I had the distinct honor and pleasure of sitting with the brothers of Lafayette Lodge No. 89 [in Bethesda, Maryland] of the Grand Orient of France this past weekend, and meeting with many brothers and sisters from around globe. There were a number of different obediences in attendance, all wearing the respective regalia of their orders. I couldn’t help but think about Free-Masonry in much broader terms than I had in the past. In this lodge Free-Masonry existed without any boundaries; all were accepted and equal. The warm spirit of fraternal camaraderie was everywhere apparent.
The Grand Orient of France’s perspective of Free-Masonry is very different from that of the American Grand Lodges to which I was accustomed. They try to be a unifying force within the fraternity by bringing diverse groups of Masons together for the benefit of all Free-Masonry.
In the past I had always felt there was something wrong with labeling other people as “irregular” or “clandestine”, but at the time this concept was purely philosophical and theoretical to me. When you say that someone is “irregular” it is akin to claiming that they are illegitimate or a bastard. “Clandestine” implies that they are working to accomplish something nefarious in secret. There is simply no way to morally justify the use of these egregious and alienating terms when it comes to brothers and sisters of the greater Craft throughout the world. Anyone using these terms to define or describe good and honorable Masons is not themselves worthy of being called a Mason.
It is now clear to me that there is no such thing as the “mainstream” Craft. The idea that the Craft is divided is an illusion created by those who wish to separate and divide Masonry into opposing factions. These are not the actions of people who understand the meaning of tolerance or fraternity, but of those who wish to replace brotherly love with fear and misunderstanding.
There are many groups of Free-Masons throughout the world who share the same goals but have spent years struggling over the nature of the “Landmarks” of the Craft. My brothers and sisters THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS ANCIENT LANDMARKS. Bro. Anderson mentions the existence of “Ancient Landmarks” in his Constitutions of 1723, but he never said what they were. Fighting among ourselves over what some believe to be Ancient Landmarks is a waste of both time and energy. We need to get past this kind of thinking and begin working together for the common good of the Craft and humanity.
I am appealing to all Masons (brothers and sisters alike), and to their respective Grand Lodges, to begin the process of thinking outside the box that we have created around ourselves, and to seek amelioration among all Masons. We must find a way for all Masons to work together while allowing them the freedom to continue with their unique obediences. There is a real need for male lodges, female lodges and mixed gender lodges. People need to have the freedom to work in the ways in which they are most comfortable and confident. One size or shape does not fit all, nor will it ever.
The present path of mutually assured destruction is not in the best interest of Free-Masonry or Free-Masons. It doesn’t have to be this way because we can choose a more positive path of mutual cooperation and assistance that will lead to a new era of Masonic leadership in our communities and the world. We need to have a vision of a brother/sisterhood without boundaries; one where all Masons work together in peace and harmony.
— Bro. Jeff Peace
The Burning Taper welcomes articles of interest from all Freemasons. You may submit your articles for publication to us via email.
Masons | Masonic Brotherhood | Jeff Peace | Freemasonry | Lafayette Lodge No. 89 | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
So Mote It Be Brother!
ReplyDeleteIt is a dawning of a New Beginning of an Old Value.
Outstanding article,
ReplyDeleteI mentioned on the "Blue Lodge" website that Jeff should write a book someday, he always has such informative and well written articles on Masonic subject matter.
A pleasure to read!
By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, the high, the low, the rich, the poor who, as created by one Almighty Parent are to aid, support and protect each other. For in the end, fortitude is something Brothers and Sisters need not require with one another .
ReplyDeleteI am Sheila Magat-Basbas, the eldest daughter of the late VW Santos T. Magat of Naga City Lodge 257.
ReplyDeleteI write this letter because my mother, my mother, Rochelle Magat, 63 years old, widow, is scheduled for operation. Doctor Ed Torres, her surgeon, said that he needed to remove the mass of wound on her head immediately while it's still in the outer layer of her head. The operation cannot wait. The infection might affect her brain if it is delayed for a few days or weeks. The procedure will last for at least three hours. After the operation, part of her skull will be a little bit exposed. The wound has already reached the right portion of her scalp – it will take time for the skin to granulate and finally cover the bone. The doctor can't say yet if it's squamous carcinoma because after the operation she still has to undergo several tests.
My mother is already getting weak. She has loss weight already and she has not been eating well. Her wound continues to bleed everyday – and we are terribly worried and distressed every time she's in pain.
Actually, I haven't informed my mother of the amount that we have to raise for her operation. We kept it as a secret because if she knows that her operation would require such a large amount, my mother would surely refuse to be treated. She doesn't want us to worry in terms of financial matters. But our mother is the only family we have – we terribly miss our father. We want her to be with us at least for a few more years.
