The following is reprinted from Independent Catholic News.
The Vatican will witness an historic moment in relations between the Catholic Church and the British Monarchy on Saturday, when Lord Nicholas Windsor, son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, is married at a church situated in the papal gardens behind St. Peter's Basilica.Image: Lord and Lady Nicholas Windsor
Lord Windsor, the least known member of the Royal Family will marry British-born Croatian noble, Donna Paola Doimi de Frankopan, in the Church of Santo Stefano degli Abissini. Bishop Alan Hopes, an auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Westminster, will conduct the ceremony.
Lord Windsor, whose godparents are The Prince of Wales and the late Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Coggan, will become the first ever member of the Royal Family to marry at the Vatican.
He will also be the first ever member of the Royal Family to marry openly and legally within the rites of the Roman Catholic faith since the Reformation. A recent meeting of the Privy Council confirmed the Sovereign's approval of the wedding as is required by law.
Lord Windsor converted to Catholicism in 2001 and by doing so automatically lost his rights of succession to the throne because of the notorious 1701 Act of Settlement that bars Catholics from becoming monarch.
The little known and publicity shy Lord Nicholas has since his conversion, been very active in Church affairs. He privately joined tens of thousands who queued for hours to file past the body at the lying in state of Pope John Paul II in April 2005.
He and his Cambridge educated wife, Paola attend Mass regularly at Westminster Cathedral and Brompton Oratory.
In 1994, his mother, the Duchess of Kent, became the most senior member of the Royal Family to convert to Catholicism. Lord Nicholas's uncle's wife, Princess Michael of Kent, and his sister-in-law, the Countess of St. Andrews, whilst Catholic from birth, both conducted civil marriages.
His father, The Duke of Kent, who is the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England, is expected to attend the Vatican ceremony.
The Duke, who is known to be very close to his son, also and unusually issued an official engagement photograph taken by him at Kensington Palace.
Spokesman for the couple, Mr. Anthony Bailey said: "The wedding will be a small and strictly private family affair. It is expected that only immediate family members will attend. Lord Nicholas's godfather, The Prince of Wales, will not be attending as His Royal Highness will be returning from an Official Visit to Pakistan at the time which was arranged many months ago. Lord Nicholas and his bride will however be organising a private party to celebrate their marriage in London sometime in the New Year for other members of the Royal Family and close friends who will be unable to travel or have other commitments at this time."
Masons | Nicholas Windsor | Catholic Church | Freemasonry | BurningTaper.com | Vatican | United Grand Lodge of England | Burning Taper
More Satanic Worshipping
ReplyDeleteIn Vatican Verified
By Greg Szymanski
Arctic Beacon.com
A former high level member of the influential Monte Carlo P2 Lodge verified that satanic worshipping goes on in the catacombs of the Vatican.
Leo Zagami, who defected from the Illuminati in June, said he had personal knowledge of "Black Masses" were regularly being conducted in the Vatican for high level members of the European and American Illuminati in a decadent display of audacious Satanic power.
Zagami made his startling revelation Monday on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal broadcast on the Genesis Communication Radio Network at www.gcnlive.com.
"The Jesuits and the Vatican hierarchy are the master black magicians, controlling the many cult groups involved in the New World Order," said Zagami. "American people need to wake-up as the Vatican controls the U.S. government. The Bush family is a tool of the papacy. They are actually crooks and consider themselves pirates and that is the reason for the name Skull and Bones. These are sick criminals that need to be exposed and I am not afraid to do that since I was one of them at the top level in Monte Carlo.
"I am not a saint and they know that. They know who I am and if they come after me, they know I am a warrior and will fight back. These are evil men who have killed before and they will kill again.
"The likes of Georgio Balestrieri, who is the Vatican intermediary, knows all about how they put together 9/11, killing 3,000 people. The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta were, of course, behind it and they will do everything to hide their participation since they are all profiting from 9/11, as well.
"For example, Balestrieri now is the head of the New York Rotary Club, pushing cocaine and other drugs into America for drug lord, George H. Bush. This whole network of criminals needs to be exposed and America needs to realize the Vatican and the Jesuits are at the heart of it all.
"The United States is completely controlled and by 2010 it will be completely fascist. That is their plan. Then they want to rebuild Soloman's Temple in Jerusalem and contriol the world with one world religion and government. They say in Monte Carlo that the Illuminati will control America by the stick! What they want to do is bring down the cities by taking control of the electricity and the water and they say if you want these things back, you will have to submit to facsim."
Zagami, an influential Sicilian aristocrat with important and ancient Illuminati bloodlines, went public in America with his accusations several weeks ago when he started an English language web site. Since going public, he has appeared on The Investigative Journal twice, his only two American radio appearances since a black out exists in America on anything that sheds a negative light on the Vatican.
Zagami, who now lives in Norway for security reasons, said he also had inside and personal information that Hollywood star, Madonna, was working directly with higher-ups in the Italian Illuminati.
"I was supposed to work with her personally and I know for a fact she is being used and is instrumental in the Illuminati plans," said Zagami, who claims Jesuit control runs deep into top Hollywood and American political circles, saying the diabolical Jesuits leave no stone unturned in their Satanic quest to take over America.
