About 500 conspiracy theorists, including over 75 academics with degrees from prestigious universities, have joined together as a group called Scholars for 9/11 Truth, to investigate alternative theories of what happened on September 11, 2001, in Washington, D.C. and New York City. They recently held a symposium in Chicago.
Bill O'Reilly takes a shot at debunking the U of Wisconsin professor at 8 pm tonight on Fox News.
One of the most interesting facets of all this is the reaction of politicians and university officials to these professors. Sure, some of the professors probably have agendas, deep-seated hatred for governmental authority, or had bad potty training experiences, but still, academic freedom to discuss ideas should be allowed. But university officials are denying tenures, and local legislatures are getting into the act, trying to oust those in academia who dare to think differently. Just like the Catholic Church of old, those in power are trying to stifle the voices of the heretics.
It's been said that one man's heresy is another man's truth. As a sidebar to the CNN article, a poll currently indicates that 56% of respondents said yes when asked "Do you believe alternative theories for the September 11, 2001, attacks are credible?" In a Presidential election, that kind of majority would be called a landslide.
Fifty-six is also the percentage of Americans who said, in Dec. 2004, the war in Iraq "was a mistake."
That percentage is exactly the same in a USA Today/Gallup poll a few weeks ago. Fifty-six percent say the war in Iraq was a mistake.
It would appear that 56% of Americans neither believe what their government is telling them, nor support what their government is doing.
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The 911 attacks were by muslims against the jewish/masonic govt of the USA. The twin towers was the Jachin and Boaz colums of freemasorny.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes. There is an axom of conspiracy students: scratch an Anti-Mason and you will find an Anti-Semite. What is it about you guys that lump them all together?
ReplyDeleteThe Tao of Masonry
Eh, like UFOs, there's some evidence but never any proof.
ReplyDeletemasonic pillars or templar pillars?
ReplyDeletemuslims and templars were the real enemies of each other?
Enemies of each other? R-i-i-i-ght. Don't you read all those books which say that the Templars consorted with the Muslims, which is why the Church of Rome came to regard the Templars as heretics?
ReplyDeleteBesides, if you look on virtually any doorway, gateway, or other public entranceway you'll see pillars on either side of the doorway. Do all of them represent Masonic / Templar / Zionist pillars?
The Tao of Masonry
that's interesting. however, i find that poll hard to believe after i just read another poll that says 30% of Americans still believe that WMD's were in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteWould you have found the WMD poll hard to believe if you'd seen the one we mentioned first?
— W.S.
they can't find WMD's, but found a passport down below the world trade building? How a passport survived the blasts and collapse I don't know?
ReplyDeletelou dobbs waking from a slumber..lol