I have three younger brothers, one of them is also a member of De Molay. All of us are just employees, each with our own families. We're not that poor but I have to be honest too that we cannot afford this operation. Doctor Torres already estimated the cost of operation at P150,000.00. We are already thinking of seeking help from DSWD and PCSO but still, we need financial help to sustain her medicines and maybe other tests after the operation.
My father was an active member of Freemasonry during his term. I was always with him during installations and other social gatherings. He passed away after suffering from colon cancer last April 19, 1997. I am so grateful to my Dads, especially those from Naga City Lodge 257, who extended comfort and aid during our saddest moment. Before his death, he told me that I could always run to his brothers in freemasonry if ever I need help.
Confident in his words, I turn to you now. I know that each of us have our own battles to face everyday but a little help that you can extend to us will help a lot to save our mother.
Thank you and may God bless you. We will always be truly and forever grateful for your help.
Sincerely yours,
Sheila Magat-Basbas
by the way, I am from Naga City, Philippines. I also have asked help from the grand lodge of freemasonry in Manila. I just came across your blog and I wonder if you could help us. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeletesheila M. Basbas
No man loves God who hates his kind,
ReplyDeleteWho tramples on his brother's heart and soul;
Who seeks to shackle, cloud, or fog the mind
By fears of hell has not perceived our goal.
God-sent are all religions blest;
And Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life,
To give the heavy laden rest
And peace from sorrow, sin, and strife.
Behold the Universal Spirit came
To ALL the churches, not to one alone;
On Pentecostal morn a tongue of flame
Round EACH apostle as a halo shone.
Since then, as vultures ravenous with greed,
We oft have battled for an empty name,
And sought by dogma, edict, cult, or creed,
To send each other to the quenchless flame.
Is Christ then twain? Was Cephas, Paul,
To save the world, nailed to the tree?
Then why divisions here at all?
Christ's love enfolds both you and me.
His pure sweet love is not confined
By creed which segregate and raise a wall.
His love enfolds, embraces human kind,
No matter what ourselves or Him we call.
Then why not take Him at His word?
Why hold to creeds which tear apart?
But one thing matters, be it heard
That brother love fill every heart.
There's but one thing the world has need to know.
There's but one balm for all our human woe:
There's but one way that leads to heaven above--
That way is human sympathy and love.
-Max Heindel.
ReplyDeleteI empathize with you and your mother. I hope the operation is a success.
Perhaps you will find this advice helpful.
There are two grand lodges in the Philippines and numerous local lodges, including your late father's lodge, that may be able to assist you, and I'm sure there are several local organizations and charities designed to help people such as yourself deal with this type of medical situation. If the DSWD and PCSO you mention are such groups, don't just "think about" contacting them; do so at once. You might also ask Dr. Torres to reduce or waive his fee if you find it excessive.
— W.S.
Young Hiram Horner
ReplyDeleteGot backed into a corner
Demanding a piece of the pie.
To his nose went his thumb,
“Kiss my ass, my old chums,
You’ll never be as clever as am I!”
Dear Sheila,
ReplyDeleteBy the currency calculations that I have done P150,000.00 is about equal to $3552 USD. There are numerous ways of obtaining this amount. First, I would suggest that you set up a website with a donation link to make it easy for people to donate to your cause. Second, put up a picture of your father, mother, and Lodge as this will lend credibility to your effort. Many people are wary of scams, so it is good to settle those fears. Third, reach out to all those Masonic organizations in the Phillipines and reach out to their allies too. You should be able to get some relief from the Lodge that your father was Master and they can petition other Lodges for help too.
Young Hiram Horner
ReplyDeleteGot backed into a corner
Demanding a piece of the pie.
To his nose went his thumb,
“Kiss my ass, my old chums,
You’ll never be as clever as am I!”
UH, Ok George, I give?
The relevance......
which pie? Freemasonry or just American Masonry?
American masonry is a small pie that in the Universal Spectrum, and if young hiram horner was tired of american pie, there is much more flavors out there to choose from now!
French Pie
Belgian Pie
Oriental Pie..
I am glad more access to pie is available, yours is very stale, George.
Throw the pie out with the bath water?
Too-Bull Cain
ReplyDeleteMust you always react in the negative? Has it never occurred to you that the post might be a positive one?
Open your eyes and mind instead of impulsively assuming the worse!
The freedom of conscience
During the eighteenth century, the Grand Lodges throughout the world decided to recruit not only among Christians, but also to open lodges to men of all religions. During the nineteenth century, the Grand Orient de France went even farther by proposing the Masonic initiation to all men, provided that they respect the "Moral Law" as stated in the Anderson Constitutions. In 1877, to remain "the center of the union between people who would otherwise remain total strangers," the Grand Orient abolished the requirement by which its members had to acknowledge the existence of God and the immortality of the soul. This was the beginning of a Freemasonry that accepted believers
and non-believers, and left members completely free to pursue their own conscience and personal research. The Grand Orient considers metaphysical concepts are entirely personal. The lodges of the Grand Orient de France therefore work according to their own orientation, either under the invocation of Universal Freemasonry, or to the
glory of the Great Architect of the Universe. They pursue a balanced humanistic approach between a reflection on the society and the initiatory work.
