This past Saturday I endorsed a candidate for president of the U.S. on The Burning Taper.
Immediately, Theron Dunn objected, decrying the use of a "Masonic blog" to endorse a political candidate.
You can read that article plus the follow-ups "'Every generation needs a new revolution,'" "Of Masonic political correctness and hissy fits," and the most recent one, Theron Dunn 'outs' The Widow's Son". Blah, blah, blah.
I realize this story is rapidly becoming a cheezy B-grade movie , but it's the holidays and there's a writers' strike on, so it's either this or reruns of Frosty the Snowman for you on the boob tube.
If you want to hit fast forward, I understand. You can just mouse down in this article to the text highlighted in yellow. (The highlight is for your benefit; it didn't exist in the original text I'm about to share.)
What? Still here?
Okay... here we go. I was working the daywatch out of homicide....
Just checking.
While I have and do freely re-post public comments made about me or this blog, as I did when there was a long list of quotes over in the sidebar, I hold private emails to be private and confidential, and ordinarily would never share their contents with anyone without permission.
However, I have made an accusation against Theron Dunn for breaking his obligation to keep private something that a brother asked him to keep private. He's denied I ever mentioned it. And others have asked for "proof" he knew I wanted my name kept out of the limelight.
So I'm submitting a couple of emails as evidence to you as judges, jurors and executioners in this chattering court of public opinion.
Some may quibble with words, saying I didn't specifically utter (or write) the phrase "Please don't reveal my name online." Already, we've seen in Theron's comments to the previous article his proclivity to stretch the definition of words, saying he wasn't "GIVEN" my name, but discovered it on his own. Whatever. He knew before he outed me the first time on the forum Novus Ordo Saeclorum (NOS) last July that I didn't want my name publicized, and after our exchange then, he damn well knew it before he did it again earlier today.
In July, 2007 someone told me via email that Theron, whom I knew little of but had seen around, mostly on the old Collegium Fabrorum forum years ago, had launched a diatribe against me and The Burning Taper in a series of posts on NOS.
On July 18, I wrote an article for the Taper about this, titled "Masons gone wild!"
You might remember those posts of his from the old sidebar. For a while, I featured this compilation of Theronisms in the quotations section:
The 'Smoldering Stub' has published half truths and innuendos against the fraternity. The Burning Taper offers NOTHING useful or constructive.... I am not sure if the guy running the blog is even really a Mason, or just an agitator poking Masons in the eye.... He is worse than FreemasonryWatch.org. At least they are honest in their hatred of Freemasonry. His hatred is a lie, because he pretends what he is doing is FOR Masonry, when it's actually for HIM... revenge against Masonry for his own personal failings.... He posts like an anti-masonic nutter.... Negative, useless, self-aggrandizing, a carper, whiner, moaner, accuser, not only unjustifiable, but unmasonic and unworthy.... As for 14,000 unique [readers per month], congratulations. You are doing more damage to Freemasonry than even I thought. — Bro. Theron Dunn, co-publisher of Lodgeroom International Magazine, on Novus Ordo SaeculorumThese are quotes I found in various posts by Theron on the NOS forum.
Before I reposted those comments here, I had ventured into NOS and posted a few responses, assuring them I was in fact a Master Mason.
Theron wrote to me privately on July 20 with a long email telling me I needed to be "cured." I'm not going to reprint all of that one, as this post is going to be way too long already.
He began that email with:
I am not sure who you really are, and I feel strange addressing a stranger as a brother. However, Chris [Hodapp] and Jeff [Peace], and for what its worth, 'Grand Leveler' [?] have all vouched that you are a regular Mason, so I will address you thus.He closed that email with:
Now, you do what you want, I have no intention of pursuing you or your blog, that's not who or what I am about. The only thing that I ask is that you remove my comments from your home page. I did not post them on your forum, and the way you post makes it look as if I did, which is untrue. I stand by my words 110%. I have never considered your forum to be anything but an oubliette for complainers, and I have no use for men who do nothing but complain.Theron didn't like that I posted them here for everyone to see, or that I'd writen the "Masons gone wild!" article, and in retaliation, he wrote a post on NOS revealing my name.
