Brother Jeff Peace, renowned Masonic historian, will be giving a lecture on Freemasonry and the history of secret societies.
Bro. Peace is a fourth generation Freemason from Atlanta, Georgia who has written many papers and essays dealing with the past, present and future of Freemasonry. Bro. Peace has relationships with many Freemasons throughout the world, and has accumulated a wealth of Masonic literature dealing with topics and information that many Freemasons have never been privy to.
The lecture will be open to the public and all Freemasons, whether recognized or not by any mainstream grand lodge system. Hopefully Bro. Peace's talk will dispel any myths about secret societies inspired by The Da Vinci Code book or movie, or by the History Channel, and will bring Freemasons of all systems together in understanding.
Some topics to be discussed include:
- Freemasonry is a peculiar (unique) system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols
- It is a Natural Philosophy (as opposed to occult)
- It is based on a Progressive Science (specifically mechanics and physics)
- It is dedicated to the purpose of creating a universal brotherhood of all mankind under the All-Seeing Eye of Deity
- Freemasonry is not a religion but a science

Image: Bro. Jeff Peace giving a lecture on Masonic history
Masons | Masonic Education | History of Freemasonry | Jeff Peace | Masonic Lectures | History of Freemasonry | Freemasonry | Halcyon Charities | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
Awesome! I live in Dayton and look forward to meeting Bro. Peace.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I know I won't be able to make it. Is there any chance this'll be recorded and put somewhere for all to see?
I realize Jeff is a knowledgeable fellow. I also realize you guys have recently set up a corporation to buy your building. So is this a precursor to jumping ship from regular Masonry and becoming a UGLA lodge?
ReplyDeleteOr has Jeff been reinstated by the Grand lodge of Georgia?
Niether question is applicable for the announcement.
ReplyDeleteYour realization of a building purchase is just the typical MS spreading of lies... "SPEAK NOT WHAT KNOW NOT" (some good council whispered, quit embarrassing the frat)
why must MS masons show their true colors(, ignorance and hate, to the general public who read this blog as well other forums?
A non mason got caught up in the petty "arguments" MS have been spweing over emails and could not believe how petty and small minded our frat is.
but he is an educated man, and may not be suited for the frat.
Put a better foot forward for the frat.
also your prophesies are way off base...since when do we masons claim to be prophets?
burning tempest, i mean temper,
ReplyDeleteremember tolerance, relief, brothery love, patience, and concerning oneself about ones own self improvement within the frat and not others, unless you have achieved transforming into a perfect ashlar?
is it not a Regular Grand Lodge Mantra... not getting involved in other states masonic business?
Gosh, TC, it seemed like a reasonable question to me. No, it wasn't directly related to his speaking, but jeez louise, it's not like nobody ever goes off on a tangent around here.
ReplyDeletePersonally, if I lived anywhere near the area I'd try to make it, but a 9 hour drive is a little beyond my cable-tow. I hope the event comes off well.
What's all this "frat" stuff? Here I thought you were taking the high ground?
ReplyDeleteAnd where is the ignorance and hate? I only see name calling coming from the guy who claims to be so progressive.
Yes, a bold new vision for Freemasonry, indeed. Why, I can't wait to hear more. You seem just the sort of fellow "educated men" would want to spend a couple of nights a month with.
I heard Bro. Peace's lodge voted him back in and told the GL to go pound sand. It was a disgrace what they did to him and the other brothers. I'm glad someone is standing up to them.
ReplyDeleteI'm not quite sure the announcement places the words renown and masonic and historian in the appropriate context.
ReplyDeleteMr. Peace is certainly renown and not as a Masonic historian, well not a credible or reliable Masonic historian.
Yet, there is no doubt that he is history, Masonically.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Telling Grand Lodge to go pound sand. Certainly an effective way to lose a charter, burn all bridges and affirm in the minds of fence-straddlers that there was indeed something improper going on.
Very adult.
I suspect the "rumors" you heard were a little more colorful than the actual events.
I don't question that Jeff and his UGLA brethren were unfairly treated by Georgia. The bad blood between Jeff and certain factions goes back many years when he was less than tactful. The shame was that he and his like-minded brothers had finally found a way at last to work within the system and start making improvements to the fraternity from the inside, instead of hiding behind false names, sock puppets, hyperbolic websites and a new organizational moniker every other month. And just when it looked like they really might start making headway, they were attacked by a true PITA, and became victims of Grand Lodge Godfathers and their ill-appointed progeny.
