Halcyon severs relationship with Grand Lodge of Ohio.The Burning Taper wishes the brethren of Halcyon Lodge well in their Masonic sojourn.
On Monday, November 12th, at 8:10 PM, Halcyon Lodge No. 498 voted unanimously to surrender its charter to the Grand Lodge of Ohio and cease to recognize the authority of that Grand Lodge.
Several of the brothers reassembled later that same evening for the purpose of forming amongst themselves a new Masonic lodge unaffiliated with the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
More news of the new lodge will follow.
Masons | Halcyon Lodge | Cleveland, Ohio | Freemasonry | Grand Lodge of Ohio | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
Was this something that was anticipated? Any reasons given?
ReplyDeleteNow that is real masonic news!!
ReplyDeleteW.S. I believe you have had correspondence with them in the past, any inside info?
I'm new to all this. What about the obligation? I don't know the wording of the Ohio Obligation, but it seems to be a violation. Does this matter?
ReplyDeleteI guess they were tired of being a part of an organization of losers. Just one look at these guys web site and it's apparent that they have set a much higher standard.
ReplyDeleteThey must have spent untold hours laboring to restore that old building. It shows a level of dedication to Freemasonry that is unprecedented. How many other lodges have accomplished so much in recent times?
What they have done shows that any Grand Lodge's authority over lodges is nothing more than an illusion. Lodges can (and do) decide to leave when Grand Lodges no longer act in their best interest,
Good luck Halcyon! There are more brothers than you know out here cheering you on.
dear gingerman,
ReplyDeletecould you elaborate on how that violates an obligation and why would it matter to masons who cease to recognise the authority of the GL o Ohio?
remember, GL officers serve the brethren, not the other way around, and if these men felt that the GL o Ohio were not serving them, they have every right to fire them.
Kudos Halcyon........
I look forward to the rest of the story, I'm hooked!
this is going to better than any Harry Potter story for sure.
it is good to men act like men and be in control of their destiny!
so mote it be
Peter Gowan
Why do so many Masons blindly follow corrupt Grand Lodges, real Masons stand-up for what is right.
ReplyDeleteWe said it before, Halcyon you brothers are a ray of hope in a dim world, keep up the GREAT work, we will be watching.
On Monday night, when Halcyon was voting to leave the GL of Ohio, I was giving a talk in my lodge, reporting on the state of mainstream Freemasonry in America.
ReplyDeleteIn that talk, I spoke of the formation of traditional observance lodges as a real bright spot (from my biased pov) for the Craft in America, and cited Halcyon as a beautiful example of what Freemasonry could be in America.
I'm sorry they had to split from their GL, that they felt they could not reform from within. But there are times when a vision simply cannot be contained in an existing framework.
I wish them the very best!
I feel that a shinning beacon of hope has been extinguished. I hope that Halcyon Lodge and the GL of Ohio can come to an understanding and Halcyon Lodge can continue being a fine example of mainstream masonry. We need more brothers working to make masonry better from the inside. We have too many on the outside :(
ReplyDeletePart of me hates that it has come to this.
ReplyDeletePart of me thinks this is cool and I'd like to see more of it.
All of me thinks that Freemasonry isn't going to change unless men of conscience are willing to make this kind of sacrifice.
Good luck, brothers.
Brother Charles,
ReplyDelete"I feel that a shinning beacon of hope has been extinguished."
The work that Halcyon has done had nothing to do with the Grand Lodge of Ohio. It was the hard work of the brothers in that lodge. They are still there.
"I hope that Halcyon Lodge and the GL of Ohio can come to an understanding and Halcyon Lodge can continue being a fine example of mainstream masonry."
Again you are falling into the logical trap of thinking that they GL of Ohio has some magic powers that made Halcyon a good lodge.
"We need more brothers working to make masonry better from the inside. We have too many on the outside :( "
We need fewer brothers acting as king for a day and more brothers that have the courage of their convictions. What do you care about Halcyon? When did you actually step up to the plate and take part in or benefit from their actions? Why attack them now?
Who is John Galt
I don't know the details of the obligation taken by Masons in Ohio, but I know that obligations are a two way street: we obligate ourselves to the other members of the craft, and to keep certain agreements, including those with the Grand Lodge. And we promise not to willingly or knowingly violate them.
ReplyDeleteNot when it pleases us; not when it's convenient; and not when we feel crapped on.
I don't know the details of this incident, but I am asking. To what extent do we mean the things we promise and agree to?
Isn't this break exactly what you're criticiziing, the phenomenon of wanting to be king for a day? Putting our ideas ahead of the institution?
ReplyDeletenot if the institution failed in upholding its end
ReplyDeletehow does one hold the GL accountable?
you don't
but truth
peter gowan
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI believe that you don't understand what I was trying to convey. I was not attacking Halcyon Lodge in the slightest. I was praising their past works. Unfortunately, since they are not part of an organization that my GL recognizes, I can't recognize them as brothers currently or else I would violate my obligation that I made before God. Like it or not, I stand by this obligation.
I don't believe that the GL of Ohio made Halcyon a good lodge, I think the brothers of this lodge made it a good lodge.
That being said, I believe there have been too many cases of lodges/brothers separating from mainstream masonry. Many of their reasons for separation are noble, yet little progress is going to be made outside of the fraternity. External force really produce internal change. I still believe that united we stand, divided we fall. All brothers should try to find common ground and build a better future for our craft. It truly saddens me that many brothers disagree to the point of division.
Again, I did not attack them. Since I live in CT and rarely travel to lodges outside my jurisdiction, I haven't visited this lodge nor assisted them. However, there are 1000's of lodges throughout the world that I've never visited. How does the fact that I have never been effected by Halycon lodge directly invalidate my opinions of this situation. The last time I checked, they are one lodge among thousands and not the only shinning beacon of masonry in the world. If one star in the sky went dark, can the other stars not weep?
My post simply took a moment to show remorse for a moment when brothers could not come to an agreement. Your post attacked me for this. If I were you, I would reflect on what it means to be part of the "Brotherhood of man, under the fatherhood of God." I have no stomach for idealistic zealots or corrupt demagogues. Please refer to a certain point within a circle when conversing with your brothers in the future.
Must be a slow news day.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't about Halcyon not being willing to play by the rules of the Grand Lodge. It's about Freemasonry and tradition. The Grand Lodge wants to force One Day Masonry on a very traditional lodge that refuses to comply.
ReplyDeleteHalcyon has drawn a line in the sand - so to speak. If other Ohio lodges want One Day Masons they can have them, but don't force Halcyon to accept something they oppose with every beat of their hearts.
If Halcyon hadn't made this very difficult decision they would have ended up like one of these: http://dead-22nd-of-ohio-masonic-temples.blogspot.com/
"Isn't this break exactly what you're criticiziing, the phenomenon of wanting to be king for a day? Putting our ideas ahead of the institution?" Gingerman
ReplyDeleteThat's very idealistic Gingerman but what if the institution puts money and power over the interests of the brethren?
Consider this:
When these young brothers got started at Halcyon the temple was destined to be condemned by the city, the property sold and proceeds sent to the GL. Halcyon lodge would have been merged like so many others. The old guys running place even cut up the beautiful organ pipes in one of the lodge rooms and sold them for scrap. (That was a $100,000 pipe organ that was scrapped to for $800.)
The GL isn't interested in saving the lodges or Masonry. All they want is the money from the property.
In all of this, the real question is: why did the brothers of Halcyon Lodge sever their ties to the GL of Ohio? Any news on that?
ReplyDeleteThe lodge and grand lodge system are set up the same way as our government. We as citizens are to serve our government and our government to serve us likewise, if we don't serve our government (i.e. pay taxes, VOTE, be involved in our communities, etc...) the government will fail us as a whole. Likewise, if we serve faithfully yet our government doesn't serve us (i.e. protect the citizens, doesn't uphold our rights, public works, etc...) then it is not our right it is our duty to rebel and to attempt to cause change. It is the same in the lodge system of governing bodies. If the Grand Lodge of your State is getting too wrapped up in politics to progress, it is your duty to act out, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. I am still a young Mason but I hold as true to the spirit of Freemasonry as any other caring brother.
I'm just going to add to Bro. Charles' comment to say that the biggest problem with the secession of Halcyon is that AF&AM (and PH, for that matter) will no longer be able to go there to observe and learn.
ReplyDeleteWe are charged, as MMs, to serve as paradigms of Masonic behavior. Likewise, our institutions should serve as good examples. When a particularly good lodge is removed (or removes itself) from the system, it can no longer serve as an example because most other mainstream brothers will not attend.
As it stands, the GL now has their charter, but it's still possible that the GL and Halcyon can reach some kind of agreement.
Whoever posted something about 1-day Masons, did you have any substantiation of that being part of the issue?
Halcyon is about preserving Masonic traditions and providing a positive learning environment for all Masons.
ReplyDeleteHalcyon has a large Masonic library with many rare books that are available for research.
The GL has demanded that all Masonic education cease and that the books be banned from the lodge room, and that all Masonic papers on the web site be removed.
They (the GL) want Halcyon to send candidates to One Day Classes, something that is against the wishes of the lodge and not at all in the spirit of the traditions Halcyon wishes to preserve.
Halcyon can no longer be true to what it believes and remain within the GL system of which it has been a part. After months of having DDGM's at every meeting to enforce policies that Halcyon has no meaningful voice in amending, it was forced to either remain true to its core ideology by leaving the system, or simply dissolve when all the members walked out and quit Masonry.
In the end they had no choice but to do what they did. Either way the charter would be surrendered. They could surrender their charter and become independent, or surrender their charter and close the lodge because no one was willing to attend it anymore.
By choosing to simply leave the system they remained a functioning lodge that could continue on with their traditions.
What some people just don't get is that the GL of OH is in the wrong. Halcyon left of their own free will and accord. All of these "good" masons running around just hoping that Halcyon gets burned for leaving. How transparent can you be.
ReplyDeleteSince this is working the foundations of your own views are being shaken. I understand that bothers you, maybe, just maybe, you are not as cool as you thought you were.
A problem with the great resources and facilities of Halcyon Lodge is that now they are no longer available to any Mason who is a member of a regular lodge. No matter how much hope and/or sophistry is applied, The obligation we willing swore to prevents regular Masons from using them.
ReplyDeletedoes that show you the small mindedness in that thinking?
that type of thought is one of the reasons Halcyon did what they did.
Free men and real Freemasons would not stand for being told who to associate with and what to read. PERIOD.
Freemasons were the leaders of revolutions. To revolt IS masonic, but your GL's would hide that history and not teach it.
Why? should not we be proud of our masonic forefathers who violated their obligation to England?
We are obligated to ourselves and our lodge brothers, not a GL body or system.
Free men have a right to free learning.
any free thinking individual will be able to benefit from Halcyon, still. it is masons who fear their GL who will refrain from fellowship and higher learning with Halcyon.
Does anyone know if the GLoOhio ever once asked Halcyon if they could help them out ever for saving this temple, or has the GL only been a hinderance to progressive, successful masons?
has the GL showed any brotherhood at all towards these young men?
has the GL oOio given Halcyon any reason to adhere to their demands?
did they ever answer questions posed them by Halcyon about illogical demands placed on them? or were the men of Halcyon just supposed to listen and not have a say in anything?
It seems that men who joined of their own freewill and accord left under the same volition.
Excelent job masons of halcyon. you are in our prayers!
High above all dogmas that divide, all bigotries that blind, all bitterness that beclouds, will be written the simple words of the one eternalphilosophy/religion---- the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, the moral law, the golden rule, and the hope of a life everlasting!