Who, with any ounce of sense, would reject this?
TracingBoard.com is back!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSisters? I thought this was a Masonic Fraternity not Sorority. If you really accept women as Masons, shouldn't this post be titled " A personhood without boundaries"? Come on Pearce, quit being so sexist.
ReplyDeleteMasons without Borders
ReplyDeleteImagine that your Grand Lodge leadership were to invite you to be part of a future-enabling problem-solving creative dialogue, in a small group of brighter, younger, newer Masons. Imagine that each participant was asked to bring one suggestion that would contribute in a major way to a better Freemasonry, one that would be of greater service to all of humanity. What would be your suggestion? I can think of three.
Declare that the principles of Freemasonry henceforth be the paramount principles underlying all policies and practices of Grand Lodge and lodge administration. That the essential, timeless values (such as goodness and honesty), be placed above ephemeral values (such as supremacy, growth, and wealth). That open-minded reason be placed above worship of status-quo and unexamined stagnant old habits. That criticism is good. Complacency is bad. Perversion is unacceptable. That open communication and transparency be placed above privileged oligarchy manipulation. That considering best practices of others is a good thing.
Trash the doctrine of "territorial exclusion". Let the light of diversity shine in. Instead of talking of "invasion" of territory, and treating Masons of other stripes as arch-enemies, encourage them to charter lodges in one's "own" territory. This could inspire with diverse alternatives, and a healthy sense of competition and choices. Choices between more religious and less. More dogmatic and less. More cosmopolitan, more esoteric, more charitable, more sociable, more philosophical, etc. The Craft is not the Territory. Good practices need no monopolistic protection. A Grand Lodge's sovereignty is not over territory, but over its own lodges.
Let Masons go wherever they are welcome. Respect freedom of association. The European High Court of Human Rights has already upheld this freedom. Grand Lodges should be champions of human rights, not invidious human rights suppressors. A (Grand) Lodge has the right to decide whom to admit as members and visitors. But not to dictate to its members where they can and cannot go on their own time.
These measures could make a huge difference, by providing genuine options, true liberty and equality, transparent and participatory governance, friendly fraternal relations, without fraternal enemies, and a chance for better approaches to thrive, resulting in an all-round better world-wide Free-Masonry. With these measures, it is likely that more good, true, honest and honourable candidates will join and won't quit within 3 years. That they will make informed choices, and those bodies that are what they say they are will thrive, while the rest will no longer turn good applicants into ex-members in record time. With open communication rather than prohibitions, individuals can make informed choices, rather than be told "don't ask to be informed, ask to be initiated". These could be minimal effort measures with maximum effect results.
tsmr srote:
ReplyDelete"A (Grand) Lodge has the right to decide whom to admit as members and visitors. But not to dictate to its members where they can and cannot go on their own time."
An excellent point! One that, if adopted by Grand Lodges everywhere, would eliminate many of the problems and concerns expressed on the forums, in the blogs and elsewhere.
O for a voice like thunder, and a tongue
ReplyDeleteTo drown the throat of war! - When the senses
Are shaken, and the soul is driven to madness,
Who can stand?
When the souls of the oppressed
Fight in the troubled air that rages, who can stand?
When the whirlwind of fury comes from the
Throne of god, when the frowns of his countenance
Drive the nations together, who can stand?
When Sin claps his broad wings over the battle,
And sails rejoicing in the flood of Death;
When souls are torn to everlasting fire,
And fiends of Hell rejoice upon the slain.
Who can stand?
O who hath caused this?
O who can answer at the throne of God?
The Kings and Nobles of the Land have done it!
Hear it not, Heaven, thy Ministers have done it!
"Prologue," Poetical Sketches (1783)
William Blake (1757-1827)
"And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." (Mark 13:37)
ReplyDeleteViva La France
Plant a seed, nurture it, and watch it grow.
Build it and they WILL come!
Margiotta, a 33rd degree Mason who wrote Masonic history and the biography of Adriano Lemmi...has this to say regarding Pike and Mazzini: "It was agreed that the existence of this rite would be kept strictly secret, and that no mention of it would ever be made in the assemblies and inner shrines of other rites..." (p. 81)
ReplyDeleteMargiotta adds (p. 82):
"One will better understand these precautions knowing that Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion is Manichean neo-gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is dual, and that Lucifer is the equal of Adonay, with Lucifer the God of Light and Goodness struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and Evil."
