The swarming of the unworthy into the Temples is only one symptom of the disease, which itself is the lessening of the spirit of loving kindness, the lessening of kindly interest in the welfare of each other, the mere acquaintanceship that has so largely and regrettably taken the place of the old Masonic Brotherhood. Masons assemble, and part as they met, not better friends, not even better acquainted, sometimes not knowing each other. They assemble and make Masons and go away not remembering their faces. There are real brotherly relations between few members. One seldom makes any sacrifice for another; and fighting and contentions arise on as slight grounds and upon petty provocations, as among the profane ever to the shame of Masonry, out of the lust for office, the lust for control and the pitiful rivalries that it creates, in which all our obligations are forgotten.
Where these things are found Masonry is dead, and a lesser Order lives in its sted, usurping the name of Masonry. Masonry cannot live without a soul, and its soul is loving-kindness. It is time for the work of regeneration to begin; and in this work, by the restoration of this spirit, every man has it in his power to do something. Let the regeneration begin here. Live together here, all of you, as Masons should; for the Life of Masonry, is but a useless life, so long as this work remains undone.
— Albert Pike (1809-1891), described by biographer and Mason Jim Tresner as "...a pioneer, a crusader for justice for Native Americans, a practical joker, a reformer, a journalist, a philosopher, a prominent Washington lawyer, and a Civil War general." For many years, he was leader of the Scottish Rite in the southern United States and he was the author of "Morals and Dogma" published in 1871.
Albert Pike | Lucifer | Scottish Rite
I forwarded this to my lodge education officer... great post.
ReplyDeleteAny organization that starts with the purest of intentions; becomes diluted as it ages. It is necessary, from time to time to do a spring cleaning of sorts. Masonry lives in the hearts of revolutionaries as there exist now. I have heard of men in upstart groups such as the Rite of the Rose Cross of Gold and this new United Grand Lodge of America, who hold the ideals of masonry in their hearts. I believe the future lies with these men. They bring the Craft into the 21st century by returning to the ancient ways. Isn't this an interesting turn of events?
ReplyDeleteThose that wish their destruction have much to lose... There should be more men as these. God bless them and shine down on them for the sake of humanity!
F.Roy Dean Schlipp
Gentle-Fellow of the Sublime Craft