ReplyDeleteBecause this is so; because the human soul is akin to God, and is endowed with powers to which no one may set a limit, it is and of right ought to be free. Thus, by logic of its philosophy, not less than the inspiration of its faith, Masonry has been impelled to make its historic demand for liberty of conscience, for the freedom of the intellect, and for the right of all men and masons to stand erect, unfettered, and unafraid, equal before God and the law, each respecting the rights of his fellows. What we have to remember is, that before this truth was advocated by any order, or embodied in any political constitution, it was embedded in the will of God and the constitution of the human soul. Nor will Masonry ever swerve one jot or tittle from its ancient and eloquent demand till all men, evrywhere, are free in body, mind, and soul.
Author Unknown
Tom Coste
Some day, when the cloud of prejudice has been dispelled by the searchlight of truth, the world will honor Masonry(Halcyon) for its service to Freedom of Thought and Liberty of Faith and Education.
ReplyDeleteNo part of its history has been more noble, no principle of its teaching has been moreprecious than its age-long demand for the right and duty of every soul to seek that light by which no man was ever injured, and that truth which makes man free. Down through the centuries--often in times when the highest crime was not murder, BUT THINKING, and the human conscience was a captive dragged at the wheel of the ecclesiastcal chariot--always and everywhere Masonry(Halcyon) has stood for the right of the soul to know the truth, and to look up unhindered from the lap of earth into the face of God. Not freedom from faith, but freedom of faith, has been its watchword, on the ground that as despotism is the mother of anarchy, so bigoted dogmatism is the prolofic source of scepticism--knowing, also, that our race has made its most rapid advance in those fields where it has been free the longest.
Author Unknown
Tom Coste
"The obligation we willing swore to prevents regular Masons from using them." Gingerman
ReplyDeleteI hate to be the one to point out this simple fact but... that's not Halcyon's problem - it's yours.
Halcyon will continue to help, aid and assist those brothers who ask. Is that "sophistry" or just a firm belief in being brotherly towards all?
Halcyon has moral integrity for standing up for what they believe. That can never be taken away from them. They did what they thought was right and refused to do those things they thought were wrong.
I don't know whether this is the best chat room on this or any other subject, so I put up some thoughts on my blog,
Anyhoo, The situation is that we took an oath before God that makes certain claims on us. Not just the grand lodge of anywhere imposed this. We took it willingly, as do all our brothers all over the world.
A decision to break this oath is individual, but it's still breaking an openly and freely taken oath.
Wow! Has anyone looked at their web site? These brothers have totally turned around a failing lodge and temple. I've never seen anything like it before.
ReplyDeleteI would love to know what their doing that led to their success as a lodge and get my lodge to doing the same things.
I think too many of you can't see the wood for the trees. This lodge has done what everyone else has been trying to do for years. They've turned around the decline in membership. Instead of worry about whether you can visit their lodge, we should be asking "how did you do it?"
"it is your duty to act out..."
ReplyDeleteI don't think "acting out" is the correct term. Acting out is what three year olds do. Conscientious objection is what intelligent citizens do.
"if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. "
So, even though you have the spirit of Freemasonry in your heart as a young mason, will it be you that decides who is the problem or the solution, or will you leave that up to those you choose to influence your mind.
I think there are other sides to this story here. No need to be good Germans just yet.
About all anyone can know for certain is that the Grand Lodge of Ohio lost a great lodge of very active brothers. :-(
ReplyDeleterrcg #2?
ReplyDeleteOne of the Anonymous readers wrote the following:
ReplyDeleteThe GL has demanded that all Masonic education cease [at Halcyon lodge] and that the [rare]books be banned from the lodge room, and that all Masonic papers on the web site be removed.
They (the GL) want Halcyon to send candidates to One Day Classes ...
[There were] months of having DDGM's at every meeting to enforce policies that Halcyon has no meaningful voice in amending ...
This seems to be yet another example of Grand Lodges using heavy handed tactics to enforce unmasonic policies. I would ask the members of Halcyon lodge to post documentation of this. I would like to make reference to this on my website and elsewhere. However, real documentation is key if we are to start reforming Grand Lodges. (And, yes, that can be done.)
"This seems to be yet another example of Grand Lodges using heavy handed tactics to enforce unmasonic policies. I would ask the members of Halcyon lodge to post documentation of this. I would like to make reference to this on my website and elsewhere. However, real documentation is key if we are to start reforming Grand Lodges. (And, yes, that can be done.)"
ReplyDeleteYou state this as if you do not require substantiation. Time has revealed that many of the claims laid down here regarding this subject and others to be distortions, wishful thinking or thoughts by those only involved indirectly.
I, for one, would like to see substantiated evidence of such activities before laying any blame or continuing the broken record rant and broad brushing of "Grand Lodge= Bad, Freemasonry = Halcyon"
Let's get over ourselves here and maybe we can progress with the reason many espouse here rather than the inflammatory and uniformed sentiment that is often confused with said reason.
"I, for one, would like to see substantiated evidence of such activities before laying any blame or continuing the broken record rant and broad brushing of "Grand Lodge= Bad, Freemasonry = Halcyon"" Anonymous
ReplyDeleteIt seems you got an answer.
Look at this http://www.halcyontemple.org/rip.htm
and then at this
The Grand Lodge is closing lodges while Halcyon is growing and rebuilding. This isn't speculation but fact. The photos speak for themselves.
So I think it's pretty reasonable to conclude that Halcyon is doing something right or else it would be one of the closed lodges.
Here in my state, when a lodge surrenders its charter, two things happen:
ReplyDelete(1) All of its property, including the building and grounds, furniture, funds, etc., automatically reverts to the grand lodge. Whether a charter is surrendered or seized, the brothers who helped purchase, manage, and maintain their property, lose ALL rights to it, and it becomes the sole property of the state grand lodge.
(2) All of the lodge's former members become "Masons at large," and have 1 year to join another "regular" lodge. If they don't join another "regular" lodge in that time, the grand lodge classifies them as "willfully non-affiliated Masons," and suspends them from membership in the Masonic fraternity. This is also true for "lifetime" members, who were assured they'd never have to pay membership dues again. If their own lodge closes, and they can't find another lodge to join, they're suspended from "regular" Masonry, while the grand lodge keeps their "perpetual" membership dues.
Reading between the lines with the benefit of a LOT of Masonic experience, I'll tell you what I think happened at Halcyon.
1. A group of intelligent young guys who were passionate about Masonry, embarrassed the Masonic "establishment" with their success.
2. The "establishment," applying the time-honored theory "old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill," didn't appreciate the contrast the young brethren presented, and began setting stumbling blocks to impede their progress.
3. The young brethren finally became frustrated and took the action that the "establishment" goaded them into, thereby removing themselves from the Masonic "gene pool," and leaving the treacherous old men running the only show in town.
I've seen similar scenarios play out scores of times. Men in established positions of power and authority, are relentless in their efforts to maintain those positions. Instead of focusing their efforts on success for everyone, their only goal is self-promotion, and they'll go to any length to impede the success of those who appear smarter and/or more industrious.
This whole sort of "philosophy" is destroying not only American Masonry, but America itself. If Republicans start doing things that benefit the ordinary Americans, Democrats resent their success and set stumbling blocks in their way. Likewise, if Democrats start doing things that benefit the ordinary Americans, Republicans resent their success and set stumbling blocks in their way.
It's a vicious cycle in which success is punished, while failure is rewarded, and the ultimate outcome should be easily predictable.
Over 3,000 years ago, a wise man named Solomon wrote:
"There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler: Folly is set in great dignity, and the [successful] sit in low place. I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth."
Today in Ohio, the old-guard "establishment" continues to ride on their high horses, while the members of Halcyon Lodge, who demonstrated their ability to build Masonry, begin their march in Masonic isolation.
It shouldn't have to be that way, but it is, and that's how it'll always be, as long as we continue accepting a status quo that's produced only a long record of failure.
I think that's pretty obvious from what I've seen and read thus far. American Masonry is shooting itself in the foot through the folly and arrogance of our leadership.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had known about Halcyon before this happened. I would love to have visited and learned how they made so much happen so quickly.
It's a tragedy when we lose men like these.
"It seems you got an answer.
ReplyDeleteLook at this http://www.halcyontemple.org/rip.htm
and then at this
Ok, but this is supposed to substantiate what? This is not real substantiation. I think you need to re-visit the definition of that when proposing evidence--which apparently you do not have. Sorry, game over.
Ok, now you will go on the attack.
No attack necessary. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe facts speak for themselves. Any reasonable person will be able to judge for themselves.
Okay Brother,
ReplyDeleteWhat would you like to know. What type of evidence would you like about which particular circumstance?
This a complex situation with several different points. Which are you interested.
John Galt
I believe I understand the reasons, untold here, as to why this particular lodge lost their charter. There were many causative factors to why this particular lodge lost it's charter, but chiefly among the many petty acrimonies I’ve watched accrue over a period of 4+ years (more than ample time to rectify the situation, had these young men sought to do so) was the willful and at times malevolent, incessant condemnation of the Grand Lodge of Ohio by these young men. If you have an issue with a Brother, you take it to that Brother; you do not defame his character, or the worthiness of the Brother with whom you have a disagreement. However it may be worded, “you are to avoid private piques and quarrels” somehow turned into uncultured version of “let’s bash the (bleep) out of them (on the internet and I suspect elsewhere) behind their backs”.
ReplyDeleteSince they’ve elected to display their quarrels with the GL of their state, thereby plaguing the internet with this narrow viewpoint, I challenge these young men to offer us, as a Fraternal internet community, a statement that will offer the rest of us a final and comprehensive statement, recounting the specifics of their view of this matter in a frank and chronological manner. Finally, I request this statement of the facts be finalized by signing their names to it, and not hiding behind the adolescent pseudonyms of comic book characters they seem to prefer. I too read of Doc Savage’s adventures as a child, but I wouldn’t consider hiding behind the name of a fictional character as an adult, unless of course I had something to fear from being honest with those I was communicating. If they truly have nothing to hide from, and their charter was extracted by means as truly nefarious as has been claimed here, then what is the issue? After all, this would also allow these young men to craft a statement they’ll eventually require when the issue comes before the Jurisprudence committee of their GL, as well as, please correct me if my assumption is wrong, a more mundane judicial venue, as it appears this is what they’re hoping for through their comments all over the internet.
In all GL’s, one of the three obligations you agree to at the altar during your passage through the degrees is to uphold the laws, rules and regulations of the GL under which you have been granted the honor and title of Master Mason. Why this straightforward oath was seen to be disposable to these young men, only they could answer. The truth is the hardest thing to come to face, especially when you’ve only listened to only one side of the matter for any length of time. I, for one, believe that the truth, in its simplest form, should be told, so that the internet community, in which this issue has been raised more times than are to be believed, can come to some resolution of the matter.
For those of you who are active on any of the e-lists, blogs, or any of the internet community, I'm sure you've heard the opinions of these young men through the past few years, and have heard them offer many appalling and callous views of their GL, with offering little in the way of enlightenment as to what or why they chose to feel that way. I have personally followed them through the various forums, lists, blogs, and websites, silently observing the incite-ful (deliberate misspelling, I assure you) way they charge into a group, announce their displeasure, with little fact attached, and then proceed to quote, at great lengths, other authors from the past, without offering the least credit where credit is due. It always has appeared to me to be just one or two speaking against the entire GL, with precious few supporters from their own lodge; always hiding behind false names, never honestly and openly speaking to us as a brother, but more in a manner consistent with a secret agent or some seedy whisper from a dark and unwholesome alley.
