The following tale was related by a good Brother and fellow member of the Widow's Son's lodge. The story is of life before being Raised, as well as experience in the Lodge and what was seen there.
Now it came to pass as I came from the West, traveling towards the East, in search of That which was Lost, I found myself along the fertile waters of the Nile.
I paused for a time at Karnak, being welcomed by the brethren of the University of Amen where Moses the Lawgiver received his teachings. After much study and conversation with these learned and generous brethren, I resumed my journey, crossing the Nile at Memphis, with my heart set on Jerusalem and the Great Lodge of Solomon.
Alas! Upon my arrival in the Holy City I found the Most Excellent King Solomon and Hiram, King of Tyre in retreat upon Mount Sinai, and the Lodge under the clandestine control of three corrupt PM's calling themselves J-la, J-lo, and J-lum, who were abusing the Brethren and refusing to pay them their just wages, paying them not with wine but vinegar, not with corn but with moldy bread, not with pure sweet oil but with that which was rancid.
When I objected to this as a violation of the Uniform Work, they fell upon me, crying out that they would do with me as their fathers had done with the Grand Master H---- A----.
I fled from before them with only an apron to cover my loins — a despairing escape — for they had shut up the whole city in search of me. Thanks be to God that true Brethren were about, who clothed me and aided my escape by the south gate, setting me on the road to Alexandria.
To be continued...
— The Wayfaring Man
Read Chapter II of Traveller's Tale: A Masonic Allegory...
Artwork: "The Wanderer" is a 1924 painting by George Grosz, an early Nazi resister. He fled Germany in 1932, and became an American citizen in 1938. In describing Grosz, Trewin Copplestone said: "A deeply disillusioned man, he saw humanity as essentially bestial and the city of Berlin as a sink of depravity and deprivation, its streets crowded with unprincipled profiteers, prostitutes, war-crippled dregs and a variety of perverts."
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