"We represent a fraternity which believes in justice and truth and honorable action in your community... men who are endeavoring to be better citizens... [and] to make a great country greater. This is the only institution in the world where we can meet on the level all sorts of people who want to live rightly." Harry S Truman, 33rd President of the United States
This list is a compilation from several sources, and no claims are made as to its accuracy. A few famous people who have been rumored to be Freemasons but for which no evidence can be found include presidents George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and Lyndon Johnson, along with Thomas Paine, Neil Armstrong, Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, Bob Hope, Ringo Starr, Rev. Billy Graham, and Charles Taze Russell, the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses.
George H.W. Bush was sworn in as president on George Washington's Bible, which belongs to the St. John's Lodge of New York City. Clinton was a member of the Order of DeMolay as a teen, but never joined a masonic lodge. LBJ took his first degree in 1937, but never became a Fellowcraft or Master Mason apparently due to lack of time to pursue both his Congressional duties and his Masonic studies. Lincoln petitioned a lodge but withdrew his petition before being accepted, apparently to keep from appearing to be wanting to join for political reasons. In 1988, Reagan was given a Certificate of Honor from the Grand Lodge of Washington, D.C., and made an honorary member of the Scottish Rite and of the Imperial Shrine, but was never a Mason. See MasonicInfo.com for more information about famous Masons and non-Masons.
As I'm pasting into the blog this list I compiled several years ago, I'm struck by the fact that there are so few — two, actually (the actor Michael Richards and football star John Elway) — men on this list from my generation, or from "modern times." Are there are any "famous" Freemasons anymore, men known for high achievement in their chosen fields who are also Masons?
- Abbott, William "Bud"
Actor (Abbott and Costello) - Abbott, Sir John J.C.
Prime Minister of Canada 1891-92 - Abbott, Robert Sengstacke
Founder/publisher "Chicago defender" - Acuff, Roy
Musician - Aldrin, Edwin E. "Buzz"
Astronaut, second man to walk on the moon - Allen, Richard
Founder/first bishop AME Church - Allende, Salvador
President of Chile, overthrown in 1970 - Armstrong, Louis "Satchmo"
Jazz musician - Arnold, Eddie
Actor - Arnold, General Henry "Hap"
Commander of the Army Air Force - Astor, John Jacob
Fur trader and financier - Atkins, Chet
Musician - Austin, Stephen F.
Father of Texas - Autry, Gene
Actor - Baldwin, Henry
Supreme Court Justice - Balfour, Lloyd
Jewelry - Barnes, Roy
Governor of Georgia, 1999-2003 - Bartholdi, Frederic A.
Designed the Statue of Liberty - Basie, William "Count"
Orchestra leader/composer - Baylor, Robert E. B.
Founder Baylor University - Beard, Daniel Carter
Founder Boy Scouts - Bell, Lawrence
Bell Aircraft Corp. - Bellamy, Rev. Francis
Authored U.S. Pledge of Allegiance - Bennett, Viscount R.B.
Prime Minister of Canada 1930-35 - Bentsen, Lloyd
Former Texas Congressman and 1988 vice presidential candidate - Berlin, Irving
Entertainer - Black, Hugo L.
Supreme Court Justice - Blair, John, Jr.
Supreme Court Justice - Blake, James Herbert "Eubie"
Composer/pianist - Blanc, Mel
Voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, and many other cartoon characters - Blatchford, Samuel
Supreme Court Justice - Bolivar, Simon
South American freedom fighter - Boone, Daniel
American frontiersman - Booth, Rev. William
Founder of the Salvation Army - Borden, Sir Robert L.
Prime Minister of Canada 1911-1920 - Borglum, Gutzon & Lincoln
Father and Son who carved Mt. Rushmore - Borgnine, Ernest
Actor - Botha, Pik
Former Foreign Minister of South Africa - Bowell, Sir Mackenzie
Prime Minister of Canada 1894-96 - Bowie, James
Remember the Alamo! - Bradley, Omar N.
Military leader - Bradley, Thomas
Former mayor of Los Angeles, California - Brant, Joseph
Chief of the Mohawks 1742-1807 - Breckinridge, John C.
U.S. vice president. Presidential candidate who lost to Abraham Lincoln. - Brown, Joe E.
Entertainer - Brundage, Avery
Olympic Committee - Bryan, Richard
U.S. Senator - Buchanan, James
President of the U.S. - Burbank, Luther
Pioneering botanist - Burnett, David G.