Once you are within the Craft, you are set to work on your own Temple – the spiritual Temple – by means of the tools that were laid at your disposal when you became a Master Mason; to wit, in partial, the Trivium and Quadrivium. These include Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, and have been in short supply when reading about this most recent adventure of this lodge. Perhaps the only people speaking up for this lodge and its virtues are not the ones the lodge would select, but in fact, the very people who are responsible for incurring this most recent reaction from their respective GL. Are all Master Masons educated? Perhaps not in the same manner, but once they are Raised to the status of Master Mason, it is their job to return to the lessons they were given and learn from them; to engage the tools correctly in every facet of their lives. Does every man do this? Sadly, no, but consider this, if this particular lodge had dedicated itself to a more “traditional” working, offering education to every member through their ‘large Masonic library with many rare books’, what then would any GL have an issue with? In a traditional setting, as I understand it, the membership undergoes a rigorous and paced training in the art of brotherhood, and what it means to present yourself as a member of the Fraternity – that’s the Fraternity as a Universal sense, not just the members in your own lodge. How to think, act, speak and present yourself to the world with the integrity and authority of a brother who has gained something other than a dues card and apron from the experience. If this training were undertaken with the utmost sincerity, what then would the GL have to take issue with? It just doesn’t appear as though we know the entire story on this matter, which is again why I ask for enlightenment on behalf of people who are exhausted with reading the posts that offer no further enlightenment other than the cry of “we was robbed!”. Perhaps the sound of whining from the chief anonymous poster has more to do with the status of perpetual loss suffered by his city in sporting events and has incidentally spilled over to include life and lodge.
Weather it was truly the will of the whole, or actions of a few or one, the damage to those who were not involved in the campaign is likely irreparable, unfortunately, but it gets worse. Consider the following carefully, applying your own lodge members to the scenarios that follow. Firstly, remember that this lodge has been around for more than 75 years, and the complexities and ramifications of that are incalculable unless you put yourself and your own community in its place to imagine how you’d feel about hearing something like this happen in your area. The shame and embarrassment of members who were not even present to witness this scandal cannot even begin to be comprehended. Reflect on position of the brethren who have served their lodge faithfully for half a century or more, who will now be faced with the decision forced upon them by the GL due to actions of members they’ve never met. What will become of them? Of course, they will be “at large” for a period of time, but who will patiently explain to them what that means and then take the time to assist this number of members into new lodges which would be willing to undertake them? Can you estimate, from your own experience, how many men in your own lodge this would affect? How can you go to each nursing home or retirement facility and explain it to them? What service of brotherly love and filial responsibility will they receive now? What of their final honors, if, God forbid, should be denied to them during this transitional period? What will happen to the very young of the lodge – those who have not yet fulfilled their prospects with the Craft? Will they be allowed to finish the journey at another lodge, or will the prejudice of what transpired haunt their petitions to other lodges? Lastly, consider the most sacred and holiest of trusts we have from our brethren who have parted the veil. What will happen to the widows of the lodge? Will they be cared for by anyone? Will anyone go to their homes to make sure the gutters are cleaned out? Who will send her Birthday and holiday greetings, or will she just have to go without that reminder that the successors of her husband’s beloved lodge have sent to her all these years? A truly grim thought, but one I’m sure wasn’t considered when the heat of the moment saw them rejecting any form of reconciliation or brotherhood. So much for another lesson I thought would have been utterly fundamental in a ‘traditional’ lodge – that of the compasses.
I believe Bro. Gowan spoke the best when he intimated the likeness between the stories we’re reading and Ms. Rowlings works. Something tells me that I’ve received more truth from Ms. Rowlings than from Doc Savage and Co. Is there anyone out there who would care to speak on behalf of the remainder of the 22nd Masonic District of Ohio who might be able to shed some light on the matter while we wait patiently for a reply from Messrs. Anonymous/Tubalcain420/Clark Savage/Doc Savage and Co.? I for one would love to hear what their entanglement with the GL was that was so horrific as to toss aside their history in favor of “going solo”.
In summation, I submit to you that these young men who are communicating an action which occurred during a stated meeting of their lodge, (and therefore would be leaving themselves open to discipline under most GL’s regulations stating that what happens in lodge stays in lodge) had no previous experience in the Fraternity, and made a snap judgment of what they saw without the patience or fortitude to comprehend the situation. Based on that myopic viewpoint, they chose to paint the entire Fraternity with a broad brush filled with disgust, rancor, and vulgar language. Upon entering the Craft, they were offered substandard education on how to regard their brethren, which in turn lead to their easily injured feelings and suspicion towards others in the Craft. Not having the proper instruction as to how to appropriately handle such a situation and left to their own devices to defend their bruised egos, a campaign the likes of what has been witnessed on many groups, boards, blogs, web pages and all other manner of electronic communications ensued. In short, not only Masonry, but Cleveland looses – again.
Bro. G. Addams
Oriental Lodge, Illinois
“It always has appeared to me to be just one or two speaking against the entire GL, with precious few supporters from their own lodge; always hiding behind false names, never honestly and openly speaking to us as a brother, but more in a manner consistent with a secret agent or some seedy whisper from a dark and unwholesome alley.” G. Addams
ReplyDeleteGee… if it were only a few then why was the vote to surrender the Charter “unanimous”? Further, it is clear that Halcyon is perhaps the most prosperous lodge in the country. All of your fancy worded sophistry is rendered moot when compared to the accomplishments of this lodge. What a few brothers posted on the Internet is irrelevant. They don’t speak for Halcyon anymore than any Mason speaks for the whole of Freemasonry.
“Reflect on position of the brethren who have served their lodge faithfully for half a century or more, who will now be faced with the decision forced upon them by the GL due to actions of members they’ve never met.” – G. Addams
You must be referring to the same old guys that cut the pipes out of the organ and sold them for scrap metal. These same old guys let the building deteriorate to the point where it was almost condemned by the City of Cleveland.
Don’t worry about them brother. The thieves were expelled a few years ago and the rest took dimits to avoid being expelled by the lodge.
If you feel sorry for this motley crue of old guys then you are one sick puppy.
“Not having the proper instruction as to how to appropriately handle such a situation and left to their own devices to defend their bruised egos, a campaign the likes of what has been witnessed on many groups, boards, blogs, web pages and all other manner of electronic communications ensued.”
True, Masonic education is non-existent in Ohio like everywhere in American Masonry. I don’t know who you think you’re fooling here but this wasn’t about bruised egos or any such nonsense – it was about saving the temple from becoming a parking lot.
Your flowery words are pure BS from an idiot who has absolutely no idea what took place in Cleveland. Maybe you should go speculate on your own arrogance for assuming so much about what you know nothing about?
Cliff's Notes?
ReplyDeleteWhy is Anonymous a)anonymous and b) engaging so many ad hominem attacks with such passion?
ReplyDeleteNeither of these traits lend confidence in his arguments.
Gingerman said...
ReplyDeleteWhy is Anonymous a)anonymous and b) engaging so many ad hominem attacks with such passion?
Straw men? I believe that's the correct term here. The premise is to get you to swing at the straw man created anonymously (there's that word again). Also, we have to remember that this is not a tyled forum, and trolls do exist, both in the mundane as well as the craft. Feeding the trolls and keeping the straw men stuffed to sufficiently fool the unwary is a full time job, which perhaps accounts for the multiple pseudonyms of the anonymous family…
Gingerman said...
Neither of these traits lend confidence in his arguments.
A lot of argument and precious little fact. To construct an argument using Rhetoric, which is what you should have been taught in a traditional setting, requires you to learn the art of persuasion. So far, it's just been random facts (pipe stolen), with no support (who did it? When? Were you a member and could you have stopped them? Was there an issue with the organ that made it necessary to send it to the scrap yard? Would you have a member today who could actually play this organ if it were whole?). Or have you simply judged something YOU knew nothing about? Look at this article if you're still confused: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetoric
Mr or mrs anonymous – to make my previous post more understandable, I asked you to sign your posts. The owner of this blog apparently enjoys the anonymity he can offer to others, which is his right, but when you’re making claims that a GL is abusing power, you ought to be able to stand as a human being against what you believe to be tyranny – not cowering in the corner, spewing forth angry statements with no proof attached to them. In addition, by identifying yourself (especially now that there is no charter to worry about) you lend much more credence to your case. I would like to sympathize with you and your group; however, you don’t offer much hope of extending the same courtesy to anyone who would listen to your side.
G. Addams
Oriental Lodge, Illinois
After reading all the opinions stated thus far, I felt I might as well add my couple of cents to the mix.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing known for outside of Halcyon Lodge and Ohio Grand Lodge is that Halcyon Lodge surrendered their charter. The GL of Ohio did not take their charter from them, Halcyon gave it up.
So all the opinions blaming the GL of Ohio for what they did or did not do is baseless, until confirmed. Neither side has presented their official view yet, other than Halcyon stating what they have.
As a Mason I am appalled that other Masons would willfully break their solemn obligation and break away from their Grand Lodge. Regardless of their opinions on their Grand Lodge's edicts. It is just wrong, despite how you justify it in your mind. If they so callously disregard parts of their obligation, then their entire vow becomes null and void.
Again, this is all my opinion, which doesn't amount to much on the internet.
before any mason takes any oath to any GL, they are reminded that NO OATH or OBLIGATION will interfere to their duties to your God, neighbor, country or yourself.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone here know if their GL, ohio, may have been trying to get the Brothers halcyon to interfere with those duties, if so, they had every moral right to fire their GL reps.
Every mason takes those first oaths. GL rules codes and edicts of blind loyalty do not take place till the MM degree.
We, as masons, have a duty to god, nieghbor, country and ourselves before our duty to any one GL
so mote it be
ps. it was masons who broke their oaths to england's rule.
it was masons who revolted in france and belgium,prussia and everywhere else tyranny ruled.
why are masons not supposed to revolt in the 21st century?
just because you choose to be a blind obedient to your superiors, it seems like the men of Halcyon choose to be free thinkers,choosing to be free in following who they feel deserves their loyalty.
If educated, indepedant men feel that their leaders who progress, not really elected, on appointments, instead of merit, they have that right.
masonry rewards merit, not mediocrity, well we are supposed to anyway.
good luck halcyon, and stay vigilent!
Brother Anonymous
thrice most wise master of your reality
master councellour of zip
most illustrious super nova of the grand hut of nowhere
we are free americans first!
obligated masons second, but who ever we are obligated to, they better be on th elevel, or all bets are off.
I laugh at what some find appalling, while allowing unacceptable behavior from elders!
ReplyDeleteDr. Clark Savage
International Wrong Righter
past Master of the 9th veil
"before any mason takes any oath to any GL, they are reminded that NO OATH or OBLIGATION will interfere to their duties to your God, neighbor, country or yourself."
ReplyDeletebefore you, anonymous, quote the obligation, perhaps you should finish the quote.
"It appertains to Freemasonry alone."
Since they claim to be Traditional Masons, the obligation applies to them, or at least it used to.
The SYSTEM, as taught in the regular LODGES(and irregular and maybe even clandestine, the system is the system), may have some Redundancies or Defects, occasion'd by the Ignorance or Indolence of the old members. And indeed, considering through what Obscurity and Darkness the MYSTERY has been deliver'd down; the many Centuries it has survived; the many Countries and Languages, and SECTS and PARTIES it has run through; we are rather to wonder that it ever arrived to the present Age, without more Imperfection. It has run long in muddy Streams, and as it were, under Ground. But notwithstanding the great Rust it may have contracted, there is much of the OLD F'ABRICK remaining: the essential Pillars of the Building may be discov'd through the Rubbish, tho' the Superstructure be overrun with Moss and Ivy, and the Stones, by Length of Time, be disjointed. And therefore, as the Bust of an OLD Hero is of great Value among the Curious, tho' it has lost an Eye, the Nose or the Right Hand; so Masonry with all its Blemishes and Misfortunes, instead of appearing ridiculous, ought to be receiv'd with some Candor and Esteem, from a Veneration of its ANTIQUITY.