So please, take my comments off your page, or at the least post a note that it was taken from NOS, and NOT posted on your forum.
Best wishes, and sorry to hear YOUR freemasonry is so bad. Mine is just freaking awesome.
On July 23, on NOS I posted a response to a comment Bro. Bill McElligott had made against the Taper. I began my comment with "Bro. Bill bellyached..." and then repeated what he had said. I like alliteration. "Bellyached" just sounded better than "said." And he was bellyaching, something about writing an anti-Taper piece for the "Masonic" online magazine he and Theron publish.
Almost immediately I received one of those moderator "warnings," which said:
Dear Widow's Son,Theron was a moderator there. So, I think, was Bill. As they seem to be on several Masonic forums.
You have received a warning at Novus Ordo Saeculorum - for masons, by masons.
Threats and Insults
This is the first of many to be handed out. You will cease and desist with the threats.
Was "bellyached" a threat or an insult? I never did figure out which.
I publicly replied to Theron's posting of my name on NOS this:
I'm holding out an olive branch of peace here, Bro. Theron. I hope you accept it, and drop your moral vendetta against me and The Burning Taper. I'll say no more about it, and let bygones be bygones.As you can see (if you're bothering to read this at all), we simply postponed the inevitable from July until now.
The other option is my pen, which is, as they say, mightier than the sword. For some reason, thousands of readers across the globe care what I write, whether they agree or disagree with me. You really don't want your childish attacks on me to be the subject of another article, next time there's a slow news day. It wouldn't be good for the Masonry that you love and cherish for such a display of un-brotherly love to play out across the world, would it?
Here's his July 27 private response to me:
You say you hold out an olive branch while threatening to do a hit piece on me in your blog...I'm not sure how, but I remained calm, and sent Bro. Dunn this private reply:
so lets see, I can shut up about how unmasonic I think your actions are in attacking freemasonry, or you will attack me on your blog? So, where is the masonry in that?
I am not afraid of your blog. I have an attorney that will gladly go after you if you libel or defame me on your forum. I have zero interest in shutting you down, you have a right to free speech, but you do not have a right to shut ME up either.
Can't take the criticism you are handing out??? Self righteous hypocrite is what you are, not an advocate for anything good or right.
Bill is also about to undertake a criticism of your forum, and if you pursue me as you threaten, I can categorically assure you, my first phone call will be to my lawyer, and my second to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Georgia to get the phone number for the Junior Warden of your lodge to prefer masonic charges.
I have zero interest in your little "I hate Masonry" blog. But if you want to go to war, my brother, bring it on.
Or, take a break for a week, give it some thought. You seem very interested in shutting me up... how would you feel if someone tried to shut you up?
Here is an olive branch. Stay out of my face, take my comments off your blog, ignore me, and I will ignore you... entirely. Or pursue the course of action you have threatened, and have the weight of the legal system and the grand lodge of Georgia come down on you.
Ask Jeff about how it feels NOT to be a mason before you go chasing after a mason for a while for simply expressing my opinions, JUST AS YOU DO.
How is that for fair?
Brother,Ten hours later, I was shocked to receive Theron's reply:
This is what I wrote:
"I'm holding out an olive branch of peace here, Bro. Theron. I hope you accept it, and drop your moral vendetta against me and The Burning Taper. I'll say no more about it, and let bygones be bygones.
The other option is my pen, which is, as they say, mightier than the sword. For some reason, thousands of readers across the globe care what I write, whether they agree or disagree with me. You really don't want your childish attacks on me to be the subject of another article, next time there's a slow news day. It wouldn't be good for the Masonry that you love and cherish for such a display of un-brotherly love to play out across the world, would it?"
Bro. Theron, there is no threat there, nor do I have a desire to "libel or defame" you. Anything I would write would simply be about what you've said of me. It wouldn't be a "hit piece," as you said.
