Destiny Unveiled is a novel I think I want to read.
Clute's "Seven Spiritual Principles for Governing a People":
- The 1st Principle: Government is a vessel for community well-being
- The 2nd Principle: Justice is delivered without judgement
- The 3rd Principle: The equality of every citizen is honored
- The 4th Principle: The power of the people is inviolate
- The 5th Principle: Peace comes only from within
- The 6th Principle: Love is the source of power
- The 7th Principle: E Pluribus Unum — The many are one
She formulated her seven principles as an alternative to "going for the jugular," as she was taught in law school. The book explores her vision of how to create a government and a legal system that could unite in peace, love and restorative (rather than vengeful) justice.
Book Review
Sylvia Clute's website MetaUnited.org
Masons | Sylvia Clute | Justice | Freemasonry | BurningTaper.com | Destiny Unveiled | George Washington | Burning Taper
Oh, is this supposed to be new knowledge?
ReplyDeleteA great ruler, first of all, ought to know the necessities and habits of his people. Secondly, he should keep in close touch with them and praise the meritorious ones. Thirdly, he should give reason for them to respect his moral earnestness. Lastly, he should resort to punishment only to bring home to them the disgracefulness of evil.
When a ruler lacks faith in his people, his people will lack faith in him. A wise ruler is always careful in his choice of words and because of it his people respect him and give him credit for the natural success of his admiration.
To govern a people by craftiness is a curse; to govern them by the principle of wu-wei is a blessing. He who understands the difference between these two ways of governing is a model ruler. If he knows how to become a model ruler, he has gained profoundness of teh.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you where this is from ;-)
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
as a future lawyer of 2007, i well have to check that out..