First president of the Republic of Texas - Burns, Conrad
U.S. Senator - Burns, Robert
The National Poet of Scotland - Burton, Harold H.
Supreme Court Justice - Byrd, Robert
U.S. Senator - Byrd, Admiral Richard E.
Flew over North Pole - Byrnes, James F.
Supreme Court Justice - Cain, Michael
Actor - Calvo, Father Francisco
Catholic Priest who started Freemasonry in Costa Rica 1865 - Campbell, Sir Malcolm
Land speed record holder - Carlson, Curtis L.
Entrepreneur - Carnahan, Melvin
Governor of Missouri - Carroll, B. H.
First president of Southwestern Seminary and instrumental in the creation of the Department of Evangelism of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention - Carson, Christopher "Kit"
Frontiersman, scout and explorer - Casanova
Italian adventurer, writer and entertainer - Catton, John
Supreme Court Justice - Chagall, Marc
Artist - Chrysler, Walter P.
Founder of the Chrysler automotive company - Churchill, Sir Winston
British Leader - Citroen, Andre
French Engineer and motor car manufacturer - Clark, Roy
Country-Western star - Clark, Thomas C.
Supreme Court Justice - Clark, William
American explorer (with another Mason, Meriwether Lewis) - Clarke, John H.
Supreme Court Justice - Clemens, Samuel L.
Mark Twain writer - Clinton, De Witt
Mayor of New York City, Governor of New York, and presidential candidate, he also served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York. - Clinton, George
Third vice president of the United States. - Cobb, Ty
Baseball Player - Cody, "Buffalo Bill" William
Indian fighter, Wild West Show - Cohan, George M.
Broadway star - Cole, Nat "King"
Great ballad singer - Collodi, Carlo
Author of "Pinocchio" - Colt, Samuel
Firearms inventor - Combs, Earle Bryan
Baseball Hall of Fame - Cooper, Gordon
Astronaut - Crockett, David
American frontiersman and Congressman. Remember the Alamo! - Cushing, William
Supreme Court Justice - DeMille, Cecil B.
Movie director - Dempsey, Jack
Sports - Desaguliers, John Theophilus
Inventor of the planetarium - Devanter, Willis Van
Supreme Court Justice - Diefenbaker, John G.
Prime Minister of Canada 1957-63 - Dole, Robert
U.S. Senator - Doolittle, General James
Famous Army Air Corps Pilot - Douglas, William O.
Supreme Court Justice - Dow, William H.
Dow Chemical Co. - Doyle, Sir Author Conan
Writer, "Sherlock Holmes" - Drake, Edwin L
American Pioneer of the Oil industry - DuBois, W.E.B.
Educator/scholar - Dunant, Jean Henri
Founder of the Red Cross - Ebbets, Charles
Baseball Owner, Ebbets Field - Edward VII
King of England - Edward VIII
King of England who abdicated the throne - Ellery, William
One of nine Masonic signers of the Declaration of Independance - Ellington, Duke
Composer, Arranger and Stylist - Ellsworth, Oliver
Supreme Court Justice - Elway, John
Football Player Denver Broncos - Evans, Bob
Founder of "Bob Evans" restaurants. - Evers, Medger Wiley
Civil rights leader - Ervin, Samuel J., Jr.
U. S. Senator, headed "Watergate" committee - Faber, Eberhard
Head of the famous Eberhard Faber Pencil Company - Fairbanks, Douglas
Silent film actor - Field, Stephen J.
Supreme Court Justice - Fields, W.C.
Actor - Fisher, Geoffrey
Archbishop of Canterbury 1945-1961 - Fitch, John
Inventor of the Steamboat - Fleming, Sir Alexander
Discovered penicillin - Ford, Gerald R.
President of the U.S. - Ford, Henry
Pioneer Automobile Manufacturer - Forten, James
Abolitionist/manufacturer - Fortune, Timothy Thomas
Journalist - Franklin, Benjamin
Inventor, ambassador, newspaperman, and signer of Constitution of the U.S. - Freeman, Orville
Former governor of Minnesota and secretary of U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Gable, Clark
Actor - Garfield, James A.
President of the U.S. - Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Italian freedom fighter - Gatling, Richard J.
Built the "Gatling Gun" - George VI
King of England during World War II - Gibbon, Edward
Author of "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" - Gilbert, Sir William S.
Was the libretist for "Pirates of Penzance" - Gillette, King C.
Gillette Razor Co. - Glenn, John H.