If I published something, how would that be any different from what you now say Bro. Bill is planning to write about me, or from all the nasty things you've written about me and the Taper?
I hold no hostility towards you. I have simply tried to respond to your postings on NOS. Had you simply written your opinions of me and the blog once or twice, I wouldn't have said a word. But you seemed to relish slamming me, over and over, and I had to speak up.
I'm unafraid of your threats of lawyers and Junior Wardens, but I see no reason we should escalate things. I have lawyers, too, and could easily get your lodge's JW's phone number. I don't think it would be wise for either of us to go down that road.
By posting my name, you've lost any defense you may have had where you could say you were just posting your opinions about an anonymous online writer. You've also skated arguably close to violating the obligation to keep the secrets of a brother Master Mason, since you knew full well I didn't want my name publicized.
You and I, between the reach of the Taper and your online newsletter, could make what is in reality simply a petty online squabble between us that no one really cares about into something ugly for the fraternity and grist for the gossip mill, and would serve no good purpose.
You and I should just agree that we hold vastly different opinions of Masonry, and let it go at that.
The offer of an olive branch was sincere. In hindsight, perhaps I should have not posted the final paragraph, but I did. As I said, I didn't and don't see it as a threat, just merely the pointing out of what could be, if we don't stop this disagreement between us now.
You and I both have a lot of supporters AND detractors. Neither of us is universally loved. Neither of us would "win" if we keep this up.
We both have different paths to walk in Freemasonry, and while you don't agree with my path, continually belittling it won't make me go away. It will only strengthen my resolve, and further prove to me that too many Masons talk the talk much more often than we walk the walk.
I know you don't think so, but you banging away at me as you have done lately is just as unmasonic as anything you accuse me of doing.
If you'll stop talking about me or the blog on NOS and elsewhere, including stopping Bro. Bill's planned expose' in your newsletter or otherwise, then I'll cease responding or posting about you, him and NOS.
Do we have a deal?
Widow's Son
Yes.I was shocked. I later found out that he and Bro. Jeff Peace had a long phone discussion about this at some point during those ten hours. Thank to Bro. Jeff, war was averted. Or, rather, delayed. In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't give Theron my cellphone number, or it would probably be plastered all over the Internet by now.
I owe you an apology. I read your blog, and was very offended by what seemed your casual slamming of freemasonry. Jeff tells me you do it because you feel it will help.
I can accept that is what you think, and my comments were based on not knowing who you were. It SEEMED just another antimasonic site, and i have dealt with those folks for six years now, even had a stalker (connie berry of Durham North Carolina) as a result of defending masonry against those... folks.
I am sorry I offended you. I am sorry I mischaracterized you. I apologize for my unkind and short sighted comments.
I still think what you are doing is wrong and does NO service to freemasonry, but as I have noted elsewhere, it is your right, and I in no way am trying to force you to do or not do anything.
Please forgive me for my ill considered comments.
Theron Dunn
P.S.: If its not too much to ask, and since the comments are gone from NOS, and your name will be removed from the damn post sometime today (it was locked before I could remove it), would you remove MY comments from your sidebar?
In the spirit of moving on?
I immediately put up the asked-for "as posted on Novus Ordo Saeclorum" addendum to his comment, and then a day or so later, I just deleted his comment altogether from the list of quotes.
Though we were warily accepting each other as brothers or at least fellow homo sapiens from early August until last week, we didn't go skipping hand-in-hand down Tra-La-Lane. But I did give him a bit of of help and advice on layout and design and techno-tricks for his newfound passion, his blog, not that he implemented very many of the suggestions. If you saw his blog in its first few months, you'll recall it had his pointing-away-from-the-page face covering two thirds of the page, a huge bannerhead twice the size it is currently, and lots of gaudy multi-colored lettering. I never mentioned to him his silly parody of my yellow banner. Mine says, "Warning: This blog contains heretical tendencies," which is a reference to what some librarian wrote back in the 1920s on the inside cover of my copy of Morals and Dogma. Theron's banner, you may have noticed, proudly boasts that his blog DOES NOT contain heretical tendencies. I figured parody was a form of flattery, if not exactly sincere. Or maybe it was just mockery.
