Carrie Scoggins of Cleveland, Tenn., writes in Sidelines, the student newspaper of Middle Tennessee State University, such odd things that I wonder which anti-Masonic Christian website she copied the ideas from.
Lumping Freemasonry, Wicca and the New Age Movement together as one religion, she tells us that the Eye of Horus, found on the dollar bill, is a pagan deity, and that the Statue of Liberty is the "Wiccan goddess Ishtar." She's so close, yet her understanding of pagan history is off by a mile. [The eye on the dollar bill is the All-Seeing Eye of God, not the typical symbol of the Eye of Horus. The Statue of Liberty is a representation of the Egyptian goddess Isis, not the Babylonian Ishtar, though the two are sometimes thought of as being manifestations of the same principles.]
She informs us that "the Parthenon is covered with gods and goddesses of the new age movement as well." The Parthenon was built hundreds of years before Christ, and was dedicated to one goddess, Athena. How can something that predates the founding of Christianity be considered "new age"?
My guess is that her letter is in response to an action by the university regarding the display of the Ten Commandments on campus, and she's trying to point out "support" of pagan religion in the form of statues and obelisks on governmental property to defend placing Judao-Christian concepts (the Ten Commandments) on campus as well. She's never very clear in her presentation; her writing and analytical skills are terrible.
Is this kind of muddled thinking and historical mangling, and worse, this lack of basic writing skills, what passes for education at colleges today? My English and my history teachers and professors would have given me a D-minus if I'd turned in this kind of sloppy work. I'm surprised a college newspaper even published it.
Image: Isis and Horus
UPDATE Monday, Feb. 12: Ms. Scoggins is a feisty woman, that much I can say. The comments section at the Middle Tennessee State University's online newspaper Sidelines is busting at the seams with comments about her letter to the editor, and Ms. Scoggins is firing back herself with both barrels, spewing quotations from Mackey, Pike and (God help us!) John Ankerberg. The scariest thing is that she's now claiming to be a Libertarian, yet she says she'll "report" nay-sayers as "abusing the system." I'm posting her comments as they were written, misspellings and run-on paragraphs included. Follow the link above for more comments.
Masons | Wicca | New Age | Freemasonry | BurningTaper.com | Carrie Scroggins | Middle Tennesee State University | Burning Taper
Stephen Hopkins
posted 2/11/07 @ 4:29 AM EST
Youngster, you worry way too much about the wicca and other lessor religions. You should be aware that the rest of the country is well aware of your christofacist agenda, but rest assured our Founding Fathers created the 1st Amendment for several good reasons not the least of which includes protecting individuals from having any religion shoved down their throats. One last thing, in case you missed it, we voted your nazi reps out of their Congressional majority and soon we will replace the Bush regime with a Democrat (Jan 2009 at the latest and sooner if we can get Bush and Cheney impeached before then). Get used to it as we, the overwhelming majority of voters, will never again allow you christofacists to have the reigns of government.
Originally posted by
First, there is 7 different kinds of Wicca, and yes there is no goddess excluded... The statue of Liberty is Istar and not Isis, although many confuse the two as one in the same... And even so, both are recognized in Wicca, if you must confirm, please call notify Jester from the Nashville Pagan Group, and I believe Jeremy Thurman from the MTSU Student Pagan Org. would agree. The eye of Horus is Wiccan and Freemason, and the quotes from Freemasons' books proving it I am posting on this post! They are a religion, and they said so, see John Ankerberg's books on Freemasonry (and he sites his sources in footnotes proving which book he retrieved the information from!, He sites all of his sources and can prove every word from the Freemason's own books as to why he was never sued for libelous).----- Here is the quotes and if you read on down the flier you will see them recognize Osiris and Horus... Their paganism...------It's not going to let me copy and paste the flier, well, let me rewrite those quotes...
Ok, concerning the pagan god Horus, the Freemason pagan god worshipped that is on our one dollar bill and many Federal and state buildings...
"The all seeing eye that prevades the inner most recesses of the human heart, and will reward us according to our merits." Masonic Moniter 54:11
"The sun and moon represents the two grand principals of all generations, the active and the passive, the male and the female... both shed their light upon their offspring, the blazing star, or Horus," Morals And Dogma Pages 13 and 14
Also, sun and moon represents part of the Freemason's pagan religion from Egypt, and the point within the circle in masonic symbolism, is devised from worship of the Egyptian sun god. " the point within the circle is devised from sun worship, and is in reality of phallic origin, it is the symbol of the universe. The sun represented by the point, while the circumference is the universe." Symbolism of Freemasony by Albert Mackey page 353.
The Obelisk, a symbol of Osiris " The Phallus was an imitation of the male generative organ, it was represented usually by a column which was surmounted by a circle at it's base. The point with in the circle was intended by the ancients by a type of prolific power of nature, which they worshipped under the united form of the active or male principal, and the passive or female principal."Manual of the Lodge page 56 by Albert Mackey
Also, just to let everyone know that it's not all neo paganism in the lodge, let me quote this statement!
Albert Pikes Instruction To The Supreme Council Of The World, " Yes Lucifer is god and unfortunately Addony is also god, the true philisophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Addony... But lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Addony god of darkness and evil" So, we see Albert Mackey's books that founded Freemasonry is occultic! Also, this statement, and remember Lost Keys Of Freemasonry is in all lodges as they are 'free and accepted.' " When the mason learns that the key to being the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.