ReplyDelete--Defence of Masonry, 1730
Bro Tom Coste
In April, 2002, the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio raised more than 7,700 Master Masons on one day in 10 locations in the state. In March, 2003, on five Saturdays, Ohio raised about 3,100 Master Masons in 25 locations. In other words, within a 12-month period, nearly 11,000 new members were welcomed through the one-day class process.
11,000 x $125.00(EST. INITIATION FEE)= $ 1.375 MILLION DOLLARS!
Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIn April, 2002, the Grand Lodge of F&AM of Ohio raised more than 7,700 Master Masons on one day in 10 locations in the state. In March, 2003, on five Saturdays, Ohio raised about 3,100 Master Masons in 25 locations. In other words, within a 12-month period, nearly 11,000 new members were welcomed through the one-day class process.
I would be intersted to know how many of the Halcyon members involved in this furor were raised at the One Day Classes.
Could it be that the GL reaped what it has sown?
You Brothers need to ask yourself why the actions taken by Halcyon bother you so much.
ReplyDeleteI offer this. You seem to believe that submitting to the grand lodge, no matter what, is your obligation. This frees you from certain responsibilities. When another interferes with that illusion you have to attack them or face the truth. You are free to go right back into the cave, but stay out of the way of Masons who choose not too.
John Galt
John Galt
ReplyDeleteMain article: John Galt (Atlas Shrugged)
The enigmatic John Galt is the male hero of Atlas Shrugged, and typifies the Randian hero. By trade, he is an engineer, and has developed a revolutionary new motor powered by ambient static electricity that has the potential to change the world. However, in disgust at the collectivization forced upon him at his workplace at the Twentieth Century Motor Company, he goes on strike, depriving the world of his invaluable invention.
To increase the impact, he persuades each individual of talent whom he considers to share his own ethical creed, to join him on strike, in a secret and secluded hiding place called Galt's Gulch. Amongst them are Francisco d'Anconia and Ragnar Danneskjöld, with whom he had studied at Patrick Henry University. At first, Dagny Taggart considered Galt to be a destructive force, and grants him the epithet 'the Destroyer'. However, when she is convinced of the futility of her own struggle, and the nobility of Galt's, she falls in love with him.
John Galt's name is enshrined in the question "Who is John Galt?" The phrase is used popularly as an expression of helplessness and despair at the sorry state of the world. The answer is expressed in a range of legends: none of which is entirely true, but all of which reflect an aspect of his achievements and labours.
"You seem to believe that submitting to the grand lodge, no matter what, is your obligation. This frees you from certain responsibilities. When another interferes with that illusion you have to attack them or face the truth. You are free to go right back into the cave, but stay out of the way of Masons who choose not too."
ReplyDeleteWhen I took my obligation, I specifically remember stating that I would pay due respect and obedience to the Grand Lodge whose jurisdiction my lodge was under. But unfortunately, that, in and of itself, presents a conflict in me. For example, in the South, we have the issue of not recognizing Prince Hall Masons. The struggle I have is that on one hand, I do not believe that segregation has any place in Freemasonry. But on the other hand, I believe that standing to and abiding by my obligation is paramount in my participation in Freemasonry. But that does not mean that I am helpless. It means that if I have differences with the Grand Lodge, then it is in my power to become more involved with the Grand Lodge and attempt to institute change.
But it's important to remember that change can take time--a long time. This must-have-it-now world expects change to happen overnight, and that simply is not realistic, especially in Freemasonry. Yes, slow changes can also be for the worse, and the long time it can take to undo things can be frustrating and discouraging. Just remember that we, as Freemasons, understand the eternal, so accepting that changes may take some time should not be difficult to grasp. We want things to happen quickly, but we need to remember our place in the big picture.
My suggestion is that we all be the best Masons we can be, and live as shining examples of what Freemasonry is. Get involved, and work to institute the changes that will strengthen this brotherhood.
My obligation is to God and my fellow man. It is up to me, as a moral person, to decide what I will and will not do in life. Anyone stupid enough to surrender their freedom of choice to an organization or another individual is a fool.
ReplyDeleteLife's too short and enjoyable to be engaged in such frivolous nonsense.
John Galt wrote:
ReplyDeleteYou Brothers need to ask yourself why the actions taken by Halcyon bother you so much.
I offer this. You seem to believe that submitting to the grand lodge, no matter what, is your obligation. This frees you from certain responsibilities. When another interferes with that illusion you have to attack them or face the truth. You are free to go right back into the cave, but stay out of the way of Masons who choose not too.
The issue that bothers me is the wave of posting regarding this issue. Firstly, there is no one who is standing up and saying they are a member of this group and here’s what happened, while SIGNING their name to any post. The “facts” explained here come from shadowy, disembodied voices detached from any identity, and the passage “whispering ill report” keeps floating through my mind when I read these posts. As far as my obligations to my GL and my lodge are concerned, I consider it my conscience and responsibility to live up to all promises I’ve made, weather it be to the GL, my brothers or my family. I would no sooner cheat on my spouse than I would my GL, as I have given my solemn oath and obligation to each. Weather that puts me inside a cave or not is not really anyone’s regard but mine. In the end, we must face responsibility for our own conscience.
Finding the truth in an anonymous statement is difficult, at best, but then there is the issue of facts leading up to why the GL decided to state the following (quoting the ever-present anonymous poster) – “The GL has demanded that all Masonic education cease and that the books be banned from the lodge room, and that all Masonic papers on the web site be removed.” Mr anonymous, please tell us what exactly the GL took umbrage to in your educational programs, if you know why the lodge was asked to cease educating its members, which seems unlikely, unless it was educating members in things considered to be unmasonic in nature. Did the multiple Deputies who visited you at every meeting not understand the educational material, or was it off-topic to begin with? I understand the action taken by the GL, but not the reason for taking the action, which had to have existed.
”They (the GL) want Halcyon to send candidates to One Day Classes, something that is against the wishes of the lodge and not at all in the spirit of the traditions Halcyon wishes to preserve.” From my viewpoint, objecting to that wouldn’t be an issue at all, unless of course you were boisterously vocal in your condemnation of the practice without understanding that for some, this may be the only way to enter the craft. Not every man can memorize well, nor can a man with a great deal of work as well as family pressures be expected to devote as much time as you have to your candidates. However, those are just two examples of men who can and are an asset to the craft nonetheless. Why could your lodge not simply state that you have no candidates available to process in this ODC and leave it at that?
”Halcyon can no longer be true to what it believes and remain within the GL system of which it has been a part. After months of having DDGM's at every meeting to enforce policies that Halcyon has no meaningful voice in amending, it was forced to either remain true to its core ideology by leaving the system, or simply dissolve when all the members walked out and quit Masonry.” You state that DDGM’s (plural, I presume from your writing) were in attendance at every meeting to “enforce policies”. What policies are you speaking of? Are you saying that your lodge or its members were accused of some inappropriate behavior, so much so that it required not one, but several Deputies to attend? Again, mr anonymous, I ask you to speak more clearly regarding your statements to help clarify the meaning.
I feel from the vague language used in previous replies that there is something not being stated clearly enough, or a partial truth being revealed. There have been cries of “they did this to us”, but reasonable men don’t act without provocation, so the statements haven’t made any sense, which is why I have repeatedly asked for facts. There’s been an excess of derogatory remarks made, but barely any facts have been revealed. Each time facts are asked for, someone changes the subject and angrily points out some defect of another person. Subterfuge and insurrection won’t deter someone from seeking the truth. Something isn’t being said, and it’s something more than we’re being led to believe.
G. Addams
Orient, Illinois
Bro. Addams,
ReplyDeleteThis is all much to do about nothing.
Halcyon has said what it has to say on its web site. If it has more to say you will find it there.
This (BurningTaper) is a public forum where anyone can post anything. Cool your jets and quit speculating endlessly in long diatribes that at the end of the day have no more meaning or credibility than the anonymous postings.
Jeff Peace
Halcyon 498
Mr Peace,
ReplyDeleteI am sorry if reading my posts were tedious to you, but there is always a delete button at your disposal. I was merely seeking Light, something that neither the website of the defunct lodge, nor the posts here offered. As to speculation, one tends to wonder at the real truth of the matter when offered seditious comments, fired off by multiple nameless personalities and pertaining to vague and shocking charges against the GL.
On a personal level, I have to say I admire you Mr Peace. You’ve always been able to not only express the facts well, but more importantly, you’ve never been afraid to be honest about who you were. I sincerely wish you well in whatever your future holds.
G. Addams
Orient, Illinois
I can't imagine how the issue of one-day classes alone would cause Halcyon to surrender its charter. Something else must have been in play. And the notion that a compromise of some sort could not be arranged, regardless of the situation, is strange.
ReplyDeleteM.W.B. Michael Himes conducted a one-day class last year, during his term as grand master. From what I understand, it is up to the grand master whether one-day classes are held. I have heard speculation that the new grand master, M.W.B. Ronald Winnett, will not call for the one-day class this year. I sincerely doubt that the Grand Lodge of Ohio would try to compel any Craft Lodge to send candidates through the one-day class.
In my opinion, participating in the degree rituals in full form and demonstrating proficiency in each degree in full form is the right way to become a Mason. I was made aware of other options, such as the one-day class or completing proficiencies in Lodge by reciting just the obligations from cipher, but wanted no part of either.
I can see the value in one-day classes and so-called short-form proficiency examinations. Some Brethren have very poor memory skills. Some Brethren are extremely shy and feel very uncomfortable in such situations. Some wish to be active members of the Lodge but may not want to get in line. I do not like the idea of taking a one-day class to become a card-carrying Mason by name only to join a concordant body of Masonry, but that's what some choose to do.
ReplyDeleteI can't speak for other Grand Lodges, other than my own, but the Grand Master doesn't have the authority to institute one day classes. He can make a recommendation to be presented to Annual Communications, which is voted upon by the assembled brethren.
So I would assume that if Ohio does indeed implement the ODC, then the brethren of Ohio have voted upon and passed to have it.
Regardless, of the reason, be it ODC, or donating their building to charity without consent of the GL, it is all speculation.
ReplyDeleteJust to clear it up:
From Ohio's Grand Secretary (and Past Grand Master) George O. Braatz:
The authority to have a one-day class was approved by a vote of the delegates at Ohio's Grand Lodge Communication in October 2001. The legislation permits each Grand Master to decide whether he wants to have a one-day membership event.
Bro. Addams,
ReplyDeleteHalcyon did not post its statement to the BurningTaper, but to its own web site. The BurningTaper picked that up as a news item. We have nothing further to say at this time, but will be releasing further information in the near future.
While I'm honored that you admire my straightforward and open approach to Masonic matters, I am somewhat dismayed by your use of "Mr." in place of "Bro.".
After reading through your lengthy emotional appeal (posted here) I had concluded that you were a true brother to all of humanity, and not merely a part of the lesser brotherhood of a mere club. It saddens me to see such a gifted brother ensnared by such a narrow view of Freemasonry and the greater brotherhood of all mankind. I know in your heart that you are a much bigger and better human being than this narrow view could ever contain. Free yourself of this illusion before it becomes your master.
"The legislation permits each Grand Master to decide whether he wants to have a one-day membership event."
ReplyDeleteBro. Ben
If this is the case then that creates even more confusion for me, if indeed Halcyon Lodge was against the ODC in the first place causing them to seceed. Assuming there was only one ODC per year, not held at Halcyon Lodge, why would Halcyon care?
There would be more reasons that just the ODC that would cause Halcyon to arrive at the decision they have.
I wish them well in their endeavor, but just think their method in doing so goes against what I have learned from being a Mason.
Bro. Rick,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the response. My initial post to this long thread of replies was that other issues, beyond whatever conflict Halcyon had with one-day classes, had to be contributors.
