Another case in point:
The Ninth World Council of Churches Assembly was held February 14-23, 2006 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
The World Council of Churches has 347 member denominations in more than 120 countries, including most of the mainline Protestant denominations in America.
The World Council of Churches is made up of most denominations except for Southern Baptists:
"The World Council of Churches has long been a boutique of paganism in Christian garb," said Russell D. Moore, senior vice president for academic administration and dean of the school of theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. "This year’s assembly happenings, including the recognition of 'the Holy Spirit' working in non-Christian world religions, only continues the downgrade.
"Regenerate believers across the world, whatever their denomination or communion, recognize the spirit of the World Council for what it is: the spirit of antichrist," Moore said. [Source: Zen and the Art of Obsession]
Moore is the Senior V.P. and Dean at the same Southern Baptist seminary our old friend Mason-basher Josh the Baptist attends. Last time I looked, Pastor Josh was still blogging away on his mis-titled site "Practical Theological Discussions" about how Freemasonry is a "religion" that worships "false gods" and is bent on sending us all to Hell. No real discussion is allowed there — any comments you leave that don't "bring honor and glory to God!" tend to get deleted.
I find it simply amazing that God's Ultimate Plan consisted of creating over the last 2,000 years or so 347 "anti-Christ" false Christian denominations when all we needed was the One True Version of Christianity, namely the Southern Baptists.
— Widow's Son
Freemasonry | Anti-Mason | Southern Baptists | Masonry | Masons | World Council of Churches | Southern Baptist Theological Seminary | Russell Moore | Josh Buice | Josh the Baptist | Anti-Christ
I praise Dr. Moore for his comments. They are not only necessary, but they are very accurate. I long for the day when those such as Dr. Moore will also take a stand against Freemasonry.
ReplyDeleteFreemasonry is nothing more than a hyped up enlightenment heresy based upon polytheism – the worship of many false gods. It sends men on a “wild-goose-chase” for light – many of which never return from their journey. When those men die – they die unsatisfied, unsaved, and utterly miserable. Jesus is the only true enightenment!
For the glory of God!
Josh Buice
ReplyDeleteI just caught your blog from Josh's. The real issue it seems that you have with the comments by Dr. Moore is the fact that he says the WCOC is the spirit of antichrist. Well, that is exactly what John is speaking about in his first epistle. The spirit of antichrist denies the person and work of Christ.
While some may give "lip service" to the person and work of Christ, they will then persist in totally destroying it by rendering it a common thing, something that is just like all religions (like th WCOC and I might add Masonry). As soon as one does this, it becomes anti-Christ, whether one is aware of it or not.
Our president follows in a similar antichrist theology when he promotes such things as "Muslims worship the same God." In my opinion, a man cannot truly be born again and hold to such a view. If the grace of God has saved him, then he may not know much else, but he does know that Jesus is not just one among many gods, but that He is God and the only Savior of sinners.
Lastly, as for the comparison of Chrisians to Muslims with bombs strapped upon their backs being similar..........eh, what? Did anyone else notice that your comparison was way off the chart? Tha is not the case at all. While their are some wacko "Christians" (term used loosely), such as those you mentioned, they are not consistent with the teaching of the Bible. Therefore, be careful that you understand properly the difference.
I find it strange, as well, that the Baptists reject 2000 years+ of history and Christian thought.
ReplyDeleteTheologians have often said that the Holy Spirit works through other religions. How could it not? Are not the Jews part of the Christian Heritage? And the Egyptians, Greeks, and Babylonians before them?
Have not Christian theologians drawn on many eclectic sources to reach their conclusions?
"Where two or three are gathered in my name, There am I with them." Matthew 18:20
ReplyDeleteActually the problem is that Jews don't recognize the fulfillment of the oracles God gave them. They do not receive the Messiah. Therefore, they are "cut off" in the words of the apostle Paul (a Jew).
Which theologians are you referring to? I have not heard reputable Christian theologians say such things. The Scriptures certainly do not say these things either.
As for your last comment: that comment comes in a context. Please don't separate it from its context and then make it something it is not. The context is about church discipline and dealing with a sinning brother. The two there is referring to witnesses. If you are using it to refer to other religions, then you must truly show that those religions ACTUALLY gather in Jesus' name.