During the two hour radio interview, Zagami presented an inside look at how high-lvel Freemasonry operates, citing Jesuit control at the top levels, uniting under one world wide banner dedicated to Satanic domination.
"They all work together, including Hugo Chavez who really is helping Bush's agenda by his theatrical performances," said Zagami, adding that Chaves is controlled by the Vatican and working with the New World Order as are all other leaders of the world's major government's and religions. "This is how they operate with the top layers working together for one purpose in what they think is the perfect cover-up.
"I had to leave the Illuminati after realizing their Satanic and evil deeds had gone too far and I will stop at nothing to continue revealing what they have planned."
In a recent post to the Arctic Beacon , Zagami had inside information when George H. Bush met in Rome in the 1970's with the former head of the Vatican Bank, the late Archbishop Paul Marcikus. Although the visit seemed innocent, Zagami learned their destination was the tomb of Orcus in Tarquinia near Rome , a cult fascination for higher-up Illuminati members.
That day at the Roman residence of Cardinal Marcinkus in 70's Rome in that VIP Religious Institution were he always use to stay, a very special guest arrived from the USA to visit him, a Senior CIA guy who was also to become US President and already a member of one of the most powerful Illuminati Lodges in the world, the Skull & Bones 322 of Yale University.
The religious Institution I'm talking about belongs to the religious Order of Nostra Signora della Mercede (a female version of the Jesuits) in via Tagliamento in Rome, and the Cardinal in charge of the Vatican State politics at that time was Cardinal dell'Aqua.
The reason was a seemingly innocent trip with Marcinkus to Tarquinia (near Rome) , but the place was not so innocent after all as they were going to visit the tomb of Orcus.
The tomb of Orcus in Tarquinia Italy ( a cult place for Yale Skull and Bones illuminati) was first constructed in the mid 4th Century BCE and subsequently enlarged. Its subjects reflect the increasing gloom that was becoming characteristic of Etruscan art during the centuries of their gradual defeat at the hands of the Romans, Celts and Greeks. This is in marked contrast to the mood of relaxed confidence of the earlier tombs. The bearded Aita, or Hades is the main god of the underworld. The other figure in the tomb is that of Velia, a noble Etruscan woman. She stares into the darkness and with a disdainful look, almost sneering at death.
She is richly attired in elaborately worked earrings and necklaces. The very realistic depiction of the eye, shown from the side rather than frontally as in the earlier period, is a clear indication of the Hellenistic influence and reflects the artist's knowledge of late 4th Century BCE Greek models.
But it's well known fact for Brothers of the Illuminati elite circles that the Ancient cult of Orcus is a demonic and evil cult dedicated to the sacrifice of children and other diabolical practices. But today nobody seems to mind if their President or the Head of the CIA, joins such a perverse and satanic cult within the Order of Death , all this in a prestigious place like Yale University.
That's because our society of TV slaves is been manipulated at every level by dangerous satanic intelligence units working for the illuminati in Mind Control activities, to confuse us, and make out of us a bunch of Satanist with no believe.
And even the sacrifice of children seems to be acceptable in this age of corrupt views, perversions and decadence, as long as is kept out of the eyes of the public all this evil seems ok for these infidels of the so called elite.
All this is secretly promoted by the Vatican in Lodges like the Skull and Bones and many other sick places around the world, were these practices are done with Pope's blessings by many degenerate individuals hoping to gain power with their evil Jinn...including the Zionist who support all this with their gold and money.
Do we have any hope in the new millennium to fight such evil at the highest level of our Society? The wise and those who established this America, those who framed the Constitution were influenced by the Koran and the Bible not by a Moloch or Orcus.
In their HQ's in Rome the Jesuits know very well that the Roman Catholic version of Jesus is the wrong one and is only creating confusion and conflict with other religions, imagine for once if Jesus was a man instead then God, a very special man indeed with a unique mission for God, but still a man not a Roman forgery built to deceive mankind in the famous Council of Nicea.
Things will definitely change for the better and finally no confrontation on matters of faith will be possible between Jews, Christian and Muslims when you are all believing in ONE GOD and one Messiah that is not a God but a man announcing the message of God for the benefit of humankind and Ýhe believe in true Islam and the recognition of Muhammad as the last and most important Prophet of all ages.
Professor Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard a known Illuminati wrote about the United States and the American one dollar bill Illuminati connection :
"Not only were many founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe , which helped them to establish this country for peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few."
Those initiated few have made a deal with the dark powers of Imperial Rome represented by the Vatican and their evil Puppet Masters the Jesuits to enslave America take over the world and finally start the Satanic age of pure Nazism in the hand of Ratzinger.
In November 2003 the Academy of the Catholic Church of Wurzburg (Bavaria...were else can the illuminati meet?) held a one-day historic seminar open to all interested persons on the topic of "Masonry and the Church" (obviously...) .
For the first time in twenty years, Catholic priest and laymen meet officially in an open and most of all friendly very friendly discussion with a representative of German masonry.