Love Your Grand Lodge
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools...and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man... Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator...
ReplyDeleteFor this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another."
-- Romans 1:18-27
Cecil Rhodes wrote:" "In the present day I become a member of the Masonic Order. I see the wealth and power they possess, the influence they hold, and I think over their ceremonies and I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appears the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end. The idea gleaming and dancing before one's eyes like a will-o-the-wisp at last frames itself into a plan.
ReplyDeleteWhy should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire."
All Hail The UGLE
I have always seen list's of famous Masons. To just look at the name means very little. When you date and place those names in the proper time line and placement of power you begin to see the deception and vastness of this power elite. What will shock you even more is to learn who the powers are behind the Freemasons. Notice the death's of non Masonic presidents or those who lost favor, and the shuffling of the vice presidents to get them in the position of takeover before the presidents were killed or removed. Note also the number of presidential running mates who lost the race for presidency were Masons also. A win win situation regardless of the outcome of the election. The Mason's have controlled this country from the beginning. Another interesting fact to consider is that of the 37 Presidents of the United States before Jimmy Carter, at least 18 or 21 (depending on which source you believe) were close relatives. That comes to somewhere between 48.6 percent and 56.7 percent-far to much to be coincidence, as any conspiritologist (or mathematician) would tell you. Of the 224 ancestors in the family tree of 21 Presidents, we find 13 Roosevelt's, 16 Coolidge's, and 14 Tyler's. Another source manages to relate 60 percent of the Presidents and link most of them to the super-rich Astor family. This data does not include genealogies of the five most recent President. Psychologist G. William Domhoff claims that a large part of America's Ruling elite, just like that of Europe, are related by marriage. (Everything is Under Control. Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups by Robert Anton Wilson pg 39-40)
ReplyDeleteAlumbrados666 states:"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator..."
ReplyDeleteSounds like some mainstream masons, worshipping and serving the GL(creature) more than the The Ideal of Universal Brotherhood(Creator)
A (Grand) Lodge has the right to decide whom to admit as members and visitors. But not to dictate to its members where they can and cannot go on their own time.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Sort of.
There are two related problems with this: How binding are your obligations, and how do you define "their own time"?
We take an obligation - fair or not, justifiable or not - to avoid Masonic intercourse with those who our GL defines as "clandestine" or "unrecognized." If you admit that your GL can choose who to admit based upon its own definition, then you have to take the flip side - that certain associations are off-limits.
Similarly, how do you define your "own time"? Once made a member of the fraternity, are you ever 'off-duty' or exempt from your obligations or GL regulations? And if you are off-duty at times, then does that mean that you are excused from some immoral actions which might otherwise be prohibited or even punishable?
"Yeah, I know I visited that Grand Orient lodge on Tuesday night. Yeah, I know I saw them raise 2 women. But it was the last week of the month! There were no regular lodge meetings, so I was doing it on my own time!"
Sounds like a specious argument to me.
Please note that I'm not disagreeing with the concept; personally, I'd like to visit a few of the lodges in the Northeast that arent' recognized by my GL. But I'm having trouble with understanding how to apply the concept such that GLs can maintain their integrity (in the widest sense, not the moral sense) while allowing the maximum freedoms for the members.
A good friend of mine just joined a group only for women. No men allowed. It's not Masonic, and it seems to be a good, gender-specific group. What is wrong with that? There are lots of good, gender specific groups. Groups where people are not admitted because of their age as well. The dawning of an old value; Valuelessness-the oldest value of all!
ReplyDeleteIsn't 'brotherhood' itself a boundary? How about individuals that do not believe in loving one another? Perhaps we should allow them to join to.
It will just be one more group that cares about nothing, including each other-as caring about others IS a boundary. Why put such restrictions as a requirement for knowledge (as Jeff Peace's group the RCGG at one time required a college degree!), concern for others, justice, keeping your word, onto the fraternity? That's truly, 'brotherhood without boundaries' and it's not useful at all, and full of untrustworthy individuals. The same as what is claimed by some uninformed individuals about Masonry. Mr. Peace here proposes a fraternity where the only requirement is that you own popsicle sticks and are to true to nobody, not even yourself.
Does anyone belong to one.org ? Check it out. That's an organization ANYONE can join. It's a very good organization.
I think that you may be making too much stew out of those oysters. There will always been boundaries between people, even amongst Brothers. Those particular boundaries are self imposed by the individual. They are not dictated to them. For example, I choose to not be in the company of people of excruciatingly poor manners. My choice.
ReplyDeleteI think that the boundaries that Brother Peace is referring to in his article are those that are imposed by an organization.