Anyway, I was happy to help him with a few technical aspects of blogging.
More or less, I ignored most of his articles on his blog, figuring they'd just annoy me.
But one October morning, I arose very early, and found myself inspired by Theron's "Who is the Widow?" article to write what I consider one of the most enlightening (to me) articles I've ever written, which I called "Then more light you shall receive!"
Well, that gets us pretty much up to Saturday, and you've seen the carnage since.
Do I think Bro. Theron Dunn sometimes comes across as a total jerk?
Is he sometimes pompous, annoying, arrogant, egotistical, self-righteous, off-center, passionate, overzealous?
And so am I.
And sometimes, so are you.
It's called being human. Or maybe we're those damn bloody apes.
Masons | Masonic Wars | Planet of the Apes | Freemasonry | Theron Dunn | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
I know in the 18th century, Freemason were at the forefront of Anonymous writings against a tyrannical Crown and Church.
ReplyDeleteMany masons in europe and America ran printing presses, and to be able to keep their lively hoods in tact, they HAD to write anonymously. Their lives were at stake in the 1700's. brother Ben Franklin had an alias as well.
How we have degenerated from our early roots is a mystery to me.
The only people "into" outing anyone back then were what were called "Loyalists". people trying to be "loyal" to the Crown, while your neighbors and brothers fought for freedom.
Loyalists were not to be trusted.
That was one of the reasons to the masonic schism in the 1700's.
Brothers could not trust brothers.
Some interpreted their obligations to hold them obligated to the Crown, while others felt otherwise. One had to be careful who they let into the Lodge room, let alone the craft.
be careful of Loyalists who out their Brothers,or any fellow free american for that fact, IMHO, ofcourse.
Brother WS, stay vigilant.
The Lord of the Flies scenario should work itself out soon.....
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ReplyDeleteI'm disappointed in the both of you.
ReplyDeleteWS, I think that it was unnecessary to replay the "He did this, then I did that, then he said, and then I said..." history. All it shows is a bickering match between two brothers with very different experiences in the fraternity. I had thought that in learning to become Master of your *own* lodge you would have shown a little more personal restraint.
Theron, whether or not you promised to not publish his name a while back is immaterial; it's very obvious that WS chooses not to use his name, despite the fact that any one with a little net savvy can look it up. The fact that you were able to look it up shows that you *do* have some net savvy, which implies that you should be well aware that by posting his name, it was a breach of etiquette. No, it's not a Masonic offense, but it does show poor manners, and I would have expected better of someone with your Masonic credentials.
But for crying out loud, those of us who prefer to read articles about Masonry - yes, even ones that show the Craft in a bad light - want to read about Masonry and not watch this trainwreck. For either of you to mutter anything about contacting a Junior Warden is beyond ridiculous.
At this point, I'm really tempted to write "Now both of you, go to your rooms; you're grounded until you can behave properly," but I don't think that I'm that much older than either of you.
The only thing worse than two neighbors hanging their dirty laundry in their back yards for the rest of the neighborhood to see and comment about is for them to package it up and try to sell it on "Masonic Ebay" with a big "Buy It NOW" sticker attached!
ReplyDelete"Their lives were at stake in the 1700's. brother Ben Franklin had an alias as well.
ReplyDeleteHow we have degenerated from our early roots is a mystery to me. "
Uh, because your life is not at stake?
"be careful of Loyalists who out their Brothers,or any fellow free american for that fact, IMHO, ofcourse." (sic)
But it's ok for your crew to do this, of course, because you are in the right.
Nevertheless, this issue has nothing to do with colonial warfare and the struggle for independence. To compare it to such is the height of conceit.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt simply is no one's business why The Widow's Son does not wish his name published. He simply doesn't. I have my own, very different reasons for not wanting my name known. That is my right and privilege.