This important meeting saw Jesuit Father Sebott the great Masonic manipulator working together with Bro. Axel Pohlmann from the United Grand Lodges of Germany to deceive even further the Brethern in the lower ranks of the Masonic pyramid , quietly bringing forward their real plans and lay down the foundations for their final take over of Vatican HQ's by Vatican/illuminati friendly Freemasonry.
That was also discussed in detail at the illuminati Conference held at the Canonbury Masonic Research Centre on the 6th and 7th of November of the following year (2004) called:
And I was amongst the few Brothers and Sisters who had the possibility to participate at this very high level Masonic Conference for the Illuminati of worldwide Freemasonry that included prestigious names like Lord Elgin Grand Master of the Royal Order of Scotland and cousin to the Queen of England , also John Hamill Director of Communications of the United Grand Lodge of England and many foreign representatives like for example the Grand Treasurer of the Grand Orient of Italy Fernando Ferrari.
But most of all I remember the fact that a famous Swedish Nazi Satanist directly connected to Alberto Moscato and the Jesuits was there, the well known Henrik Bogdan (Ph. D) of the Dept. of Religious Studies of Gothenburg University in Sweden, a senior
representative of Swedish Freemasonry and a devoted disciple of Carl Abrahamson of the Church of Satan/OTO network.
A strong connection has been made by other researchers regarding Hitler and Stalin being controlled by the Jesuits, but Zagami also presented new information about Mussolini's connection to Freemasonry and Jesuits.
Mussolini was given an honorary 33degree at the train station of Florence. Then he started Fascism with a Quatriumvirato that included 2 Masons from Piazza del Gesu' and two from Palazzo Giustiniani.Then like Hitler he started persecuting the Palazzo Giustiniani obedience but not the Piazza del Jesu' ones always close to the Jesuits and the Illuminati. Hitler himself was taking a quite different position persecuting traditional Prussian Freemasonry. So fascism was created by the illuminati High degrees of the Italian Scottish Rite instigated by the Jesuits,and when a specific Rite of Freemasonry called the Rito Filosofico and the Gruppo di UR went against the Vatican black magic Mafia, the leader had to escape to South America. And the guy who helped the Jesuits to scare him off was none other then celebrated Black Magician and Illuminati, A.Crowley.
When Crowley finished the job he left Sicily due to Mussolini's pressure to not expose to many particular matters...and then don't forget that pervert poet Mussolini liked so much,DANNUNZIO. He is a key Illuminati figure worshiped still today by Licio Gelli who started his collection of antichita' with an autograph of him.
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com
Jim Mortellaro
The Society for the Preservation of Devil Worship wishes to thank Mr. Grigmasty for his mighty tomb on the subject of Devil Wierdship at the Vat Icon.
Morty's Cabin has found additional information concerning another subject related to Dibel Whoreship, however this seems to be a sort of reverse situation. Please attempt to follow me ...
The CattyCombs located at the official temple of Debil Whoreship in downtown Hades has been infiltrated by Christian worship. In those cattycombs, Christians have been seen actually worshiping God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Called the Dejewits, these evil and pompous asses have been practicing white masses.
What a revoltin' development dis is, eh?
The Dejewits and debil worshipers are master white musicians ... uh ... I mean ... white magicians. In fact, the head of the Christian worshipers, a man named Leo Salami has informed Morty's Cabin that the Old World Order is now beginning to take control of debil worship.
Greg, it is exactly this sort of article, unfounded, without solid, undeniable factual evidence posing as truth, which creates a mindset which may not have merit. In fact, Sir, and with all due respect, true or not, infinitely more verifiable information is required for this (in my personal view) accusation.
Dr. James S. Mortellaro, Christian, Catholic and undeniably seeking God. No matter what the accusation, it's gonna take a heck of a lot more to convince this writer.
Jim Mortellaro, AKA, Morty
Thanks for the google food.
ReplyDelete— W.S.
B.gger off Szymanski, you are an absolutely certifiable anti-catholic bigot. Stop leaving you're your Scottish Rite spoil around the net.
ReplyDeleteOn another topic does anyone know if Lord Windsor is a Freemason or not? Can someone make a query through there Grand Lodge Secretary to England and find out?
Oh, is that this Szymanski?
ReplyDeleteDo You Suffer From Post Traumatic Freemason Syndrome?
And a casual search at conspiracy maven's Jeff Rense site shows literally dozens of "articles" such as this one.
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
Hey Szymanski,
ReplyDeletedon't worry about negative comment on your article. All those satanist jesuit puppets are just a bunch of childish adolescents who never got over their own initiation procedure which is characterized by a sexually inspired and humiliating hazing procedure. Most of them are severely traumatised by this procedure and should be send to mental hospital instead of letting them control the world. As a means to prove they are "real men" and not sexually frustrated children they try to outrun eachother in machoïsm. Thats the very reason why they commit evil and occupy themselves with satanism. There is no such thing like satan. There's only a bunch of sick people who, trying to prove themselves, do sick things. If they're so anxious to prove themselves they should prove they're NOT traumatized and they should behave like real men, not like some devilish sick children. But don't worry, according to all the great prophets of all religions these sick people will all be crushed, annihilated or call it what you want. They should start bleeding already !