Brother Tom brought up some interesting questions on this subject. If I may offer a viewpoint on the subject of maintaining one's GL integrity. I am not sure how to word this some work with me. In my job in the world I have to represent my company, when on company business, in a certain way which is dictated by my company. I have no problem with that at all as they are the one's that pay me (which I would like them to continue to do). Yet when I go out this weekend I am not representing my company and I free to do as I wish within the constraints of the laws of my municipality, state and federal government.
Is there any distinct harm caused to an organization or individual Mason if a male Mason from the Grand Lodge of Connecticut or Mississippi if that same Mason were to visit a Co-Masonic lodge? What exactly is being protected? I think that these are important questions, the answers to which may allow us to build a solid view of the subject at hand.
Quoting Tom: "We take an obligation - fair or not, justifiable or not - to avoid Masonic intercourse with those who our GL defines as "clandestine" or "unrecognized." If you admit that your GL can choose who to admit based upon its own definition, then you have to take the flip side - that certain associations are off-limits."
ReplyDelete"We" take vastly different obligations. Some are transparent, civil, respectful, and dignified. There is no mention of "GL", or "unrecognized", or "women" in others. Nor abusable code-words such as "freeborn" and "clandestine". Nor open-ended carte-blanche surrender of conscience and intelligence through unquestioning subjection to (the possible tyranny of) an individual or a group of persons, via "edicts", "rules", and other man-made abusables. Nor does the logic of "flip-sidedness" stand to reason.
It simply doesn't have to be like that. The attitude of defending unquestioning obedience to what could be immoral "- fair or not, justifiable or not -" is not Free-Masonry, but a perversion of Free-Masonry.
I recommend looking at other obligations. E.g: Bristol, Emulation, Schroeder -- Google them.
Consider also that before the obligation assurances are given, that nothing in their obligations will conflict with their civil, moral, or religious duties.
And furthermore, consider that an obligation relates to an individual's understanding of the meaning of the words at the time, his understanding of Free-Masonry and its reciprocal obligation, and his own conscience.
Then as you compare obligations, their histories, and attitudes justified around obligations, at the very least you will see that it doesn't have to be the way it is where it is questionable.
[I know of a situation where there was one rule "Do unto Others". Then someone was ostracized under that rule. Think about that. How can someone else determine that what X does is not what X would want done to him? The actual rule in effect was "don't upset the tyrant". All the rest was bullying.]
As for the flip side logic: In my Constitution there is a rule that says "can't admit unrecognized to lodge". There could be corresponding rule that says "can't visit unrecognized lodge". But there isn't.
To imply that respecting universal human rights and freedoms amounts to "excused from some immoral actions" is simply perverse, though not uncommon. The notion of "never off-duty" as justifying human rights abuses is especially heinous when combined with territorial monopoly, and the internal barrier of non-transparency, enabling tyrannical governance.
The three measures, to remove internal barriers, to remove territorial monopoly barriers, and to remove outbound travel barriers would simply remove three corruptions that have infected some forms of Freemasonry. They have not infested other forms that are considered perfectly "regular" by the UGLE.
Tyranny, monopoly, and domination are not fundamental principles of Free-Masonry.
They are perversions -- unnecessary evils. It is possible to get rid of them again.
So, you may say -- It sounds reasonable, in principle, but given our obligations, we are stuck. We can't change it. My answer is, that if you start with good governance, it's a lot easier to inform, to think, to talk, and then to change. And once you get rid of monopoly, it's a lot easier to see the good in other ways, and to see the folly in foolish old ways. And then, those who still cling to dominating Free-Masons like small children may or may not be chosen, as Free-Masons will make free and informed choices about the Free-Masonry they value.
BTW, in 1929 the UGLE invented from scratch "Basic Principles of Freemasonry for which the Grand Lodge of England has stood throughout its history." Then in 1989 they changed them, by dropping something that was previously ... "an essential qualification for membership".
Dogmatism, especially religious dogmatism, is one of the worst perversions of Free-Masonry. Heavy-handed domineering tyrannical "rules" is not what Free-Masonry is. Think about what Free-Masonry really is. Then just take out the garbage.
"I think that the boundaries that Brother Peace is referring to in his article are those that are imposed by an organization."
ReplyDeleteWhat Jeff is proposing is the Universalist Church. It's been done, and is being done. Nothing against the Universalists, but do we really need another? I wanted to join that church, but there's not one locally. That's beside the point-what is not is the manner in which Jeff supposes we should not keep our solemn oaths just so we can be politically correct. Sad, sad.
By the way, have you read famous skeptic Michael Shermer's WHY PEOPLE BELIEVE WEIRD THINGS, talking about the cult of the objectivist movement and Rand's removal of Brandon without trial-much in the same way Jeff claims he was removed? Of course, he won't give the details out, and I'm beginning to suspect he may have been removed for legitimate reasons given his later actions. Of course, without knowing much more, there is no way to judge clearly without being provided the facts. Unless facts are given, personal assumptions will have to do.
