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Blogging | GrandCentral | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
I know that this does not relate to this article, but congratulations on having your aricle on Rose Hill Cemetery published in the Scottish Rite Journal
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff...one way to think of the Web is that it is becoming a General Purpose Technology...in otherwords, a Utility, much like electric power in the late 1800's. We are moving our ability to communicate to a new infrastructure, thus the Web is simply a utility for communications. It's the latest utility, like water, power and roads.
ReplyDeleteG. Crouch
SW, Ad Astra 130
Widow's Son?
ReplyDeletePublished in the Scottish Rite Journal?
By their editor Brent Morris?
You collaborator! [VBG]
Congratulations, my friend.