Now, stories from and about Iraq comprise only about three percent of our news.
It isn't sexy or glamorous anymore. It isn't popular anymore. Beating the drums of war doesn't command the respect and inspire the patriotism it did five years ago.
Though "mission accomplished" was declared quite a while back, the Iraq Fiasco has continued, and has now lasted longer than the U.S. Civil War. It has lasted longer than World War I. It has gone on longer than World War II.
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee wants to stay in Iraq another 100 years. The Democratic contenders pander to whatever crowd they are talking to, and have no real plans for war or for peace. The only candidate who would have just ended the war was famously ignored by the media (giving rise to the phrase "You lie like Anderson Cooper").
4,000 Americans have been killed. 30,000 men and women have been severely wounded; these soldiers and their families will deal with the ramifications of their injuries for the rest of their lives, and billions of dollars will be spent on their medical treatment and rehabilitation. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died or been injured, and the Iraqi infrastructure has been blown to bits. The Internet counters continue to roll upwards; the price of the Insanity in Iraq has eclipsed $505,000,000,000 (five hundred five billion dollars) in direct costs.
For what? Tell me, please. What has this War in Iraq accomplished?
Bring 'em home. Now.
War in Iraq | Iraq News | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
In my opinion, not one whole heck of a lot.
ReplyDeleteDemocracy in Iraq? Well the Iraqis voted but what did they have to choose from?
There were no WMDs, Saddam was not a threat to the United States, and a lot of good people died for no real reason.
It's just sad.
Traveling Man
One of the biggest problems is that there was a bunch of hoopla and flagwaving after 9/11 but it appears that no one drew up an exit strategy.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen when dogs hook up, get stuck and hop around, all locked up together?
Kind of like that.
No exit strategy.
Talk about screwing the pooch.
Being a soldier in Iraq, I appreciate the 'bring us home' comments. However, in the past 6 months I have been in Baghdad, and even I have noticed quite the turn around. Attacks are down, IEDs and EFPs have dropped significantly, and even the Iraqi Army is beginning to take responsibility for what is theirs. I have spoken to a few Iraqis and they are proud of their country. Not all of them are madmen hellbent on destroying the US. Interpreters and the Iraqi soldiers really cannot stand the terrorist forces that are tearing their country apart. They are optimistic, though. Looking back on everything, yes mistakes were made, and changes were made to fix them. We got rid of a tyrannical regieme with an evil dictator, and gave people their country back. Liberty, and freedom for them. They are starting to take charge. Changes take time. Don't be impatient. And anyway, who wants to leave a job halfway done. I appreciate everybody's support, but I just want everyone to understand, giving a country freedom is not like fast food. Patience is key, and liberty, freedom and hope are beginning to take root. We are making this country a better place.
ReplyDeleteAs a veteran I am proud to thank you for your service my comrade in arms. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is the brave sacrifices of men such as you that show the beauty of liberty and freedom. Welcome home, I am happy to see you home, safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteI would very much like to see the Iraqi people take responsibility for their own freedom. That is not something that we can give them, they must do it theirselves. Many people in this country protest the war. They do this not of a distaste for individuals such as you but they do so out of a distinct love for the United States.
On the occassion of the fifth anniversary of the start of the war, Pres. Bush said that we are in there until we have achieved victory. What does victory there look like? How will we know we have won? We won the war. We are now an occupying force, facing the same type of resistance that any occupier faces. What is victory?
ReplyDelete"The only candidate who would have just ended the war."
ReplyDeleteIs that Nader?
"These issues include single payer health insurance, a negotiated, expeditious withdrawal from Iraq and Iraq's oil fields, an aggressive crackdown on corporate crime, fraud and abuse, vigorous diplomacy toward a two-state Palestine-Israel settlement, electoral and labor reforms, and opening up the Presidential debates."
Nader in 2008!
Haliburton and other oil companies have had record profits
ReplyDeletePrivate security firms are paying their employees 300x what our military are receiving...
Saddam and taliban were both our allies when it was convenient..
Poppy production in afghan is up 150% since our freeing of them, herion use is up in the suburbs now too
since the war, our borders never were secured..
I guess I am happy that those in Irag are free?
I'm still on the fence
I guess PNAC accomplished their 1998 goals of attacking Iraq and controlling the oil fields
I have just received information that a member of my family will be leaving in 3 wks for Fallujah, Iraq.
ReplyDeleteHe is a member of the National Guard and has spent the last 2 yrs in New Orleans, La. working with the clean up effort after Hurricane Katrina.
Brent is a gentle and kindhearted young man, I hope everyone here will join me in hoping for his safe return.