Dear Widow's Son and Brethren,
What a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce myself to all of you. It is a great honor to do this and be focused on such a distinguished blog site.
I am J.L.M. from the North-East Corner. I live in Midvale, Utah just south of Salt Lake City. I am recently married and enrolled in Salt Lake Community College and am on-track to become an Elementary School Teacher, and currently working as a teacher in a school for Autistic Children. At 22, life is go, go, go and it is a rare pleasure just to be able to sit down a read or write a comment.
After many years of philosophical and historical study, I decided to petition Canyon Lodge #13 for the chance to receive the three degrees of Masonry. My journey officially began on May 8th, 2007 where I first knocked on the lodge's door and I was raised to the sublime degree on October 16th, 2007. I have recently been installed as the Junior Steward of my lodge. With the installation of our new Worshipful Master, our lodge is working on a lot of new activities and I am more than happy to be involved in these. We are involving more esoteric activities into our lodge meetings as well as more fellowship activities, such as a Dutch Oven Cook-off and dinners for the wives.
I began my blog after seeing the discussion levels that were capable through the blogosphere, and then realized that I almost copied verbatim the wonderful blog of our Brother M.M.M. at the NorthEastern Corner. I believe that the duty of the Worshipful Master is to give his lodge good and wholesome instruction in pursuit of their labors, and that our labors are to take good men and make them better. Unfortunately I do not see this taking place so much in the Lodge room, and that is one of the things that drew me so much to the Fraternity was the use of symbols and their esoteric and philosophical merit.
I'd like to end this before I begin to ramble on even more, but, carry on my Brothers.
J.L.M. from the North-East Corner
To submit your own "This is Who I Am" essay, read this.
Image: That's J.L.M. playing the pipes.
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