ReplyDeleteBrother Dunn, you are not in a morally superior position (which your tone implies you claim) because you post things under your own name. In addition, you had no business outing The Widow's Son. Period. As far as I can tell by looking over the past posts, you have taken it upon yourself to cause the trouble here, quite frankly. The contributions that you and your blog make to Masonry are tainted by your attitude in dealing with a brother who holds a different opinion than you do, and by your conduct in relation to his name. Your conduct is a real disappointment.
Widow's Son, you have every right to rehearse the history of this irritating episode. I hope you can move on to further the real contribution you make, as well.
I prefer Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer to Frosty.
ReplyDeletei would like to place a bid for this "package" . i bid one Amero(currency forthcoming).
ReplyDeletefrom what i've seen in my district and GL, this little tit-for-tat sewing circle-esque charade is brotherhood, is the very stuff fraternity is made of. i'm new to this whole blog commenting thing so you'll have to forgive my verbal smirk.
several of my brothers read this blog and post often. i find, through reading some of the posts not having to do with this "package" , Bro.WS to write with a candor and style which feels honest. i have come to respect his opinion as many others do.
that being said, george the 3rd, my bid stand at one Amero.
keep hope alive!
Ditto to what a traveler to the east wrote above. If I see one more sniveling comment by poor, wounded Dunn who only wants to attack people in the comments section of their blog so we can all see his prom night photo with lapel flower and all (did his date/sister have a beard too?), I will vomit. Why won't he just go away? He says he thinks people are being driven to HIS blog! After having read what he's written here, I for one have no interest in reading more of the same on his blog. Nope. No thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDear Brethren & Readers, I have seen a few pot shots taken at Brother Theron Dunn. While everyone is entitled to his/her opinion I would like to share my own comments. We teach in Masonry that Politics and Religion are two subjects we should basicaly keep out of it. The use of a Masonic Blog to push a Political Candidate is not the wisest choice. I have not read all posts nor do I plan to do so. I can tell you that if we accuse Bro. Theron of anything it will have to be caring, dedicated, hard working and an AWESOME Brother, Friend and Mason. Why is there even a discussion of names being posted or not? If something is posted on the Internet it is there for everyone to read. If a man is sincere and means and stands behind his convictions he should sign his name to it. How some of you "Share" your thoughts and expect people to find you credible is beyond me. I also do not understand how an individual who hides his identity and brings Politics into a Masonic Blog (Even if it belongs to him) can attack a good Brother such as Theron Dunn because he gives his opinion. He stands behind each and every one of his posts with his name and Masonic Affiliation. In my eyes this seperates him from the small group of people who post here and have been attacking Mainstream Masonry or anyone that doesn't agree with them for years.
ReplyDeleteTo threaten Masonic Charges or legal action is also cowardly and quite Non-Masonic. A man signing his posts with his name and Masonic Affiliations tells the reader that he is honest and stands behind his feelings and thoughts. Brethren can we truly imagine bothering a Junior Warden, asking him to file Masonic charges on a Brother because he "gave his opinion and disagreed with me." To even make such a threat is unbecoming a Mason. It would be laughed out of the Lodge. Brother Theron is a very honorable man and as such he bent backwards in granting your requests such as removing his posts. It is very easy to attack others and as well as true Masonry when one does not sign his name. It can be seen all over the Internet and especially with a number of those that post here. I hope readers will see these attacks for what they are. Masonry is there, real and not something a Blog or an attack on a good Brother's integrity can change. A Brother signing his name to his post tells us about his sincerity. We do not have to all agree but rather then attack a good Brother for disagreeing we should view him as a man who stands behind his convictions. I view Brother Theron as a dear friend and we don't always see eye to eye regarding each other's posts or opinions. We sign our names and know we can contact each other anytime to talk or email about the issue. I believe that the foolish attacks and threats a toward Brother Theron Dunn go deeper then his honest thoughts about mixing "Politics and Masonry." The owner of this Blog had the choice of posting Brother Theron's opinion or not.
