most complete, accurate, and awe-inspiring collection of materials preserved throughout the ages.
The Rose Cross of Gold provides a thought provoking and fun experience to its members, and offers a form of fraternity and enlightenment not to be found elsewhere.
What is "Traditional Freemasonry"?
Traditional implies that something is being carried on from the past. In this case the RCG continues to practice the degrees of Freemasonry as they were intended. The RCG takes pride in initiating one Candidate at a time in the time honored traditions of the Craft, and instructing him in the value and meaning of each degree. The RCG does not offer any "one day classes" that rush a Candidate through all of the degrees, because he will take away little if anything of value from such a process. The RCG is sincerely dedicated to giving each Mason the individual attention that he deserves as a brother of our great fraternity.
The Rose Cross of Gold is a traditional observance Masonic body. RCG Lodges have dress codes for both the degrees and festive boards. The Lodge opens only for degree work, instruction, and business. Business is generally conducted once per quarter, thereby avoiding the boring repetition of events that is so common throughout most of modern Masonry today. Festive Boards are held regularly and include presentations and discussions about the history, philosophy and symbolism of Freemasonry.
21st-century Masons are faced with the daunting task of interpreting 300 year old language and culture into a coherent and meaningful philosophy in the Post Modern age. Most fail to recognize the differences in language and culture that separate them from the degrees they have received. They assume that terms such as "Morality," "Science," "Disinterestedness," and "Art" had the same meanings in the past as they do today.
The Rose Cross of Gold seeks to "bridge" these issues by bringing the language and culture of early Freemasonry to its post modern members through education and discussion. The Rose Cross of Gold has assembled a series of educational materials that are specifically designed to bring the history, language, and culture of 18th century Europe into focus, thereby, allowing the newest members of the Craft access to the world of Freemasonry and the Enlightenment.
What about Masonic Education?
The Rose Cross of Gold places an emphasis on Masonic education, and has developed a system of readings and lectures that ensures each Mason's knowledge of the material he is presented. Rapidly passing from one degree to the next is discouraged, as there is no benefit to working through the material rapidly. Each brother is encouraged to take their time and learn as much as possible from the experience and materials.
What makes the Rose Cross of Gold "Progressive"?
As an example, your grandfather's Freemasonry offered some education in the ancient Greek and Roman Quadrivium:
- Arithmetic
- Geometry
- Music
- Astronomy
- Mathematics
- Hyperbolic Geometry
- Harmonics
- Astrophysics
What is "Red" Freemasonry?
"Red" Freemasonry is practiced primarily on the Continent, more specifically in France, and has its formal roots at the end of the 17th century. Some scholars believe that the founders of the Grand Lodge in London, during the reformation of 1717, actually practiced "Red" Freemasonry and only later, during the merger with the Grand Lodge of the "Antients," converted to the York or "Blue" system in use today.
Degrees and Orders of Knighthood offered by the Rose Cross of Gold:
- 1° Entered Apprentice Mason
- 2° Fellow-Craft Mason
- 3° Master Mason
- Knight of the Rose Cross of Gold
The old Lodges of the 17th and 18th centuries were very small and personal; every member was intimately acquainted with the others. This created an unprecedented aura of closeness, camaraderie, and brotherly love that is altogether missing from the larger fraternal lodges. During this early period Freemasons literally had to trust one another with their very lives. A traitor in their midst could represent the difference between "peace and harmony," and a roasting over a slow fire. The Rose Cross of Gold continues the tradition of maintaining unique small Lodges that represent the creativity and interests of their members.
Does the Rose Cross of Gold allow alcohol at its functions?
Yes, under the rules established by the United Grand Lodge of America there is not any prohibition against alcohol.
The 13 Principles of Chivalry
1. A True Knight must be a gentleman yet fails not in duty.
2. A True Knight must uphold the Dignity of Man remembering that all are born free and equal in Dignity and Rights.
3. A True Knight’s manner of living is an example to the young.
4. A True Knight shall at no time act outrageously nor do murder or be cruel in any way to man or beast.
5. A True Knight respects and defends the rights of all men to hold and practice religious beliefs other than his own.
6. A True Knight takes no part in wrongful quarrel but at all times supports the Lawful rights of all men.
7. A True Knight’s word is his bond.
8. A True Knight must be honorable in all things knowing, good from evil.
9. A True Knight must be of modest demeanor and not seek worship unto himself.
10. A True Knight must seek out such Quests as lead to the protection of the oppressed and never fail in Charity, Fidelity and the Truth.
11. A True Knight speaks evil of no man. A slanderous tongue brings shame and disgrace to a Honorable Knight.
12. A True Knight never betrays a trust or confidence given to him by a brother Knight.
13. A True Knight must so order his life that by his contributions the people of the world may hope to live together in greater peace and tolerance.
For more information about the Rose Cross of Gold, visit their website, or send them an email.
Freemasonry | Rose Cross of Gold | United Grand Lodge of America
Knighthood | Mason | Freemason | Chivalry
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