As far as I know (admittedly, others are considerably more in the know about state-level Masonic code in Ohio), Craft Lodges may offer one-day classes, when available, to candidates as an option. In other words, I could not imagine a Lodge being compelled by law or edict to send X number of successfully balloted candidates to a one-day class, particularly when X number of those candidates may wish to experience Masonry the traditional way.
Therefore, I can only reason that additional conflicts between Halcyon and the Grand Lodge of Ohio were at play. Time will tell.
My emphasis in this discussion hasn't been upon the details of the argument between the members of Halcyon Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Ohio, because, absent any direct comments by the parties involved, we can only speculate. From a more universal point of view, my concern is with the breaking of their oath. This is something all Masons should be concerned with. Few of us will or would be visiting this lodge specifically, but the larger question of when and what makes it necesarry or acceptable to break a sacred obligation is of importance to us all.
ReplyDeleteNot just Masons, but all society make and break agreements and/or obligations. When is this appropriate? When we don't like what's going on? When we feel we are not properly acknowledged? When we don't like what others have imposed on us, even if those others were elected by our society to make those decisions? When we didn't understand, or now reject, what we freely, and of our own knowledge took on, but feel constrained by now?
How many marriages are ended for these reasons? How many friendships, how many people cheated and defrauded in business, and how many deaths on the highway, or even in our homes? We don't feel we need to keep our word if it keeps us from having a new woman, a new man, a new pair of shoes, or a bowling date, or things the way we want them NOW in our organizations.
Those are some very good points. A Brother with whom I've had the pleasure of sitting in Lodge once told me that some Masons are afraid of pushing their Brethren to be leaders or to take on responsibilities because of the possibility that those men, claiming that Masonry is but a volunteer-based organization, will simply quit. His response was simple: Once you take approach the altar and take an obligation, you're no longer a volunteer. You're obligated.
ReplyDeleteA good discussion on the Obligation is being had at the following link:
I'm not sure it's a *good* discussion. It's Arthur Peterson attempting to bully his own feelings on the obligation upon everyone else, as usual.
ReplyDelete"After reading through your lengthy emotional appeal (posted here) I had concluded that you were a true brother to all of humanity, and not merely a part of the lesser brotherhood of a mere club. It saddens me to see such a gifted brother ensnared by such a narrow view of Freemasonry and the greater brotherhood of all mankind. I know in your heart that you are a much bigger and better human being than this narrow view could ever contain. Free yourself of this illusion before it becomes your master."
ReplyDeleteIt is pleasing that you, who are so wise and the only true Mason here, will bequeath such glowing honors upon this brother--especially after he stroked your ego. Before that he was merely "tedious".
The post is tedious only to those who choose to discount his rather pointed comments that, while not requiring that someone offer a rebuttal here, demand that someone own up and start telling the truth. It will come out in the end.
Take it as it is. You all have what you want and I wish you well in sorting it out.
Check this out! It looks like Halcyon won't be alone for long.
To respond to the anonymous author who attacked me for using the words "act out" and said that three year olds act out. Ok maybe i'm not the most eloquent writer. Sorry, the public school system failed me (not really I'm much more proficient in mathematics). But, also if you used your eyes and your mind a little better you might have seen that I never said that either the grand lodge of ohio or Halcyon was right or wrong. Sorry if you were to wrapped around your own ideas to see what I really wrote, which was a simple statement pertaining to the similiarities of governing systems. Thank you very much and please read this carefully.
As I recollect Lord Charles Cornwallis asked the band to play "The World Turned Upside Down" after Yorktown...
ReplyDelete... I think I may have a better tune in mind....
I think the reason some Masons have such a visceral response to a group like Halcyon is out of their feelings of loyalty to their own grand lodges. When we had something like this come up in my state (Alabama), I felt that way about it, but not now.
ReplyDeleteNow, after more experience and reflection, I have lost all respect for the Grand Lodge of my state, which operates a social club for old rednecks. The fraternity I took an oath to doesn't really exist in Alabama. It's an illusion I had when I joined what turned out to be the Old Redneck Order.
I admire a group of men who seem to have the same complaint as me do something about it. Besides, if they have surrendered their charter and do not join other "regular" lodges in their state, I'm not sure what part of their MM oath they are violating.
I think we may be seeing the start of something here that will unfold over the next two decades or so as the Old Rednecks get old and pass on. Young, educated men realize the GLs do not provide legitimate leadership for Masonry, and they are not satisfied with barbecues and dominoes games. As the Old Guard passes away, and as membership and money decline, rebellion may become the path of rebirth for Masonry in the United States. If it doesn't, Masonry will simply wither and die with the old rednecks who own and operate it today.
Gingerman writes:
ReplyDelete"My emphasis in this discussion hasn't been upon the details of the argument between the members of Halcyon Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Ohio, ...my concern is with the breaking of their oath."
What makes you think anyone has broken any of their Masonic oaths? Isn't that being rather presumptuous?
Is it a violation of a Masonic oath for a lodge to voluntarily surrender its charter, particularly when the members thereof elect to do so by unanimous vote?
What makes you imply that's "un-Masonic?"
"To respond to the anonymous author who attacked me for using the words "act out" and said that three year olds act out. Ok maybe i'm not the most eloquent writer. Sorry, the public school system failed me (not really I'm much more proficient in mathematics). But, also if you used your eyes and your mind a little better you might have seen that I never said that either the grand lodge of ohio or Halcyon was right or wrong. Sorry if you were to wrapped around your own ideas to see what I really wrote, which was a simple statement pertaining to the similiarities of governing systems. Thank you very much and please read this carefully.
I'll be sure to do that. My post was not an attack--it was a clarification because your statements needed clarification. The world is not as black and white as you state in the cliche, "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem".
So you were failed by the Public School system. Boy, there's just so much blame to spread around. However, it doesn't absolve one from finding a different avenue to learn how to properly communicate. It is a social virtue and without this ability we run into conversations like this.
I am looking forward for the truth about this situation to come out.
rhetoric –noun
ReplyDelete1.(in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast.
2.the art or science of all specialized literary uses of language in prose or verse, including the figures of speech.
3.the study of the effective use of language.
4.the ability to use language effectively.
5.the art of prose in general as opposed to verse.
6.the art of making persuasive speeches; oratory.
7.(in classical oratory) the art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience.
Sometimes what we are taught in the Middle Chamber is lost on Masons.
The anonymous blogger strikes again, I see. I’m not feeding the anonymous trolls and straw men who are lurking here, but rather those who may not fully understand the Masonic code or rules of a lodge, and are simply stopping by this very busy blog to see what’s going on.
ReplyDeletemr anonymous argues: “Is it a violation of a Masonic oath for a lodge to voluntarily surrender its charter, particularly when the members thereof elect to do so by unanimous vote?”
The meaning of a "unanimous vote," as it applies to the surrender of a charter, is not complex, but in order for the resulting action (that is, the surrender of said charter, under which no recognized body can function legally speaking), to stand in a trial, weather it is Masonic or civic, certain specific actions have to be taken first. The word “unanimous” means, according to Miriam Webster, “having the agreement and consent of all,” so by all means, we should explore this to see if the word fits the action.
In order for any vote to surrender a charter to the GL, weather in order to merge or to darken a lodge, the ENTIRE membership must be notified that such a vote is to take place. This typically is handled by a letter mailed out to all members notifying them that their vote in required at a stated meeting. The vote is then taken at the specified meeting, ensuring that no one who is a member is stripped of the choice, which is theirs by right of membership to make. This ensures that everyone can make a statement, weather for or against a merger, (to join forces with another lodge, blending two groups together to form one), or decision to “go dark”, (close its doors forever) or to surrender it’s charter (ceasing all right to be affiliated not only with recognized Masonry, but any appendant body as well); thereby allowing the membership to choose a lodge that suits them, individually or as a group. Seems a fair and equitable way to do things, allowing each person to have a voice in a group they support, especially when faced with such an emotional decision to make.
In this case, according to anonymous statements made by persons implying they are “in the know”, it was stated that the group in question made a spontaneous decision that same evening to surrender their charter. No notification could have been sent out, as this group was undoubtedly unaware that the GL would be reading a document that would incite them to take this drastic action, however a solution would have been to contain their anger, (a lesson that is taught in Freemasonry), and to ask for a notification of all members to take place, so that at the next meeting a legal vote could be taken. Barring the proper notification of the entire group, the correct term that should be used is that INDIVIDUAL decisions were summarily made to reject their INDIVIDUAL memberships. Therefore, a handful of young men taking a vote on something which requires the vote of the entire group could never be interpreted as a lawful move, even by the most ignorant of the laws under which Masonry operates.
Now a question for the persons who are interested in the truth. Based on the understanding you have now of how each member is to have a say and vote in the matter, were the actions taken considered to be a valid vote if it was simply done by the members who showed up that night? The next logical question is how many showed up to elect these individual conclusions to reject their membership? What percentage of the total number of members was aware of this “unanimous” INDIVIDUAL decision? Did every person present that night reach the same conclusion of their own volition, or was it a matter of, as another person on this blog put it, “lemmings leaping”? Have all the members of this group been notified by the Secretary of the group that such a vote has happened? Only those who were in that room that night knows for sure, but a “unanimous” vote, taken by a handful of people definitely does not follow the rules outlined above, does it?
Allow me to explain something further to those who are not familiar with the typical makeup of a lodge, in order that you might understand how an average American lodge is comprised. Now, please understand that this generalization is for demonstration purposes only, and not a definitive answer to all lodges, nor applying to the group in question, but it will allow those who are visiting this blog to understand the general idea, even though this is a very simplified version. In a typical group, let’s assume that there are 100 members who have bound themselves together and call themselves a lodge. They all pay their dues every year in a timely fashion (I can hear every Secretary out there already groaning and guffawing at that statement), and each, in their own way, help the lodge out to function as a whole, weather it be the talents of those who are adept at cooking, plumbing or general aid when there’s a task to be done, or simply by contributing to a general fund which allows the day-to-day functions to be carried out. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? However, the reality is that out of that nice round number, on average, at any meeting you will find around 20 or so who show up to take on the meetings and general work of a lodge, (please note that again, I’m deliberately using generalizations for the purposes of demonstration only). The question is, given the explanation above that tells you how a vote is handled in Masonry, did the people who voted individually to undertake an action for the entire group do the right thing by excluding those who were uninformed of the decision? Should a mere 20% be permitted to decide the fate of the other 80 when they’ve all sworn to play by the rules they agreed on when they joined?
To those who would argue the point of their personal belief that no obligation was broken by these actions, I offer this simplified analogy for the edification of those who are not Masons. Those rules, once again, were sworn by each of the men in attendance that evening. Each of them, at the time they became members, and again, each time they ascended to the completion of each of the three degrees, swore to uphold the laws, rules, and regulations. In addition, annually when they undertake any office in Masonry, the incoming officers, prior to assuming office, stand as a group and repeat their obligation to uphold the laws, rules and regulations. Using an analogy all will understand, these repeated obligations can be understood to be similar to the vows one undertakes when you consent to marriage, you bind yourself to one another, in this case, you pledge yourself to be faithful to your lodge. In both cases, you are legally entering an exclusive relationship – exclusive in the sense that you have pledged yourself to one another, to the exclusion of all others. Now, using the same analogy of marriage vows, does it seem likely that you are honoring those vows when you cheat on your spouse?
With that, I’m sure we’ll be hearing mr anonymous and his supporters trying to refute the logic of the above statements.
G. Addams
Orient lodge, Illinois
That's your complaint? You assert that these men violated Masonic obligations by failing to provide the notice to members required by their state's Masonic Code. Well, then, prove it! And if that's the best you can do (i.e., if that's the only complaint your multiple, prolix emails were based upon), I for one am unimpressed.
ReplyDeleteAddams just likes to hear himself talk. 99% of the readers of the blog won' even bother to read something that long and frivolous.