First American to orbit the earth, U.S. Senator - Godfrey, Arthur
Radio and early televison personality - Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
German poet, playwright, and scientist - Goldwater, Barry
Former U.S. Senator, presidential candidate - Gompers, Samuel
Founder American Federation of Labor - Grassley, Charles
U.S. Senator - Gray, Harold Lincoln
Creator of "Little Orphan Annie" - Griffeth, David W.
Movie director - Gris, Juan
Spanish artist of the "Synthetic Cubism" school - Grissom, Virgil
Astronaut - Grock
Swiss circus clown - Groat, Richard
Athlete, played for St. Louis Cardinals, Duke University basketball team - Guillotin, Joseph Ignace
Inventor of the "Guillotine" - Hall, Prince
First black American Freemason - Hampton, Lionel
Orchestra leader/composer - Hancock, John
One of nine Masonic signers of Declaration of Independance - Handel, George Fredrick
Composer - Handy, William C.
Composer "Father of the Blues" - Harding, Warren G.
President of the U.S. - Hardy, Oliver
Actor Comedian - Harlan, John M.
Supreme Court Justice - Harvey, Paul
Radio personality - Hatfield, Mark
U.S. Senator - Hawkins, Augustus F.
U.S. Congressman from California - Haydn, Franz Joseph
Composer and musician - Hedges, Cornelius
"Father" of Yellowstone National Park - Helms, Jesse
U.S. Senator - Henry, Patrick
American colonial patriot, member of the Continental Congress, he spurred the creation of the Virginia militia with the famous words "Give me liberty or give me death." Later served as the Governor of Virginia. - Henson, Josiah
Inspired the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin - Henson, Matthew
Explorer - Hilton, Charles C.
American hotelier - Hoban, James
Architect for the U.S. White House - Hoe, Richard M.
Invented the rotary press, revolutionizing newspaper printing - Hollings, Ernest
U.S. Senator - Hooks, Benjamin L.
Former Executive Director NAACP - Hoover, Frank
Vacuum cleaner fame - Hoover, J. Edgar
First Director of FBI - Hornsby, Rogers
An original member of the Baseball Hall of Fame - Houdini, Harry
Magician - Houston, Sam
Second and fourth president of the Republic of Texas - Humphrey, Hubert H.
Vice president of the U.S. - Irvin Tommy
Georgia's Commissioner of Agriculture and the state's longest serving official, he is also a Past Grand Master - Irwin, Jim
Astronaut - Ives, Burl
Singer and musician - Jackson, Andrew
President of the U.S. - Jackson, Rev. Jesse
Politician - Jackson, Robert H.
Supreme Court Justice - James, Daniel "Chappie"
General U.S. Air Force - Jenner, Edward
Inventor of smallpox vaccine - Johnson, Andrew
President of the U.S. - Johnson, John A. "Jack"
Heavyweight boxing tiltle holder, 1908-1915 - Johnson, John H.
Publisher of Ebony and Jet magazines - Johnston, J. Bennett, Jr.
U.S. Senator - Jolson, Al
Acted in the first "talking picture," The Jazz Singer - Jones, Anson
Fifth president of the Republic of Texas - Jones, John Paul
Naval Commander - Jones, Melvin
One of the founders of the Lions International - Keaton, Buster
Movie pioneer - Kemp, Jack
Former U.S. Congressman, pro football player - Kern, Jerome
Composer - Key, Francis Scott
Wrote U.S. National Anthem - Kipling, Rudyard
Writer - Knox, Henry
Revolutionary War General - Lafayette, Marquis de
Supporter of American Freedom - LaGuardia, Fiorello H.
Diplomat and 3-time New York City Mayor - Lake, Simon
Built first submarine successful in open sea - Lamar, Joseph E.
Supreme Court Justice - Lamar, Mirabeau B.
Third president of the Republic of Texas - Land, Frank S.
Founder of the Order of DeMolay - Lemon, Mark
Founder of Punch, humorous British magazine - Lewis, Meriwether
Explorer - Lincoln, Elmo
First actor to play Tarzan of the Apes (1918) - Lindbergh, Charles
Aviator - Lipton, Sir Thomas
Found of Lipson Tea Company - Livingston, Robert
Co-negotiator for purchase of Louisiana Territory - Lloyd, Harold C.
Entertainer - Lott, Trent
U.S. Senator - MacArthur, General Douglas
Commander of Armed Forces in Philipines - MacDonald, Sir John A.