Shermer's book is enlightening regarding Rand and the incredible amount of subjectivity with which she treated her objectivism. Check it out from your local library. I'd recommend buying it.
"Dogmatism, especially religious dogmatism, is one of the worst perversions of Free-Masonry."
ReplyDeleteJeff's ideas are religious dogmatism. (Along the lines of Reverend Moon's church). It's just not Freemasonry. Isn't your very statment dogmatic? Do you not consider it to be absolutely true?
To treat everyone as a family is a nice idea. It's when you actually see it in practice that the idea falls apart. Family's aren't always nice to each other; but they are families.
“Jeff's ideas are religious dogmatism.” - François-Marie Arouet
ReplyDelete“What Jeff is proposing is the Universalist Church.” - François-Marie Arouet
No, I am not proposing a “Universalist” anything, nor am I proposing Utopia. What I am proposing is tolerance, understanding and mutual respect. There is a clear need for three distinct types of Freemasonry: Male, Female, and Mixed-Gender. Each must be governed by its own brothers/sisters. Out of these three groups there may other subdivisions based on their own unique philosophies.
And, I’m not an “Objectivist”, even though I believe American Freemasonry could use a good dose of objective reality.
Also, based on your reasoning American Freemasonry would be a dogmatic cult. Perhaps it has become one thanks to people like you.
"No, I am not proposing a “Universalist” anything, nor am I proposing Utopia."
ReplyDeleteCheck out the Universalist Church website, and clearly you can see that your statements match up with theirs:
Which is fine. Just because it's not specifically stated by you that your ideas are identical to the UU, they undeniably are.
"What I am proposing is tolerance, understanding and mutual respect."
We can have all of those, and who's to say we don't already? Certainly, not in some individual instances, but many groups have identifying, gender-specific rules. As stated before, a friend of mine recently joined a female-only group with liberal tendencies. What is wrong with that? Nothing. Some groups suggest you must have a college degree to join such as your RCGG. That sounds like being tolerant and respecting others in NO way.
"And, I’m not an “Objectivist”, even though I believe American Freemasonry could use a good dose of objective reality. "
Taking from your moniker, it can be assumed that you're at least partially a fan of Rand's. It's clear you have no sense of 'objective reality', even if you aren't an 'objectivist'. You take something address to Brother Brandt and egotistically suppose it was meant for you.
"Each must be governed by its own brothers/sisters."
This dogmatic statement on your part is correct. Why not let the Regular Lodges govern the way they wish? Of course, you'll never break out of your dogmas without being able to perceive things with an understanding of objective reality.
Of course, a Dogma indicates that the rules cannot never be broken. Of course, with your Masonry without Boundaries, oaths mean nothing. Keep it.
Don't pretend you have not sidestepped the issue of why exactly you were expelled, Jeff. This is in keeping with your patterns of ignoring direct questions about that and the details of what is happening with Halcyon Lodge. Aren't you going to celebrate openness and transparency and share with the class? NO-of course you will not.
ReplyDeleteBrother François-Marie,
ReplyDeleteYes sir, I do subscribe to objectivist philosophy. Is that a surprise?
What bone do you have to pick with Brother Peace? It almost seems personal.
"Brother François-Marie,
ReplyDeleteYes sir, I do subscribe to objectivist philosophy. Is that a surprise?"
Not at all. I just offered an article in Michael Shermer's book that you might find interesting regarding Rand and her unfair 'trial' toward Branden. I do think you'd find the book interesting.
As for JP, I just would like to see what the details of him being kicked-out were. I'd also like to see the details of what is going on in Halcyon. Apparently, the call for 'openness' only applies to everyone else. That, and I think it's fun to rib him a bit. He's got a massive ego! ;,)
I'm not a perfect person by any means but I do stand by my principles. I believe there is a better way of doing things; a way where all who desire to be among us as a Freemason are welcomed.
ReplyDeleteI know there are those like Francois who will disagree with me, but that is their right to do so.
If you can agree with the goals and ideals of the Grand Orient system of Freemasonry, and you want a universal brother/sisterhood then you are welcome to join with us.
If you prefer a closed and isolated system that treats others as second class brothers and/or sisters then you have that opportunity as well.
You can quote Aristotle, Voltaire, or whoever you choose, but those are not the words of your heart, they belong to their respective author. If you want to be a real man, woman or Freemason you must stand alone with a single voice and say what you believe - what your heart tells you.
From the very beginning there have been men like 'Francois-Marie Arouet'; men who had a deep desire to be a part of something where they find the illusion of personal value. They believe their personal worth is equal to that of the organization to which they belong. This is a dark path that takes away the freedom to be what you truly are as a person.
