Here's the info:
28.03.2007Masons | Masonic Papers | Internet Lodge No. 9659 | Freemasonry | Grand Lodge of Georgia | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
Brethren All,
Internet Lodge 9659 are pleased to announce a "Short Papers Competition".
Internet Lodge 9659 are delighted that the competition is being supported by the Pro Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, MWBro The Marquess of Northampton. Who will be present at our Installation meeting in March 2008 to present the prize to the best entry.
2007 Short Papers Competition Rules
Closing Date: The Closing Date for submissions is 31st December 2007
Submission method: Your paper should be sent as an email attachment to shortpapers@internet.lodge.org.uk by the closing date. The e-mail to which the paper is attached should list your name, Masonic affiliations, email address, postal mail address and telephone number. If your paper is eligible for a Nova Award, please add the date, place and Lodge of your initiation.
Length: 500 words is the maximum length of papers, about one page of typescript which takes about 5 minutes to read aloud. Papers for the Nova Award may be up to 1500 words in length but if a paper is longer than 500 words it is not eligible for any other category of Award.
Format: Please submit your entry in the form of a Word document (.doc). If you have difficulties in providing your paper in this format please contact us at the above email address and we will try to arrange a suitable alternative. Please put your name and email address into the header or footer of the page so any confusion is avoided. Should your paper be published, your email address will be removed.
Style. Because papers are intended to be read aloud they should be written as a script. Please use bold or underline to indicate emphasis, for example. While correct spelling will be appreciated punctuation will be considered flexible and the judges will accept variation from established norms provided these help the paper deliver its message when read aloud.
Content: The content must have Masonic relevance and be of educational value. Beyond this there is no constraint on the subject matter. Controversial material is not unwelcome provided that it is presented in a fair and balanced way. Papers containing material which the judges consider offensive or otherwise unsuitable will be eliminated.
Online publication: All papers selected by the judges as worthy of publication will be published online by Internet Lodge thus creating a resource for use by other Masons for use in Lodges. The winning papers will be selected from the group of published papers. The selected papers will be published online in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) and will include the authors name and State or Country of Residence. It will not include any other personal details. By entering the competition you agree to publication of your entry by Internet Lodge and its further use by other Masons.
Originality: Your paper must be your own original writing. The judges will eliminate papers containing any form of plagiarism, including cut and paste from elsewhere.
References: We do understand that you may have drawn upon various works before creating your paper. Please let us know what these sources are in the form of references. References are not counted as part of the 500 words.
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