All of that said, you Halcyon guys are dancing on a minefield at this point in time. Yes, yes, I know, TC420, you'll sputter back with some infantile screed I am sure. But there are ways to affect change in this fraternity, and poking Grand Lodges and regularity issues in the eye with a pointed stick every chance you get makes you appear childish, immature and certainly not a brother anyone would want to place in a position of responsibility, much less sit in lodge with.
When will you guys ever buy a clue and figure out how much more you can do from the inside of this Beast to truly make it the fraternity you want it to be? Firing IEDs into its belly may be momentarily gratifying, but ultimately wound the fraternity as a whole, while making your own agenda look petty and destructive.
I'm sure Jeff's speech will be enlightening and entertaining and well worth the drive, as long as he doesn't turn it into a rant and rave session about eeeeeeevil Grand Lodges and how the rest of the Masonic world has it all wrong. If he can take the high road and be a true Masonic scholar without dragging the baggage of the last year into it, maybe it will be the start of something noble once again.
Hmmm. Telling Grand Lodge to go pound sand. Certainly an effective way to lose a charter, burn all bridges and affirm in the minds of fence-straddlers that there was indeed something improper going on.
ReplyDeleteOn what basis do you found your presumption that a Grand Lodge is sacrosanct, and beyond being questioned?
What DID Freemasonry do all those years and years and years before there were Grand Lodges? Good Gracious Me, it's amazing we survived, wouldn't you say? Fancy that.
quote "Or has Jeff been reinstated by the Grand lodge of Georgia?"
ReplyDeleteirrelevant for an open to public lecture. People have been giving "talks" on the davinci code and similar topics, who are no more an expert than I am.
This lecture will not and is not an anti-GL event. It will be a potentially different view of the beginnings and evolution of the organization. It is in an area that is revitalizing its residential and arts, so opening up the big temple to the locals, who may have an interest in this topic, or just seeing the inside of this building, hopefully it will be impressive to the locals as well inspire some masons.
So, since jeff's masonic status is irrelevant for this function, and the mundane do not understand territorial recognition feuds, it will not become a topic.
quote "So is this a precursor to jumping ship from regular Masonry and becoming a UGLA lodge?"
No need, we are a part of the oldest and grandest fraternity in the world. Is not that enough for us?
quote "I also realize you guys have recently set up a corporation to buy your building."
FLAT OUT LIE... something I've had enough of from Freemasons. When battling for the building, that was the favorite tactic of the "brothers" on the otherside, color the water with lies so a message by the others will not be taken as valid, like, N*%#*r Lovers(for raising a black man), Fags(because the majority of men joining were single and living in this revitalized area), tyrants(who wanted to sell the building themselves; instead, it was the elders trying to sell it and pocket the profits by running it into the ground and claiming hardships, but it was saved and not destroyed like it was planned for. All parties needing to be involved in the sale of a huge property were all on board for the sale and dividing up the spoils, except for a few young men(MM's only, no scottish or york men, blue only) who could not bear to succomb to defeat and TRASH a MASONIC facility!PERIOD.)
so I am used to hearing false information be spewed out by people who think they know what is up.
So, i have answered the questions leveled at me, and unless one has sat in a business meeting held by those brothers, you really should not open your mouths concerning facts you are not privy to.
I really do not think that is unreasonable? the burning taper lists all kinds of masonic events, one planned that does not involve pancakes or fish fry's or 1 day classes, held to spark an interest in the Frat and community, is only viewed with negativity.
Is it negative because they did not ask permission?
Is it negative because of it being open to the public?
is it negative because it is the "wrong" group of masons behind the production?
is it negative because the speaker has a contraversial masonic past?
Question: Would the event have been received differently had the speaker been the author's of the "complete idiots guide or freemasonry for dummies"? The annointed speakers for the Frat?
I'm not sure who or what would be attracted to an event where the speaker is part of the idiots and dummies publishing crowd? I'm sure people interetsed in Enlightenment are interetsed in different things than the "dummies and idiots" crowd.
quote" But there are ways to affect change in this fraternity, and poking Grand Lodges and regularity issues in the eye with a pointed stick every chance you get makes you appear childish, immature and certainly not a brother anyone would want to place in a position of responsibility, much less sit in lodge with."
ReplyDeleteDepends on if you are the side of right and equality and truth.
