I was driving down the road the other day, and as I rounded a curve there on Highway 23, there was this great big message from G.A.O.T.U. on the local Baptist signboard saying, "Free-Masonry is not a religion. It is a progressive science and a system of natural philosophy."
If there had been room on the signboard, I'm guessing it would have added "Free-Masonry is fun. Free-Masonry is educational. Free-Masonry is enlightening."
Imagine that!
I could not help but notice the lie spoken during this post. The sign is not genuine, the story behind you driving down the road and seeing it on HWY 23 is not true - and it was simply a generated sign from the site - churchsigngenerator.com -
ReplyDeleteI hope you are not including other lies in your posts and misleading your readers in other areas!
Could it be - if you lie about seeing a sign - could you be telling other non-truths concerning Freemasonry?
I think so!
Josh Buice
Telling the truth about Christ and Freemasonry!
Even "Jesus" "spoke" sarcastically. Was he lying?
ReplyDeleteI think so!
ReplyDeleteYou constantly amaze me. I've never heard of anyone suffering from literalism as badly as you do. You apparently couldn't tell the difference between literary license and a FaCT if it bit you on the keister. Humor and even sarcasm are just way over your literal head, literally.
The whole Highway 23 metaphor would just make your head spin, so we won't go there.
Nobody but you would even bring it up — of COURSE the sign was created using churchsigngenerator.com. It says so right on the sign!
Since you live in a fantasy world, believing in literal heavens paved with gold (where are the gold mines in Heaven?) and animals lining up two by two (except the ones that line up in groups of seven) to enter an ark, you obviously can't help but believe the First Baptist Church on Highway 23 is a front for the Freemasons.
Well, guess what? It IS! Freemasons have been in control of Baptist churches, even yours, since before there WERE Baptist churches.
Widow's Son,
ReplyDeleteI can tell the difference between sarcastic speech and truth - but you are a different breed. You use truth and allegory in the same manner - and call it whatever you desire in that specific situation.
My world is very literal - and your life is very literal as well. It may be hard for you to admit the fact that your life is surrounded by literal people, events, and circumstances - but it is true. Life after death is the same way!
Laugh now - but one day - you will see. My God is so big that He does not need a gold mine. He can create gold specifically for the streets of heaven!
For His Glory!
Josh Buice
"My God is so big that He does not need a gold mine. He can create gold specifically for the streets of heaven!"
ReplyDeleteWhy does Heaven need streets?
Can you ban Josh from your site? He has a way of ruining your posts!
ReplyDeleteYou've been telling lies about Freemasonry since last summer, at least. You chalk it up to "God's word" but you're wrong wrong wrong as has been pointed out to you countless times. Yet you refuse to listen or to attempt to even comprehend. You simply stomp your feet like a spoiled little kid saying, "I AM right, 'cause my interpretation of the Bible tells me so."
You're defaming millions of men, past and present, with your B.S. rants about Freemasonry, and now you're just making a fool out of yourself whining about whether I actually saw a sign or if I created a sign using an Internet site. Who cares?
If you'd pull your nose out of your King James Bible once in a while and look at the world as it really is, and perhaps show some of that Christian compassion your pal Jesus was famous for, it would be a better world.
But no... instead, you delight in running out from behind your Bible once in a while, asking dumb questions like "Is popcorn preaching okay?" or "Is coffeeshop worship okay?" or "Why did you lie about seeing a sign on Highway 23?" and then running back to hide behind the Bible again, poking your head out squeezing off rounds of out-of-context scripture in a hateful tone at anyone who uses their own mind, unlike you, who simply parrots the likes of early 20th century circuit-riding hack radio preachers and their modern-day ilk like Kent Hovind, Walter Martin and John "I hate everything" Ankerberg.
Thank you for saying I'm a "different breed." I am. I use my God-given brain once in a while to think. I change my mind when the evidence indicates I'm wrong. I learn from my mistakes. Thank God I'm not frozen in some mistranslated misunderstood theological time-warp like you are.
Brother Arod,
ReplyDeleteIf Josh was banned, he'd never have the chance to eventually learn that he's wrong about Freemasonry.
Yes, he rains on parades and kicks cats most every time he posts. He doesn't seem to have an imagination, an interest in anything novel or new, nor does he seem to have a soul that finds an interest in anything beyond his shallow misunderstanding of Christ's true message. He's locked into Old Testament hate and he believes the Paulian heresies.
Perhaps we can muster up enough Brotherly Love to help him find his way out of his Darkness. It would be unmasonic of us to turn him away now that he's gotten closer to the Light.
You are absolutely correct brother!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how different people have so many interpretations of the Bible. Can you really take everything in the good book literally? My pastor was actually giving a Christianity 101 class recently and my wife has been attending. And someone asked him that question... you know what his answer was?
No, you can't take everything in the good book literally.
So why is it that so many denominations interpret the good book differently? Who's right?
Thanks brother.
Josh - you should really open your mind and take a look at the big picture.
ReplyDeleteThe "good book" you reference is the Holy Bible. Please give it due respect.
The reason I hold is so high - is because God inspired it - therefore, He wrote it with human hands!
I hold it high because people died for the cause of its pages all throughout history.
I hold it high because it is without any mixture of error!
I ask you - if one part is not to be taken literally - who is the authority to determine whether the part about Jesus' resurrection should be taken literally?
Josh Buice
So, again, since you say it's unerring, the bible mentions unicorns with multiple horns.
ReplyDeleteExplain please. I've asked before but you keep ignoring the question.
Also, feel free to hold it high while you explain it to me.
ReplyDeleteMr. Groucho,
ReplyDeleteYou are all hung up on the use of "Unicorns" in Holy Scripture. Allow me to explain:
The use of the Hebrew word, "reym" in several passages in the Old Testament is likely a reference to a wild beast that is extinct. It could be a reference to a wild bull of some sort that is no longer around - but we are not sure. Scholars can only speculate since the animal is not named or identified with a specific description. Obviously to the Psalmist and others it was a known animal. The reference to "Unicorn" is not like Greek Mythology as you intend it to be or mistake it to reference. The use of the word is due to an animal that was not likely explainable in the English language because of the likely position that it is an extinct species.
I do hope that you are not hanging your view of inspiration of Holy Scripture on the word "reym" which is only found in 9 verses of the entire Old Testament.
May God open your eyes to the truth of His perfect Word!
Josh Buice
Mr. Groucho,
ReplyDeleteDo you believe in the Triceratops?
Josh Buice