They rely on wit, logic and rhetoric to confuse the unwary and lead them down the same path to dependency on the group or organization.
Freedom is never free. It usually comes at a high prioe, but for those who are willing to pay that price they find probity and honor.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
ReplyDeleteThere's a Cloud of fear and sorrow.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.
They say that anger is just love disappointed.
They say that love is just a state of mind,
but all this fighting over who will be anointed.
Oh how can people be so blind!
There's a hole in the world tonight.
There's a Cloud of fear and sorrow.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.
Oh they tell me there's a place over yonder,
cool water running through the burning sand,
until we we learn to love one another
we can never reach the promise land.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
There's a Cloud of fear and sorrow.
There's a hole in the world tonight.
Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.
"We" take vastly different obligations.
ReplyDeleteBro. TSMR - I'd forgotten that Canada uses Emulation. I scanned my copy, and indeed, there is no mention of "clandestine" or "women" to be found.
In the US, however, we primarily use some version of the Webb ritual. While you may find a handful of individual lodges that use older workings, most US Masons are cautioned - indeed, obligated - not to communicate Masonically with clandestines, and to avoid lodges which admit women.
So while I agree in principle that "it doesn't have to be like that", in practice, I'm afraid that we have what we have.
Which leads me to ask this: if your obligations do not preclude you from having Masonic intercourse with unrecognized Masons, then how does your GL maintain its integrity? How does it prevent you from visiting a LDH lodge or keep a PHO brother from visiting yours?
Yes, TSMR,
ReplyDeletePlease explain how your GL keeps its integrity by allowing you to spread Universal Brotherhood by associating with those women and clandestine masons?
The nerve of your Grand Lodge.....
"a way where all who desire to be among us as a Freemason are welcomed."
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't we welcoming all as human beings? I'll admit to not 'wanting all who desire to be among us as a Freemason' be considered a Freemason:
Malachi York
Grand Lodge of All England
Not to mention other scammers out there. Yes, there are unfortunately people who carry a membership card who are willing to break their oaths and defraud their brethren. They are found out and charged appropriately. They are NOT Masons-that is all.
Of course, some will allude to people keeping their word as not being progressive and new, but in a world where hardly anybody keeps their word, is it not refreshing to see people actually attempt to stand up for something? Progress is made by stiving to improve ourselves. There are tons of groups out there whereby people can improve themselves, some for women only, some for men only, and some mixed. Masonry is different. We don't fit in, and that's not wrong-it's exactly right. We shouldn't fit into society. We strive to improve ourselves. It's the right and responsibility of the individual to do so. The true secret of Freemasonry is not what is done in lodge, it's what is in the heart.
The ideas proposed sound nice, but so does sugar. JP decides that there are no 'ancient landmarks', so there are none. He decides there is no 'regular masonry', so there is none. Ludicrous.
Make it easy, and everyone will join in! Great plan, Jeff, but are they improving themselves? Perhaps. It's still not Masonry. Don't travel to Howard's ; 'hole of fear'. Your journey is your own.
Next, Jeff will be demanding membership in the Girl Scouts for everyone. Get raal.
2 bowl:
ReplyDelete"Yes, TSMR,
Please explain how your GL keeps its integrity by allowing you to spread Universal Brotherhood by associating with those women and clandestine masons?"
Universal Brotherhood can be and is spread through Masonry without letting everybody who buys GLOF regalia at WalMart into the meetings just on their word. I'm going to go with a dentist who has certification rather than one who has merely a drill. 'Nor do we know you will ever be'. Jeff does NOT, apparently, welcome the Grand Lodge of All England. Is that, or is it not, true Jeff?
"I'm not a perfect person by any means but I do stand by my principles. "
ReplyDeleteSo, you do have a dogma. Nice of you to realize it. Everyone has a dogma.
"From the very beginning there have been men like 'Howard Roarke'; men who had a deep desire to be a part of something where they find the illusion of personal value. They believe their personal worth is equal to that of the organization to which they belong. This is a dark path that takes away the freedom to be what you truly are as a person.'"
Just thought I'd save the time and deliver your ad hominem attack back at you, Howard. You know it's fun, but it's incredibly amazing at how well they apply to you! Of course, 'men who had a deep desire to be a part of something where they find the illusion of personal value.' will of COURSE be welcomed into the Grand Orient with open arms! Humorous. That's how you;ll get in, being full of illusion (perception's only illusion anyway).
'There's a hole in your theory tonight' Howie. It'll be there tomorrow.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's just like I stated earlier. Men like you always rely on the ideas and remarks of others because you can't think for your self. Thank you for proving me right by quoting me.
This aspect of their personality is indictaive of their reliance on the collective (organization) to which they belong. It is important for them to always be in step with the ideas proposed to them by their leaders.