Sincerely & Respectfully,
Manny Blanco, Past Master
Moreno Valley Masonic Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, Ca
Grand Lodge of California
Dunn wrote: "I do not hide my name when I post, yet you seem to think you can defame and demean dissenting opinions from men who respect and admire freemasonry using a cloak of anonymity."
ReplyDeleteYeah, great apology...The rest of the comment has the same wounded tone and insincere "apology." Some "brother." I guess you learned that in YOUR lodge. Merry Christmas.
Nemo said...
ReplyDeleteDunn wrote: "I do not hide my name when I post, yet you seem to think you can defame and demean dissenting opinions from men who respect and admire freemasonry using a cloak of anonymity."
"Yeah, great apology...The rest of the comment has the same wounded tone and insincere "apology." Some "brother." I guess you learned that in YOUR lodge. Merry Christmas."
Dear Sir, this is exactly why we should post our names and Masonic Affiliation. "Attack and Hide" under and anonymous name is a common game here. It truly is a shame. Now you attack our Lodge. Quite frankly when a man hides his identity no one knows if he is indeed a Mason. Last night "our Lodge" Conferred 4 First Degrees. I believe there were 23 Brethren in attendance. This all during the Holidays. I stayed for the first two before having to go home. Our "Lodge" has a high return rate for our Candidates. It is a wonderful feeling to see Brethren of every age and walk of life sharing Fellowship. We are in the comunity sharing our Craft and helping where needed. Sir, Masonry is certainly more then a few "deep" words on a Blog. It is what you do and what is in your heart. I would ask the Brethren to please post their name and Masonic Affiliation. At least we would know if a person is a Mason and where he is coming from. Before you attack "Theron Dunn" please find out more about him. Since he has come home to the States I have seen him work non-stop for his family, the Lodge and the community. Would you prefer that everyone just agree with you or your friends who post here? That is not Masonry. Masons should not have to hide under a screen name. We should be proud of who we are and what we stand for and discuss our Craft with anyone seeking Masonic Light. I salute Brother Dunn and Brethren like him who are independent thinkers and are willing to discuss issues openly. Thank you for allowing me to share.
Sincerely & Respectfully,
Manny Blanco, PM
Moreno Valley Masonic Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, CA
Grand Lodge of California
Dunn wrote: "Nice brotherly love there... you learn that in lodge too?"
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you too, Manny.
Nemo said...
ReplyDeleteDunn wrote: "Nice brotherly love there... you learn that in lodge too?"
Merry Christmas to you too, Manny.
Dear Brother Nemo,
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and all the Brethren and their families. I will be going to the movies in a few hours with my wife and our Senior Warden and his wife. I am sure it will be entertaining. Last time a few of us went to see the first movie and wore our Masonic T-shirts. We had about 5 people ask about Freemasonry giving us an opportunity to share information about our Craft. Of course it could have also been good targets. :-) Have a great weekend everyone.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Manny Blanco,PM
Moreno Valley Masonic Lodge # 804
Grand Lodge of California
Sorry: Forget to mention the movie we were going to see: "National Treasures: Book of Secrets."
ReplyDeleteMy Grandmothers used to say "Dress me slowly as I am in a hurry."
I never listened....
S & F,
Brother Blanco,
ReplyDeleteThree things here: (1) briefly, bad news about "National Treasure: Book of Secrets"; (2) the Masonic ethics of anonymity on blogs; (3) the matter of Brother Dunn.
National Treasure Not a Masonic Windfall
Bad news about the new National Treasure movie. As I explain on my MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/mark_koltkorivera), I was surprised to find at an advance screening last night that there are almost no Masonic references in this movie.
The Masonic Ethics of Blog Anonymity
There are many good reasons for anonymity in a Masonic blog.
