Why do I like stories about great apes, chimpanzees and monkeys?
Because they're so much like us. There is so damn little difference between our species. Heck, we're 98.4% genetic brothers and sisters.
Who can tell the difference anymore?
Read these sets of stories, and then ask yourself who are the real animals here?
- Do monkeys pay for sex?
- Connecticut cops accused of sex with prostitutes while on duty
- Man visits whorehouse, finds his wife working there
- Grabby gorilla's leg broken as dad gets riled over raisins
- Angry father kills four children by tossing them off bridge
- Father of slain teen girls upset that daughter dated non-Muslim
Wow reading this title I feel so identify because I remember a friend of mine who used to take generic viagra and he got violent with his girlfriend it was something rare because it should work in other way.