ReplyDeleteEverything Addams says is nothing but propaganda (probably written to win some kind of Masonic award or bauble by ingratiating himself to his GL or the Scottish Rite).
FACT: Everything he has written is based on speculation because he doesn't know the facts. He expects everyone to agree with him because his logic seems so reasonable until you realize the entire argument is baseless and devoid of any real facts surrounding the event upon which he speculates.
In other words: it's all a bunch of nonsense contrived to appear reasonable.
The real concern here isn't Halcyon but the fact that there are more lodges either breaking away or forming based on this event. I think it is a sign of the serious internal problems the fraternity has been facing for many years now. Everything is not a bed of roses in American Freemasonry, and anyone who has been around awhile knows it. We sat on our hands for years hoping our problems would just go away and now they are coming back to bite us.
Its a sign of a few who want freemasonry destroyed at all costs since they were expelled. "The more that are expelled like us the better."
ReplyDeleteNemo, using your "logic", are you saying it's o.k. to cheat on your spouse? I don't think she'd agree, but if you have that kind of relationship, why bother with the paper? Or maybe that's just your point - anyone can play at being a mason, all they need are the toys and they are one. Do you have the rings for both? Because your bullying and name calling are telling me that you're not being honest - with yourself and with us.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, as someone who isn't a part of masons, what I've read so far isn't 100% of the true story here and it's becoming more and more obvious when someone raises a valid question and then gets personally attacked because you can't tell us what the true facts are.
Reasonable doubt exists that the people who took the action were wrong, based on the questions that have been asked. I say reasonable doubt because of the lack of facts & truth coming from the side that's claiming such a "victory". If there wasn't so much to hide, you'd be bragging about the facts that lead to this stupendous "victory" over the old guys who sold the copper pipes.
Face it, you have not told everyone 100% of the truth, and instead of admitting it, you're just hiding behind bullying and anonimity, changing the subject or cutting someone else down by calling them an idiot. People do that when they can't tell the truth with a straight face.
I knew of masons before reading this, but based on this sort bad vibe, it wouldn't be worth joining this new group. Too many people on the side of the so-called "victors" sound like selfish children who would sooner punch you than call you friend. Now I see why they went to the expense of getting a boxing ring in their building.
I'm curious, SRW, how is Freemasonry destroyed by a private lodge leaving one grand lodge and affiliating with another? This happens in Europe quite often, and Freemasonry is in far better shape there than in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteIt's apparent that Nemo nor anyone else on this blog knows the facts. All anyone knows is what Halcyon and Euclid posted to the net.
ReplyDeleteThe ignorant accusing the ignorant of withholding information is nothing more than an emotional response to the event.
It's clear that Nemo doesn't know the facts but has chosen to side with the lodge, whereas you don't know the facts either but have chosen not to side with them.
At this point any and all discussions of this event are nothing more than children throwing stones at one another.
"Frankly, as someone who isn't a part of masons..." anonymous
ReplyDeleteOdd that you would feel a need to make such a claim. It would appear that you are a Mason trying to gain credibility through objectivity by claiming that you are not.
I think it's highly doubtful that any non-Mason would bother to argue so vehemently about something they know nothing about and have no vested interest in.
It's amazing to witness the highly emotional responses of Masons against Masons. I thought Freemasonry was supposed to be about brotherhood?
"Its a sign of a few who want freemasonry destroyed at all costs since they were expelled. 'The more that are expelled like us the better.'"
ReplyDeleteThis statement is both irrational and illogical. If the objective was to destroy Freemasonry, as you claim, creating new lodges would be an act in opposition to the stated objective.
Based on the very limited available facts surrounding the matter it would appear that they are trying to create a new form of Freemasonry.
Here in my state, when a lodge surrenders its charter, two things happen:
ReplyDelete(1) All of its property, including the building and grounds, furniture, funds, etc., automatically reverts to the grand lodge. Whether a charter is surrendered or seized, the brothers who helped purchase, manage, and maintain their property, lose ALL rights to it, and it becomes the sole property of the state grand lodge.
(2) All of the lodge's former members become "Masons at large," and have 1 year to join another "regular" lodge. If they don't join another "regular" lodge in that time, the grand lodge classifies them as "willfully non-affiliated Masons," and suspends them from membership in the Masonic fraternity. This is also true for "lifetime" members, who were assured they'd never have to pay membership dues again. If their own lodge closes, and they can't find another lodge to join, they're suspended from "regular" Masonry, while the grand lodge keeps their "perpetual" membership dues.
Reading between the lines with the benefit of a LOT of Masonic experience, I'll tell you what I think happened at Halcyon.
1. A group of intelligent young guys who were passionate about Masonry, embarrassed the Masonic "establishment" with their success.
2. The "establishment," applying the time-honored theory "old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill," didn't appreciate the contrast the young brethren presented, and began setting stumbling blocks to impede their progress.
3. The young brethren finally became frustrated and took the action that the "establishment" goaded them into, thereby removing themselves from the Masonic "gene pool," and leaving the treacherous old men running the only show in town.
I've seen similar scenarios play out scores of times. Men in established positions of power and authority, are relentless in their efforts to maintain those positions. Instead of focusing their efforts on success for everyone, their only goal is self-promotion, and they'll go to any length to impede the success of those who appear smarter and/or more industrious.
This whole sort of "philosophy" is destroying not only American Masonry, but America itself. If Republicans start doing things that benefit the ordinary Americans, Democrats resent their success and set stumbling blocks in their way. Likewise, if Democrats start doing things that benefit the ordinary Americans, Republicans resent their success and set stumbling blocks in their way.
It's a vicious cycle in which success is punished, while failure is rewarded, and the ultimate outcome should be easily predictable.
Over 3,000 years ago, a wise man named Solomon wrote:
"There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler: Folly is set in great dignity, and the [successful] sit in low place. I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth."
Today in Ohio, the old-guard "establishment" continues to ride on their high horses, while the members of Halcyon Lodge, who demonstrated their ability to build Masonry, begin their march in Masonic isolation.
It shouldn't have to be that way, but it is, and that's how it'll always be, as long as we continue accepting a status quo that's produced only a long record of failure.
I've been interested in becoming a Mason and all this talk about oaths and obligations seems to confirm what I've been reading on other sites about Masons being bound by their oaths until death.
ReplyDeleteMasons have told me that you are free to leave at any time and that being bound until death is just anti Masonic propaganda. Yet, the posts on this blog and the Euclid blog seem to confirm that Masons are indeed abound until death to remain loyal to the organization.
Why can't these Masons leave and form a new lodge? Why are they being harassed by other Masons about their oaths and obligations?
If a Mason is free to leave at any time then why are these men not free to leave without breaking their obligations?
I want to know the truth about Masonry because I don't want to join something so secretive only to find out that I have been duped into selling my soul to something I may not agree with.
You guys are demanding the truth out of the Masons that left your group. I think it's fair to demand the truth from you about how far the Masonic oath and obligation truly extends.
"Frankly, as someone who isn't a part of masons..." anonymous
ReplyDeleteOdd that you would feel a need to make such a claim. It would appear that you are a Mason trying to gain credibility through objectivity by claiming that you are not.
-[other anonymous]
Other anonymous has this right. Obviously, the "anonymous" who accused me of "bullying" is striking a pose. That "anonymous" is likely a Mason who has forgotten that honesty is a virtue. Anyway, the burden of proof is on those who are accusing these guys of wrongdoing. Yeah, I'm in Alabama, and I don't know the facts, which is a prime reason why I'm also not accusing them of wrongdoing. This is WAY fun!
Stupid, Stupider and Stupidest.
ReplyDeleteAitchison Haven lodge of Scotland was known to exist as early as 1598. About 138 years later, on Nov 30, 1736, this Scottish lodge in association with others founded the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
One year later it withdrew from the lodge over the issue of freedoms for individual lodges. It would take 78 years before the Scottish lodge would decide to rejoin the Grand Lodge.
1) The lodge didn't need a Grand Lodge to be masonic (right up to 1735).
2) The Grand Lodge is the creature of the blue lodges, not the other way around.
3) A blue lodge can withdraw from a Grand Lodge and still work the craft and make masons.
All this "jazz" about a blue lodge not being able to execute it's autonomy is pure rubbish.
Brothers and Sisters,
ReplyDeleteThe whole Halcyon/Euclid debate has led me to think more deeply about the root cause of these events. Some are saying that's its all about ego, but I know these guys and that just doesn't fit them very well. Of course this same argument could be made about Grand Masters. lol
The more I thought about it and my own experience here in Georgia I began to realize this whole thing is about happiness. It's about being happy and content with "Freemasonry".
As human beings we are not totally rational or logical creatures. We struggle with deep felt emotions that are not easily controlled. Surely everyone here remembers your first love as a teenager, or how full of joy you were at some significant event in your life?
Some people join Freemasonry out of curiosity and don't take it very seriously. To these folks Freemasonry evokes little if any emotional reaction. Others really believe in Freemasonry and its principles and make it a part of their daily lives. To these people Freemasonry evokes deep emotions.
Monolithic systems such as Grand Lodges are well suited for mass production operations where everything is the same, but poorly suited to address individual needs. This, I believe, is the true nature of the problem. It's not about the needs of the ego but the spirit of the human being.
If one truly believes in Freemasonry but the monolithic structure inhibits their spiritual growth they will become deeply unhappy and confused as to the nature of their unhappiness. Eventually the realization will come to them that it is the limitations of the monolithic structure that holds them back morally and spiritually in their quest for self-discovery.
This may not be true for all Masons but it is clearly so for some. This is most evident in European Freemasonry but is becoming more so in the United States.
As Masons we are taught to be tolerant of others but we tend to be very intolerant of other Masons. We view the world through the looking glass backwards.
If we are to grow and advance as an organization we must become more tolerant and understanding of the needs of others, and avoid assuming so much about others when their views don't agree with our own.
This means there has to be a kinder and gentler system established that is understanding of the many needs of the various brothers and sisters around the globe. It must recognize and acknowledge that what is good for one may not necessarily be good for all.
We must also recognize the value in diversity, and that this concept is written in the pages of the book of nature by the hands of G.A.O.T.U. All you have to do is look out of your window to see the great diversity in nature and the cosmos. The G.A.O.T.U. loves diversity and spreads it liberally throughout the universe. Even if you don't believe in the G.A.O.T.U. diversity is still readily apparent everywhere and in everything.
The question we must ask ourselves is...
Are we willing to allow others to discover happiness in their own unique way without passing judgment on them?
I just read this in an email that was forwarded to me by a brother:
ReplyDelete"1. A lodge is not an independent organization. A lodge is simply an extension of the Grand Lodge and operates at their pleasure. The GRAND LODGE decides when a lodge will be closed or stay open."
This is about as ugly a statement about blue lodge masonry as I could ever imagine being written.
To Objective:
ReplyDeleteBefore taking your obligation in most US jurisdictions you are informed that your obligation will not conflict with your duty to yourself, your country, your neighbor or your God. My feeling is that at such time as your obligation comes into conflict with your duty to yourself you have a duty to resolve that conflict. If that duty leads you to affiliate yourself with an alternative Masonic obedience or to leave the fraternity altogether that is what you must do.
It appears that the brothers in Cleveland and Grand Rapids believe that their obligation actually calls them to take this action. I believe they've acted with honor, not against the principles of Masonry. Freemasonry is bigger than any Grand Lodge. Contrary to what mainstream Grand Lodges and Masons would lead you to believe, they don't have a patent on Masonry. It is practiced by men and women all over the globe with their permission or recognition.
Good luck to our brothers in Cleveland and Grand Rapids, and I hope the GAOTU guides their efforts.
nemo said...