First of all, without going into detail, it should be quite clear (to anyone who follows the Masonic blogosphere, at any rate) that some brethren in the Real World target other brethren for their legitimate opinions, going so far as to attempt to have their Masonic membership erased. However unMasonic such conduct ultimately is, it is an unfortunate fact of life in today's environment.
Second of all, we also live in an age when some uncivilized individuals will take a discussion of controversial matters to the extent of personal attacks and retributions. I could see how an author of a controversial post might not want to have to deal with nasty telephone calls, evil things sent in the postal mail, and so forth.
Third, I note that you do not address the Widow's Son's stated reasons for keeping his blog anonymous. In this day and age, when people's Internet profiles are a matter of public record, it makes a great deal of sense for someone to partition the different facets of his or her life. Frankly, I should do more of that myself.
Brother Dunn
Brother Manny, you misconstrue nature of the antipathy that many of the people who have posted comments here have concerning Brother Dunn, recently. It is not just a matter of dueling opinions. Brother Dunn took the initiative to reveal the Widow's Son's real name on Brother Dunn's blog, breaking the Widow's Son's desire for anonymity and confidentiality. Frankly, this was and is inexcusable. The nature of Brother Dunn's apology, such as it was, does not help matters any. I do not support the many cheap shots taken at Brother Dunn--that's not Masonic either, guys--but you need to understand that this is where people are coming from: not a difference of opinion, but a flagrant invasion of privacy and a real lack of good manners.
Brother Manny,
ReplyDeletehas brother Theron retianed you?
If so, how much an hour is your rate?
"Three things here: (1) briefly, bad news about "National Treasure: Book of Secrets"; (2) the Masonic ethics of anonymity on blogs; (3) the matter of Brother Dunn."
ReplyDelete1."National Treasure Not a Masonic Windfall."
Masonry is mentioned a few times. No signs. Maybe it was for the best. The first one had a number of Masonic emblems and people were curious. Both movies were entertaining and we had good company on both occasions. There has been much exposure of Freemasonry in the last few years. The films, documentaries and books have given rise to people seeking Masonic Light. We have to be ready to answer these questions and direct good people accordingly.
2."The Masonic Ethics of Blog Anonymity.
There are many good reasons for anonymity in a Masonic blog."
I disagree with you your opinion. I have posted my reasons as to why a person should be sign his name.
3.Brother Theron Dunn. I have also posted my opinion of Brother Dunn. It is all positive. I know Brother Dunn and have worked with him on many Lodge programs. Many on the Internet write of being Masons yet hide who they are or what Lodge they are from. I see nothing wrong with what has transpired here. exist. It still boils down to me that many are seling a "Bill of goods" that simply do notI am sorry but we just disagree.
Thanks you for your opinion.
Sincerely & Respectfuly,
Manny Blanco,PM
Moreno Valley Masonic Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, CA
Grand Lodge of California.
Alcyone's Big Brother said...
ReplyDeleteBrother Manny,
has brother Theron retianed you?
If so, how much an hour is your rate?
Dear Sir,
Not so nice of you to post such a statement. I hold Brother Theron in high esteem. I have worked with him on many programs. I know his dedication to Masonry and the community, to his family and friends. Truly your post is offensive. Again this shows the reason that those that post should stand behind their words with a name and Masonic Affilation. I have been involved in Masonry on the Internet many years. Since this group came on the scene this is exactly what has happened. They get expelled, demit, leave, infiltrate and illegally take-over another Lodge, do whatever and it is always someone elses fault. G-d help any Masons might disagree with them. It is truly a shame. I have been through this with these UGLA (Change names regularly) and it is always the same. In the end they always show their true colors. In the end they go on the attack. Bro. Theron over the years has been very kind and Brotherly to this same group as others have been. What they have received in return has not been Masonic.. But then they have never acted Masonic in any of their actions.. This from day one.
Sincerely & Respectfully,
Manny Blanco, PM
Moreno Valley Masonic Lodge # 804
Moreno Valley, CA
Grand Lodge of California