Prime Minister of Canada 1867-73 & 1878-91 - Marshall, James W.
Discovered Gold at Sutter's Mill California 1848 - Marshall, John
Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court 1801-1835 - Marshall, Thurgood
Supreme Court Justice - Mathews, Stanley
Supreme Court Justice - Mayer, Louis B.
Film producer, formed Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) - Mayo, Dr. William and Charles
Began Mayo Clinic - Mays, Benjamin
Educator/former president Atlanta University - Maytag, Fredrick
Maytag - McKinley, William
President of the U.S. - Menninger, Karl A.
Psychiatrist famous for treating mental illness - Mellon, Andrew
American industrialis, banker and philanthropist - Mesmer, Franz Anton
Practiced Mesmerism which led to Hypnotism - Metcalfe, Ralph H.
Olympic champion - Michelson, Albert Abraham
Successfully measured the speed of light in 1882 - Miller, Glenn
Musician - Minton, Sherman
Supreme Court Justice - Mix, Tom
U.S. Marshal turned actor, starred in over 400 western films - Monroe, James
President of the U.S. - Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne
Co-developer of the first practical hot-air balloon - Montgolfier, Joseph Michel
Co-developer of the first practical hot-air balloon - Moody, William H.
Supreme Court Justice - Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Composer - Murphy, Audie
Most decorated American Soldier of WWII, Actor - Naismith, James
Inventor of Basketball - Nash, Charles
Automobile industry - Nelson, Samuel
Supreme Court Justice - New, Harry S.
Postmaster General who established Airmail - Newton, Joseph Fort
Christian Minister - Nunn, Sam
U.S. Senator - Olds, Ransom E.
American automobile pioneer - Otis, James
Famous for "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny" - Palmer, Arnold
Golf Pro - Papst, Charles F.
Coined the term "Athlete's Foot" - Paterson, William
Supreme Court Justice - Peale, Norman Vincent
Founder of "Guidepost" magazine; author "The Power of Positive Thinking" - Peary, Robert E.
First man to reach the North Pole (1909) - Penney, James C.
Retailer - Pershing, John Joseph
Decorated American Soldier - Pike, Albert
Pioneer, explorer, Confederate General, he re-wrote the rituals of the US Southern Masonic jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite Bodies, as well as the Masonic treatise "Morals and Dogma." - Pike, Zebulon M.
Discovered the great peak that bears his name. He was killed in action at Toronto during the War of 1812. - Pitney, Mahlon
Supreme Court Justice - Poinsett, Joel R.
U.S. Minister to Mexico who developed the flower: Poinsettia - Polk, James Knox
President of the U.S. - Pound, Roscoe
Former Dean, Harvard Law School - Pryor, Richard
Actor, comedian - Pullman, George
Built first sleeping car for trains. - Pushkin, Aleksander
Russian Poet - Rangel, Charles B.
U.S. Congressman, New York - Randolph, A. Phillip
Founder and first president of International Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters - Retief, Piet
Afrikaans leader and and one of the founders of the South African nation - Reed, Stanley F.
Supreme Court Justice - Revere, Paul
American silversmith, engraver and Revolutionary hero who on April 18, 1775 made his famous ride to warn "The British are coming!" as celebrated in a poem by Longfellow. Revere was a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. - Rhodes, Cecil
"Rhodes Scholarship" - Richards, Michael
Actor-comedian "Kramer" on Seinfeld - Rickenbacker, Eddie
Great American Army Air Corps "Ace" - Rickey, Branch
Baseball legend - Ringling Brothers
All seven brothers and their father were Masons. - Robinson, Sugar Ray
American boxer - Rodgers, Jimmie
Entertainer - Rogers, Roy
American cowboy and screen star - Rogers, Will
Actor - Ross, Edmund G.
U.S. Senator who cast the one impartial vote of "Not Guilty" thus saving President (and Brother) Andrew Johnson from impeachment. - Roosevelt, Franklin D.
President of the U.S. - Roosevelt, Theodore
President of the U.S. - Rush, Benjamin
One of nine Masonic signers of the Declaration of Independance - Russell, Richard B.
U.S. Senator from Georgia and member of the "Warren Commission" that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy. - Rutledge, Wiley B.