ReplyDelete"Frankly, as someone who isn't a part of masons..." anonymous
Odd that you would feel a need to make such a claim. It would appear that you are a Mason trying to gain credibility through objectivity by claiming that you are not.
-[other anonymous]
Actually, to both of these numbnuts, I'm a 20 year old junior at NYU who has been looking into masons on and off for the past year, but WTF would you know, right? You're both way better at slinging shit then learning the truth, much less telling it. I found this blog and was interested by the subject matter, and now I've learned the big secret of your organization - lie your asses off and disrespect anyone who challanges your so-called version of the "truth" by lying about it.
Guess I'll look into something with more meat and less maggots hanging off of it.
Anonymous wrote: Addams just likes to hear himself talk. 99% of the readers of the blog won' even bother to read something that long and frivolous.
ReplyDeleteI do apologize, mr anonymous that your time has been taken up by the posts I’ve made. I believe if you check your e-mail, there is a DELETE button, and it grieves me to know you’re unaware of this. Could someone please point out where the delete button is so that poor mr anonymous could go back to gloating over his triumphant victory? So sorry to disturb you!
Anonymous wrote: Everything Addams says is nothing but propaganda (probably written to win some kind of Masonic award or bauble by ingratiating himself to his GL or the Scottish Rite).
mr anonymous, for your future edification, propaganda is what the Halcyon people have been spreading. “Deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread” is the definition of propaganda. In this case, systematically would entail all of the blogs, e-mail groups, websites, and forums that your “triumphant message of victory” has been splattered. I have merely been asking questions to seek the truth in the dim tunnel of what has been made available, nothing more. To reiterate:
What truly caused your members to leave?
What did the GL believe you did that was enough for them to get so VERY involved in your little lodge out of the 528 lodges in Ohio?
How many members were present at this “unanimous” decision to abandon your charter?
Why can’t more be told of what happened?
Have you been doing something explicitly against your GL laws, rules, and/or regulations?
Why can’t you sign your posts?
Are you still, after leaving your GL, afraid of telling the truth of what happened?
Are you under some sort of gag order from this newest group with which you’ve involved yourselves?
Is there something that either you as a group or one or two persons have done that has caused your GL to attack you so violently?
Why did DDGM’s have to attend every meeting?
Were they afraid that if they hadn’t attended, you might do something against GL policy that you knew was wrong?
What do you fear so, if you are in fact no longer Masons?
Why would your GL forbid you to educate members?
Also, mr anonymous, for your edification and enlightenment, I am a member of the Blue Lodge, nothing more. I have no ambition to add yet another membership, as I find lodge more than satisfying at this time. I am not a Past Master, and therefore ineligible for any recognition from my district. Furthermore, with my travel schedule, I am rarely at home to attend lodge on any regular basis, although I do enjoy going whenever I have the opportunity. I don’t see how you could surmise that I’d been ingratiating myself with any GL, as it is customary practice in Masonry to leave the critics to hang themselves, and in general, GL’s tend to frown on helping the critics, but I believe otherwise in this particular case, as less than the truth of the matter has revealed itself yet, and my, the amount of rope being picked up by your fellow supporters is generous enough to do more than the number presenting itself here.
Anonymous wrote: FACT: Everything he has written is based on speculation because he doesn't know the facts. He expects everyone to agree with him because his logic seems so reasonable until you realize the entire argument is baseless and devoid of any real facts surrounding the event upon which he speculates.
Sir, I do not KNOW the facts because YOU CAN NOT DIVULGE THEM! You’re just punching yourself in the nose with that argument, and if indeed you were a member of any recognized Blue Lodge, I weep for what education you’ve missed completely regarding TOLERANCE and the reason why seeking TRUTH is the highest personal quest you can set upon. I believe if you dared tell 100% of the story to this eager crowd, you’d loose your support from the meager fan base you have. I keep asking you to help us with understanding the facts, but you’re far too busy bashing an opponent’s character and changing the subject to realize it.
Anonymous wrote: In other words: it's all a bunch of nonsense contrived to appear reasonable.
Again, I reiterate so that you can understand, (although I see what a terrible time you’re having with that, and I am truly sorry for your loss in comprehending all this), you’re just punching yourself in the nose with that argument. In seeking the truth, one must question, otherwise no one will learn. I’m sure even you, with your poor education in Masonry, will remember that questions, when answered correctly, can only elevate your level of education. But then again, I realize you and your companions must be so very busy putting out all of the little fires you’ve set all over the internet, so I won’t bother you any longer today.
G. Addams
Orient Lodge, Illinois
The children of Horus have been reborn into the Light. My joy is beyond the number of stars born in Orion.
ReplyDeleteHail! Xen Irixis Niytrx Siri nun Btyus Sirii!
Horu ibit Set
On a lighter note G.S. says he would no sooner cheat on his wife than the GL.
ReplyDeleteG.S. seriously Brother, I hope she doesn't brouse your brouser because serious flowers are in your future.
ReplyDeleteSeems like I am seeing Euclid and Halcyon in the same breath quite often. Halcyon's action was independent of Euclid's action, and vice versa.
Oddly we seem to be catching the same flavor of venom.
I do support Halcyon's action and I wish them the best. If there were a way that I could be of assistance to them, I would be.
Halcyon is an independent lodge, so is Euclid. That these two lodges have some things in common is just cool.
G.S and others with his mindset believe that Freemasonry is an organization. An organization that they will blindly follow out of love for the organization. The Brothers of both Halcyon and Euclid hold Freemasonry as an idea, a progressive science and a way of advancing thought.
ReplyDeleteTwo flavours for two different approaches. No harm, no foul.
BC 2006
ReplyDeleteThe reasons that Halycon and Euclid are lumped together are:
1A. Halycon chose "number 2"
1B. Euclid, soon after, chose "number 3".
Both lodges are relatively close, physically.
However, it sounds as if there were very different reasons for the two lodges to split off:
- Halycon appears to have been in open dispute with the Grand Lodge on issues which neither party has discussed openly. I certainly don't know why the lodge renounced its charter.
- Euclid (yours) has decided that Masonry should include atheists. That deviates slightly from the Grand Lodge's views and we don't need to discuss the obligation, do we? So naturally you had to separate yourself from the Grand lodge.
Neither lodge upsets me. Members of these lodges are no longer brother masons to me, but that doesn't make them bad people or different from the overwhelming majority of the people in my life.
Can someone tell us what is really going on here?
ReplyDeleteWhy did the RRCG break away from the UGLA? It says something about "religious" reasons. http://www.siriuslodge.org/news.htm
Then http://www.rrcg.org/home.htm
Who is Sirius 7, Regulus 9, and Sons of Light 6?
How many Masons knew about this? How many total lodges are there?
Is any willing to step forward with some facts?
Brother Royce,
ReplyDeleteYou are still a Brother Mason to me. Regardless, that is a matter of semantics and does not amount to a hill of beans to the respect that I hold for you and that you hold for me.
I think highly of Halcyon and wish them the best. Euclid is a separate organization altogether. We do share some ideas it seems. We will see how that goes once Michigan (again) destroys Ohio. How much of a beating can they take?
As to "what is really going on here". Don't know.
Royce Myers wrote: "Members of these lodges are no longer brother masons to me."
ReplyDeleteThat's a very curious statement. What did the brothers of Euclid and Halcyon do, that suddenly you turn your backs on them as brothers? Does their current relationship (or lack of one) with a mainstream grand lodge change the fact that they are Masons made in a regular lodge? Why would you turn your back on brothers simply because of their current "pedigree"? If I was responding to a hailing sign of distress from one I assumed to be a brother, I wouldn't stop to ask "are you mainstream, PHA, Le Droit Humain, GWU, or what?" before I offered assistance.
Would you denounce a genetic sibling just because he had a disagreement with your genetic parent and set off on his own? Then why do you do that to Masonic brothers when they follow their own conscience?
— W.S.
G. Addams writes:
ReplyDelete"In order for any vote to surrender a charter to the GL, weather [sic] in order to merge or to darken a lodge, the ENTIRE membership must be notified."
I don't presume to know the Masonic laws in your jurisdiction (just as you shouldn't presume to know them in mine), but here, the Worshipful Master of EACH blue lodge is solely responsible for his lodge's charter. He doesn't need anyone's permission to surrender it to the grand lodge, and is free to do so any time he wishes. Proposed mergers of lodges DO require notification of the membership, but not the surrender of charters.
G. Addams writes:
"Barring the proper notification of the entire group, the correct term that should be used is that INDIVIDUAL decisions were summarily made to reject their INDIVIDUAL memberships."
Again, that may be correct in your jurisdiction, but not in mine. In my jurisdiction, Worshipful Masters are prohibited from resigning their offices without permission of the Grand Master. They are also prohibited from joining other blue lodges during their terms of office, and no Mason may serve as an elected officer in more than one blue lodge at a time.
G. Addams writes:
"Should a mere 20% be permitted to decide the fate of the other 80 when they’ve all sworn to play by the rules they agreed on when they joined?"
Perhaps you joined a different type of Masonry than I, but in my "regular" jurisdiction, Masons are required to follow the edicts (orders, directives, and whims) of the Grand Master, who is only 1 man, and certainly doesn't comprise even 1% of the Masons here, let alone 20%. If 20% shouldn't be a legitimate percentage to make important decisions, why should a "majority" of less than 1% be?
As pertains to "regular" blue lodges, however, many decisions are left solely to the discretion of the Worshipful Master. That is, afterall, the reason that he and the other lodge officers (who are authorized to act in his absence) are elected as the lodge's leaders.
Every Mason has a right to attend the meetings of his own lodge (unless the Grand Master prohibits him from doing so by declaring him "suspended pending trial," as is frequently done in my grand jurisdiction), and Masons who choose to remove themselves from participation in their lodge, have little legitimate complaint about the decisions their representatives make in their absence.
G. Addams writes:
"With that, I’m sure we’ll be hearing mr anonymous and his supporters trying to refute the logic of the above statements."
There is no "logic" in your statements above. You've made numerous unsubstantiated claims and inappropriate analogies, but you haven't cited ANY specific laws, and I seriously doubt that you're qualified to make claims about Masonic laws in any jurisdiction, with the possible exception of your own.
You can try to pull the wool over the eyes of the Masonically uneducated and the general public here (who I'm sure you would refer to as "the profane"), but you haven't succeeded in pulling it over mine. I've probably forgotten more about Masonry than you've ever known, but I remember enough to understand that Masonic laws differ sufficiently from place to place to render it essentially impossible for ANYONE to make accurate claims and judgments about Masonry in jurisdictions where they aren't a member.
So, G. Addams, what specific Masonic law(s) in the Grand Jurisdiction of Ohio did the officers and members of Halcyon Lodge violate when they elected to surrender their lodge's charter? If you can't answer that with page and verse, all you're really doing is "speaking evil" in an attempt to baffle people with bull$hit, and I for one, am not buying it.
WS asks why I no longer consider the men from Euclid (and more hypothetically, Halycon lodge) masonic brothers.
ReplyDeleteFair question, and you're correct WS. They are still my brothers. I may not be able to discuss certain topics with them, or sit in lodge with them, but otherwise, they're still my brothers.
"Fair question, and you're correct WS. They are still my brothers. I may not be able to discuss certain topics with them, or sit in lodge with them, but otherwise, they're still my brothers." royce myers
ReplyDeleteI guess you mean to say they are second class brothers.
"All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others." -- George Orwell, Animal Farm
Now we know why they're all leaving. :-(
Brother Royce,
ReplyDeleteI don't care if you would sit in my lodge, though you may find it interesting. It means a lot to me that you would still consider me a Brother. One cannot unmake a Mason afterall. You are okay Brother.
I am serious about the offer of a beer if you make that long (50 mile) journey to Grand Rapids sometime.
