Thursday, October 09, 2008

Casting your fake-vote for fake-president

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  1. Is it bad when Paris Hilton's position on Iraq and the mortgage crisis is more correct than the presidential candidates' opinions?

  2. This is just too damn funny! Paris is smarter than I have ever given her credit for! Just when you think I can't stand to see this chick one more time she comes out with a tongue-in-cheek dog and pony show like this!

    Talk about "re-inventing yourself".

    Even Hollywood knows we are truly f***ked no matter what happens.............

  3. Fake blond hair;
    Too much make-up;
    Too much lipstick;
    Fake Breasts;
    IQ of 4;
    Martin Sheen;
    Charlie Sheen;

    All add up to;
    a Dumb whore;
    a looney tune;
    a drugged out alcoholic.

  4. "All add up to;
    a Dumb whore;
    a looney tune;
    a drugged out alcoholic."

    Seems representative of a large segment of the registered voting population in the US.

  5. Not bad reading from Paris... She did a better job than Martin.. WTF!


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