These quotes are in the Freemason's own books! If you wish to look further go to any counter cult section of any Christian bookstore, such as Salt and Pepper in Murfreesboro and they can order these books, Books exposing freemasonry by Ed Decker, John Ankerberg, and Texe Marrs "Dark Majesty," and "Dark Secrets Of The New Age," and all these books have a bibliography and site their sources and are very credible.
posted 2/11/07 @ 2:35 PM EST
Christo-facist agenda? Your an idiot... I am a libertarian by the way, and not a republican... I consider the lesser of the evils by the way since those of us with a real political science degree know that you can not have fascism without first having socialism (big leftist socialism like that of Nazi Germany which was a large leftist govt. and not 'right wing.' as the liberal propaganda would have everyone believe. They were the national socialist party...) Were not the fascists, the big government types are! Do not respond to me again since you choose to use slurs at me... If you do I will contact the website cord. and let them know you are abusing the system.
I'm sure it'll get picked up by the Washington Post and the New York Times...
ReplyDeleteHail Eris!
I live in Nashville, TN. In downtown, we have a full scale replica of the Parthenon in a park of off West End. She is probably referring to this as opposed to the actual Parthenon.
ReplyDeleteI would encourage anyone visiting Nashville to check it out.
The replica in Nashville is just that, an exact replica of the original, the only difference being that the Nashville version contains a giant statue of Athene based on drawings of the statue that used to be in the original.
ReplyDeleteIn her outstretched right hand she holds a statue of the goddess Nike (which is itself around six foot tall). The point being that what is in one either is or at one time was in the other.
She strikes me as just being a conservative Christian shill and the paper was afraid not to publish this badly researched paper out of a desire to avoid being accussed of not wanting to give Christians an equal voice.
In support of the comments that I made concerning Freemasonry recognizing those deities... Here are quotes from the Freemason's own books where THEY state they recognize the deities... And yes, I am the head of the Libertarian party... And your slander is noted!
ReplyDeleteHere are the quotes to site my sources, since my article was cut off, rewritten, and of course... condensed- dumbed down for the ignorant masses such as yourself.
Carrie Scoggins
Freemasonry-What it really is!
Albert Pike is said to the the foundation of the Masonic Lodge's belief system.
Quote from Albert Pike's Instruction To The 23 Of Supreme Councils Of The World, July 14 1889 :
[Yes, Lucifer is god and unfortunately Addony is also god, the true philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Addony... But Lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Addony god of darkness and evil. ]
Quote from Manly P. Hall's book Lost Keys Of Freemasonry, Page 48
[ When the mason learns that the key to being the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.]
Concerning the pagan god Horus, the eye of Horus, or the Egyptian god on our one dollar bill, being a deity in the masonic lodge, I have a direct quote from the Masonic Monitor (54:11).
[ (The) All seeing eye pervades the inner most recesses of the human heart, and will reward us according to our merits.]
Other mentions of the worship of Egyptian gods within the teachings of the Masonic Lodge can be found the definition of the occult symbol the point with in the circle. The Phallus being the obelisk symbol of the Egyptian god Osiris. Albert Mackey writes in Manual Of The Lodge Page 56:
[ The Phallus was an imitation of the male generative organ, It was represented usually by a column which was surmounted by a circle at it's base. The point within the circle was intended by the ancients as a type of the prolific power of nature, which they worshiped under the united form of the active or male principal, or the passive or female principal.]
The masonic lodge admits to the Sun and Moon being represented as part of their pagan religion from Egypt, with the recognition of the pagan god Horus from Egypt. Consider this quote from Albert Pike, the grand commander of the Scottish Rite, from Morals And Dogma (Pages 13, and 14).
[The sun and moon represents the two grand principals of all generations, the active and passive, the male and female... both shed their light upon their offspring, the blazing star, or Horus.]
The point within the circle, in masonic symbolism, is devised from worship of the Egyptian sun god. Albert Mackey's Symbolism Of Freemasonry (page 353) states:
[The point within the circle is devised from sun worship, and is in reality of phallic origin, it is a symbol of the universe. The sun represented by the point, while the circumference is the universe.]
The Freemason's books state Jesus Christ the same as Buddha and Zoroaster, reformers if nothing more. Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma, (Page 525).
[(Masonry) reverences all the great reformers. It sees in Moses the lawgiver of the Jews, in Confucius and Zoroaster, in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and in the Arabian Iconoclasts great teachers of morality and eminent reformers if nothing more.]
The Masons are not creed bound to one religion. Manly Hall, The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry:
[The true mason is not creed bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a mason, his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha, or Mohamed, the name means little. He recognizes only the light and not the light bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every alter, whether in a temple, mosk, pagoda, cathedral, and realizes with his true understanding, the oneness of all spiritual truths. No true mason can be narrow for his lodge is the divine expression of all broadness.]
Freemasons in the blue degrees are purposefully kept ignorant. Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma (page 819).
[ The blue degrees are the outer court or portico of the temple, part of the symbols are displayed to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them.]
bwahahaha... all of the libertarian Ms Carrie's psuedo-ideas were quoted from the forever antimasonic website ephesians5-11.org
ReplyDeletewhat's new my gurl about vatican's agenda?
aren't you a part of the unholy inquisition? i hope n0t!
so you will not be left out in the darkness, pls find more light Ms Carrie.
Maybe she is not a scholar.
ReplyDeleteYet, "New Age" philosophy has been around for a long time: Ever since the Serpent said "and You shall be god". As a wise man once said: there's nothing new under the sun.
Silly googler... serpents don't talk. Never have, never will.
ReplyDelete— W.S.