ReplyDeleteWe have tried to no end to work in the system. The same old story,"It's not how we do things here,or it's always been this way."
Another quote when I tried to spruce up the lodge a little bit, I got this, Mike Ciceretti says to me " Every nail and every hook has it's purpose, You are not to touch anything unless I teel you to do it." and this was just because I changed a couple of chairs around in our lounge area. lol
We have always tried to take the high road and it never got us anything but aggravation.
Yes I admit we have been close to crossing the line and have made a few mistakes, but in the best intrest of everybody involved we did what we did.
I have been a member for about ten years now and have sat in the east so I know what has transpired.
I can not go into details and all of which will come out as the Master sees fit. I recall hearing something like this " This is not the time nor place".
Yes some members teased people which I do not agree with but I feel like it still should not be speculated on by anyone outside the know.
Time ,patience, and percerverance will get you what you desire.
I also find it disturbing that people want to call us unmasonic and cast judgement.
People seem to always bring up the oath and forget about the charges which in my opinion are just as important if not more.
"You are not to palliate or aggravate the offenses of your Brethren, but in the decision of every tresspass against our rules you are to judge with candor, admonish with friendship and reprehend with justice."
If things work out great if not so be it. We had to do what we had to do. It was not just a handful of guys that did this and it did not happen over night.
People seem to think Br. Peace was the big instagator here and thats not the case. This has been coming to this for the last seven years, so I wish that people would stop saying he started this whole mess. We did not know Bro. Peace until about a year and half ago give or take.
If people would just give it some time we will all see where this is going and stop the speculating and causing a huge rumor mill.
C.P. Snow P.M., R.A.M.
The New Schism: the ‘Moderns’ vs. the Bobbleheads
ReplyDeleteIn the 150’s the ‘Antients’ created a schism in Freemasonry when they created a new competing Grand Lodge that would survive until 1963. By 2007 the ‘Antients’ had been replaced by the Bobbleheads (AKA: mainstream) and the ‘Moderns’ returned to form a new competing Grand Lodge that seeks to restore traditional speculative Freemasonry.
Of course the Bobblehead Masons are furious over this development and have already started the traditional name calling game where you label the other Grand Lodge “clandestine”. This strategy sounds good, but if history has taught us anything, it failed miserably during the first schism in the 1750’s.
The ‘Moderns’ seem oblivious to the name calling game and just keep progressing. This makes the Bobbleheads even more angry. At the present time the Bobblehead Masons simply don’t know what to do, but that is normal behavior for a Bobblehead Mason because they always wait to be told what to do by a Grand Master.
It’s difficult to say how things will turn out but the ‘Moderns’ have advantage of being able to think and act for themselves, and as editors we feel this gives them an advantage over the Bobbleheads. Then there is the silly hats and outfits the Bobbleheads continue to wear, even though they went out of fashion in the 1950’s. This, we feel, gives the ‘Moderns’ a superior cultural advantage over the Bobbleheads.
The Bobblehead Masons have more buildings and cash, but the buildings they possess are old and run down. They could use their cash reserves to initiate repairs but the Bobbleheads can’t do that without first be told to do so. This is a serious issue that will plague the Bobbleheads as they try to compete against the more liberated ‘Moderns’.
One thing is certain folks: this will be an interesting period in Masonic history.
Ok I am a Mason therefore I will do this... I replied to what was written about my post as an attack, it was not an attack, it was a clarification. And, i must say it was a good one. As a Mason I should've accepted a brothers comfort and COUNSEL in my ear. I'm sorry for responding in a defensive manner, I only did it because I take pride in my thoughts and am defensive about criticism pertaining to my thoughts. No other brother or non-brother needs to comment on this I was in the wrong and my ability in the area of rehtoric needs to improve. Let us now focus on the task at hand which is the loss of some active brethren, because I too agree that participating in masonic converse with the members of Halcyon Lodge would be a breach of my Obligation as a Master Mason, no matter what anyone else says. If we recognize this lodge, then where do we stop? There are many irregular lodges across America and just starting new organizations will cause the uprise of even more. There must've been a better way of handling whatever matters existed between Ohio GL and Halcyon.
ReplyDelete"Anonymous" (of course) said:
ReplyDeleteOf course the Bobblehead Masons are furious over this development and have already started the traditional name calling game where you label the other Grand Lodge “clandestine”.
Ah. As opposed to the "Modern" new tradition of calling all who came before them "Bobbleheads," which is NOT, apparently, name calling. That's some impressive new brotherhood you're promoting so far, Mr. Anonymous.
Is it the institution of recognition or the practice of the teachings of Freemasonry that is important?
ReplyDeleteBC 2006
John Galt was a crappy character in a poorly-conceived book that makes the laughable assertion that the human mind is supreme, when NOTHING in history has done more damage than the human mind. Not religion, not politics, not God or gods or ghosts or spirits. BECAUSE all of those are the DIRECT result of the fallible human mind. Human REASON is the creation of the fallible human MIND. It has done more damage than any other single thing in history, as it has been the impetus that conceived all the damage done by mankind. John Galt-what a joke! Gotta love Rand, if just for the comedy relief. roflmao!
ReplyDeleteYou should run for President. Or just explain how you through your instincts were able to enlighten us with you wisdom? Where did that keyboard come from, it must have always been there. Did Jesus make it for you?
ReplyDeleteBobblehead Masons: Historians prefer 1963 as the beginning of the Bobblehead Masons, but most agree that what would eventually become the Bobbleheads began around 1949 with the large number of WWII veterans coming into the fraternity and overwhelming the 'Antients' whose numbers had dwindled as a result of the Great Depression.
ReplyDeleteBobblehead Masons are usually characterized by their funny hats and the drunken escapades of Shriners at conventions in New Orleans and Las Vegas. The Bobbleheads are attributed with giving birth to the idea that the Grand Master is supreme and have made tis into annual personality cult where they surrender their minds to the will of one individual. The terms "yes man" and "brown noser" are often used synonymously with that of Bobblehead.
Bobblehead Masonry is a bizarre development within the culture of American fraternal systems, and is scoffed at by most European Masons who find them them to be ridiculous and a disgrace to the three hundred year old Masonic fraternity.
The term "Bobblehead" was derived from the small plastic dolls that have a spring connecting the head to the body. As the doll is moved the head literally bobs up, down and side to side in a mindless bouncing motion.
"A Worshipful Master may NOT resign during his term in office." True. What's
ReplyDeletethe penalty? Worst case, he'll get suspended or expelled. Guess they're not
afraid of that one, eh? As they say, slavery went out in the 1860s. Free
country, yada yada.
It is true that a merger requires soliciting opinion of all members. The
code did not contemplate the issue of surrendering a charter, but the intent
of the code is clear that all members must be solicited. The very issue
being addressed by "must solicit opinion of all members" on merger is
BECAUSE that involves a charter surrender for one of the two Lodges
involved. The surrendering Lodge has to read at two Stateds, let it lie over
and then vote at a third Stated. The RECEIVING Lodge reads at two Stateds
and votes. There is a written requirement, in either case, to notify all
members of the meeting at which the vote takes place.
Bobblehead Masons have an incessant desire for rules and more rules. They believe that the security of the Masonic fraternity is based on rules, and replace brotherhood with rules. To them the idea of brotherhood is based around rules, and neglect to recognize the value of the human being in doing so. This is a fundamental flaw in Bobblehead Masonry. Human institutions are built around human beings, not rules.
ReplyDelete"You should run for President. Or just explain how you through your instincts were able to enlighten us with you wisdom? Where did that keyboard come from, it must have always been there. Did Jesus make it for you?"
ReplyDeleterotflmao! I'm pleased to see your rational response, quite what I expected. Not from you, however. You seem better than that, and I actually admire you from what I've seen despite our disagreement on particular matters. I mentioned my opinion concerning a fairly pedestrian book, and you get all out-of-sorts. It is not a vilification of any living being, it is a statement of a carefully-considered preference concerning a piece of fiction.
If you're coming a me with the Jesus attack, you'll do well to drop that right now, as there is no chance it will work. It's a straw man argument on your part, and ill-founded.
I agree with Rand on many points, but not entirely on most. I reserve the right of dissent on any issue, and reserve the right to believe in a synthetic philosophy that is encompassing rather than the objectivist philosophy which is fairly limited upon closer examination. The human mind is directly responsible for ALL of those things that are negative, and yet Rand purposely avoids observing that objective fact. As an individualist, I admired Rand greatly and do. However, upon honest examination, I find her philosophies woefully lacking.
Is the 'freedom' you're talking about where you worship John Galt? Personally, I go in for Equality 7-2521. Not to worship, but to admire. Even Rand would balk at the thought, I'd venture.
"In the 150’s the ‘Antients’ created a schism in Freemasonry when they created a new competing Grand Lodge that would survive until 1963."
ReplyDelete???? I thought the union between those two rival GLs was 1813.
Okay, this is about as cool as it can get. I have a new philosophic sparring partner.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous whoever you are. I wish that we could sit for hours and discuss rationalism and objectivism. Until such time, this will have to do.
Sure, you may have surmised that I lean more towards objectivist philosophy. Reason is the only weapon that we have to make our way in the world. What exactly would you propose as our tool to make it in this world other than our reason?
ReplyDeleteDo you really want to "spar" with someone who attacks anonymously and inaccurately; who's main "argument" is a derogatory term?
You're better than that. After all, what honor is in winning a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent?
Perhaps the opponent is waiting for someone with wits. Obviously, I'll have to wait longer. It's a matter of opinion which is clearly suggested by John on the Euclid site.
ReplyDeleteIf the opinion is taken exception to, perhaps you should take the advice offered at the bottom of the page:
"If you are a Mason and are offended by the content, ask yourself why and then go fix yourself."
"Reason is the only weapon that we have to make our way in the world. What exactly would you propose as our tool to make it in this world other than our reason?"
ReplyDeleteFor John, I never suggested anything else. I merely suggest that the blind worship of reason is as bad as the blind worship of anything else. Like any tool, it can be used and manipulated for destruction as well as good. Leave aside that destruction is sometimes good. I am willing to converse, but I'll avoid argument as Rand was wisely wont to do.
Brother Royce,
ReplyDeleteThe interesting thing that two people have a philosophical discussion is that if they are both reasonable and friendly they can learn a lot from each other. I don't mind the occasional barb and it appears that my anonymous friend does not either.
My anonymous friend,
You are correct, the blind worship of anything is quite dangerous. That is why I do not indulge in it. I also do not use hammers to drive screws. I prefer to us the proper tool for the job.
Reason cannot be discounted. What do you suggest as alternative tool?
I suggest no better tool. I suggest that it be recognized as a hammer or a screwdriver and that its possible dangers and misuses be accounted for, that is all. In my opinion, this is where Rand allows her objectivism be judged by her subjective whims. As before, I admire Rand. I use her philosophy in conjunction with that of others and my own. To remove the human mind its part in the man-made disasters is woefully incomplete a picture of objectivism. Also, while I like the hammer of objectivism, I too prefer a screwdriver in my tool box to really screw things up when using screws! ;,)
ReplyDeleteThis has taken a most interesting turn. It is a question that I have been wrestling with on my own. Perhaps you would have something to offer in this. It appears that you are working on the same question.
What are the tools that man has in making his way in the world? We have reason which is our tool for making sense and doing what we do.
We have love as our motive force
We have ????
Are we reduced to reason and emotion?
We could discuss physical attributes but for the most part we are outclassed in that regard by the other animals on the planet.
How does this relate to Free Masonry? I see that it is not only part of but represents the foundational bedrock of our Masonic edifice.
The interesting thing about the human animal is its unending ability to be self-destructive and self-supportive at the same time. I postulate that this self-destructive ability without any good reason is positive proof of the human soul, I say facetiously.
ReplyDeleteanagram anonymous