The relationship they have with the organization is one of psychological dependency which requires an authoritarian structure. The obligate themselves to the organization in order to find fulfillment and then blindly champion its causes without regard to moral implications involved.
Please explain how your GL keeps its integrity by allowing you to spread Universal Brotherhood by associating with those women and clandestine masons?
ReplyDeleteDo you suppose they're spreading "universal brotherhood" by sneaking into each other's lodges on the presence that they really do belong to those organizations?
Grand Lodges have rules and regulations. Some of us may not like them - I know I'm not crazy about some of them - and so the ethical way to approach it is to a) live with it, b) leave, or c) try to change them.
Insulting those who try to work with the system doesn't seem very productive to me.
What the hell is the matter with you people? Is it really worth all of this. Sure I respect the rules of your Grand Lodge. I wouldn't expect any of the Anglo-American Masonic Brethren to try to come to my lodge. I would expect, and I do believe that this is reciprocated, that these Brothers from both sides of the issue could sit down and have a beer together.
ReplyDeleteHave we all gotten some bent over an organization that we can't even speak civilly? Take a break guys. Take a big deep breath and get over it. There are far more important things to do. The Craft in general has some very important things to do.
Perhaps Tom might prefer to be in a constructive, creative, positive role?
ReplyDeletePerhaps Tom could offer one suggestion that would contribute in a major way to a better Freemasonry, one that would be of greater service to all of humanity?
Having corresponded with him in the past I am sure that he can offer just what you are seeking in constructive discussion.
ReplyDeleteBrother TSMR, you are perhaps sharper than most Masons I know. It is an honor to call you Brother. Brother Tom is a good man, he just has the bad taste to disagree with me from time to time.
Let's take this back to center and get back to the discussion at hand. How does this actually work.
"What the hell is the matter with you people? Is it really worth all of this. Sure I respect the rules of your Grand Lodge. I wouldn't expect any of the Anglo-American Masonic Brethren to try to come to my lodge. I would expect, and I do believe that this is reciprocated, that these Brothers from both sides of the issue could sit down and have a beer together.
ReplyDeleteHave we all gotten some bent over an organization that we can't even speak civilly? Take a break guys. Take a big deep breath and get over it. There are far more important things to do. The Craft in general has some very important things to do."
I agree 100%. Of course we could have a beer together. There is nothing prohibiting it. I'll even buy.
"Let's take this back to center and get back to the discussion at hand. How does this actually work."
ReplyDeleteA more important question is; will this actually work? Betrand Russell ('Why I Am Not A Christian) says in his 'Authority and the Individual':
"Buddhism and Christianity-have sought to extend to the whole human race...have preached the 'brotherhood of man', showing by the use of the word 'brotherhood' that they are attempting to extend beyond its natural bound an emotional attitude which, in its origins, is biological...This is not an easy problem, and one that cannot be solved by morality alone."
"The obligate themselves to the organization in order to find fulfillment and then blindly champion its causes without regard to moral implications involved."
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely correct! ;,) I'll buy you a beer too-hope you don't mind 3-2! You probably know that I didn't hear about Voltaire or Spinoza in lodge.
I don't care about the rules or the GL or even my lodge if it does not fit into the bigger picture or at least try. My lodge, my GL, do for the most part strive to be a good organization. None of us are perfect (although that does not preclude a big ego). We're all rough ashlars, trying to improve ourselve (ideally). The obligations aren't the GL's or my Lodges. They belong to me to do with what I wish. I will keep my oath within the dictates of reason and sentiment.
A beer it is. :-)
ReplyDeletePerhaps Tom might prefer to be in a constructive, creative, positive role?
ReplyDeleteI endeavor to give satisfaction, Brother TSMR. Did you perhaps miss my questions to you?
Are there others who would like to experience a brother/sisterhood without boundaries?
ReplyDeleteIf so, please join us over at http://www.tracingboard.com
There is no more than non-sense that to proclaim "intelligence and tolerance" without apply it. The "main stream" Freemasonry-Anglosaxon is dogmatic and sadly they believe that only their close minded point of view is correct. It seems that a frremason of the so call "mainstream" wants to dictate the laws of how rule the minds of the human beings in freemasonry's world.
ReplyDeleteThey are the true profanes because they have walk into Freemasonry but Freemasonry have not walk trough them. True Freemasonry is beyond all that. No bounderies...Freemasonry IS UNIVERSAL and there is ONLY ONE Freemasonry is the hole Universe that contains EVERYTHING
All the best to all my brothers and sisters from all the Potencies and all the Lodges of all the world with free thinking.
To my followers of the UGL of England:Just be intelligent and please THINK for yourself
Viva the Grand Orient de France!!!