Supreme Court Chief Justice - Salten, Felix
Creator of Bambi - Sanders, Harland "Colonel"
Founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants - Sarnoff, David
Father of T.V. - Savalas, Telly
Actor - Sax, Antoine Joseph
Invented the Saxophone (1846) - Schoonover, George
Founder of "The Builder" - Schirra, Wally
Astronaut - Scott, Sir Walter
Writer - Sellers, Peter
Actor - Service, Robert
Canadian Poet - Sexson, W. Mark
Founder of Rainbow Girls, Masonic historian, author, and researcher - Sibelius, Jean
Composer (Finland) - Simpson, Alan
U.S. Senator - Skelton, Red
Entertainer - Smith, John Stafford
Wrote the music that became the U.S. National Anthem - Smith, Joseph
Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Mormons - Sousa, John Philip
Led the U.S. Marine Band from 1880-1892 - Stanford, Leland
Railroad magnate & founder of Stanford University - Starr, Bart
Football legend - Stassen, Harold
Statesman, sole surviving signer of the United Nations Charter - Stewart, Potter
Supreme Court Justice - Still, Andrew T.
American Physician who devised osteopathy treatment - Stokes, Carl B.
Former mayor, Cleveland, Ohio - Stokes, Louis
U.S. Congressman from Ohio - Stratton, Charles "Tom Thumb"
Entertainer - Swayne, Noah H.
Supreme Court Justice - Swift, Johathan
Author of Gulliver's Travels - Taft, William Howard
President of the U.S. & Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (only man to ever head these two branches of U.S. government) - Teets, John W.
Chairman and president of Dial Corporation - Tetau, Max
French Doctor who presided over Homoeopathia Universalis - Thomas, Craig
U.S. Senator - Thomas, Danny
Entertainer, founder of St. Jude's Children's Hospital - Thomas, Dave
Founder of Wendy's restaurants. The hamburgers at Wendy's are square as a reminder of Dave's motto: "Never cut corners." - Thomas, Lowell
Brought Lawrence of Arabia to public notice - Thompson, Tommy
Governor of Wisconsin - Thurmond, Strom
U.S. Senator - Tillis, Mel
Musician - Tirpitz, Alfred Von
German Naval officer responsible for submarine warfare - Todd, Thomas
Supreme Court Justice - Tolstoi, Leo
Author - Travis, Colonel William B.
Alamo - Trimble, Robert
Supreme Court Justice - Truman, Harry S
President of the U.S. - Vinson, Frederick M.
Supreme Court Justice - Voltaire
French writer and philosopher - Wadlow, Robert Pershing
Tallest human on record being almost nine feet tall - Wagner, Honus
Baseball legend - Wallace, George C.
Former Alabama governor and presidential candidate who was nearly assasinated - Wallace, Lewis
Wrote "Ben Hur" - Wallenda, Enrico
Circus legend - Waner, Lloyd
Baseball Hall of Fame member from Pittsburgh - Waner, Paul
"Big Paul" Baseball Hall of Fame member from Pittsburgh - Warner, Jack
Founder of Warner Brothers Studios - Warren, Earl
Supreme Court Justice - Warren, Joseph
Revolutionary War General, "Martyr of Bunker Hill" - Washington, Booker T.
Educator and author - Washington, George
First president of U.S. - Wayne, John
Actor - Webb, Matthew
First man to swim the English Channel (1875) - Wells, H. G.
Author - Whiteman, Paul
"King of Jazz" - Williams, Egbert Austin "Bert"
Actor, comedian - Williamson, Harry A.
Author/Masonic historian - Woodbury, Levi
Supreme Court Justice - Woods, William B.
Supreme Court Justice - Wyler, William
Director of "Ben Hur" - Wynn, Ed
Actor - Young, Andrew
Former mayor of Atlanta, Ga. - Zanuck, Darryl F.
Co-founder of 20th Century Productions in 1933 - Ziegfeld, Florenz
His Ziegfeld Follies began in 1907
Famous Freemasons | Freemason Presidents | Freemasons
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I believe the current Chief Judge David B. Sentelle of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is a brother. However, I am not certain if this position would be categorized as "famous."
ReplyDeleteRace driver Sam Hornish Jr.
ReplyDeleteFormer CNN anchor Charles Goodnow
New York Governor David Paterson
Former Indiana Governor Frank O'Bannon
Indiana Congressman Dan Burton
Actor Bronson Pinchot
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak
wrong, Handel refused to join groups like the Freemasons.
ReplyDeleteThe most currently famous I know of is Country star Brad Paisley. He is also 32 degree scottish Right and is very proud and active in his membership. Also a number of Prince Hall Masons such as Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Cedric the Entertainer, and many more.
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