If your lodge and charter are being threatened by masonic bullies, and your brothers are being slandered and character's assassinated, I bet you would want me in your lodge.
But, if you perpetuate status quo, feel that you are entitled to things within the frat as well as the building, people should never question you and bury your head in the sand in th elight of injustice, then you are correct and would not me in lodge with you.
"The bad blood between Jeff and certain factions goes back many years when he was less than tactful." - Burning Temper
ReplyDeleteIn other words he was too honest for his own good. It's a shame that a fraternity supposedly dedicated to truth and honor punishes those who tell the truth when it is unpopular. It speaks for the present level of integrity of the once honorable fraternity of Freemasons.
Actually, Bro. Peace is a renowned historian in more than just Freemasonry. He is recognized as a Lincoln scholar, and his essays on the political and economic impact of the American Civil War are still considered text book reading for 400 level college courses.
ReplyDeleteHis Masonic essay entitled “A Peculiar System of Morality,” was ground breaking material. For the first time Masons were given a look into the minds of the founders of speculative Freemasonry. He expanded on the earlier works of professors Yates and Jacob to include actual material from early rituals and demonstrated their close connection with the growing scientific movement in Europe.
If you have the opportunity to speak with Bro. Peace you will learn more about the Craft in ten minutes than you will anywhere else.
If you have the opportunity to speak with Bro. Peace you will learn more about the Craft in ten minutes than you will anywhere else.
ReplyDeleteI wholeheartedly agree. Bro. Jeff is a treasurechest of Masonic lore and history. I learn something new about the Craft's history (recent and ancient) every time I speak with him.
— W.S.
ReplyDeleteActually, Bro. Peace is a renowned historian in more than just Freemasonry. He is recognized as a Lincoln scholar, and his essays on the political and economic impact of the American Civil War are still considered text book reading for 400 level college courses.
ReplyDeleteIf Mr. Peace is a "recognized Lincoln scholar, and his essays on the political and economic impart of the American Civil Ware are still considered text book reading for 400 level college courses," please provide the juried and/or peer reviewed journals publishing said "essays" and the "college courses along with the instructors names, course title, and syllabi.
The published works of Scholars who are recognized are not difficult to find. They are easily retrieved by a simple search of any academic database at any college or university library. Especially of one who is "renown".
I eagerly anticipate the citation materials so that I may review this "renown scholarship".
ReplyDeleteAs to the political crap behind the scenes over your building, sorry I brought it up. Not my business. Good for you for saving it.
As to Jeff's speech, you can have Lyndon Larouche and the Rockettes there for all I care - no, you aren't breaking any rules. I simply asked a question, based on Jeff's previous history and your past vitriolic and un-Masonic posts around here, as well as your past comments about the glorious UGLA.
As to the hard-on you have over "idiots and dummies," again, I couldn't care less, although attempting to trash Morris as some kind of in intellectual dope while others extol Jeff as a world-class scholar just means you guys need to read a little more before you shoot your mouths off. Yes, yes, spare me your "The Scottish Rite is destroying Masonry and Brent Morris is the anti-christ" rant.
<< is it negative because it is the "wrong" group of masons behind the production?>>
No, but with the giant-sized chip you wander around with on your shoulder it doesn't make you exactly the poster boy for brotherly love or truth.
<< is it negative because the speaker has a contraversial [sic] masonic past?>>
You are tiptoeing close to idiocy if you claim that isn't a factor. You know damn good and well that was 50% of the reason you invited him was BECAUSE of his controversial past.
I have never questioned Jeff's enthusiasm for the Craft and I have often admired his writings, and indeed, his dedication in the face of an entrenched old guard that fought him at every turn. But like TB420 here, it was his online persona (or personae) and his tactics that often seemed inexplicable, and those are the things that turned a core group in Georgia against him. That's the funny thing about Freemasonry. Its self-improvement lessons are supposed to work in both directions, for all of us. They don't always do that. But that doesn't make everyone who disagrees with your methods or opinions an assh*le. Nor does it make deception by the horse you're backing automatically an admirable trait. Now, Jeff is being penalized for things that may be long past (although the UGLA silliness was straight out of his old playbook).
Again, I look forward to the evening.
<< On what basis do you found your presumption that a Grand Lodge is sacrosanct, and beyond being questioned? >>
ReplyDeleteNone whatsoever. I question my Grand Lodge all the time. I do it in person, face to face. But the third question I was asked before I was allowed to knock on the door of the lodge was, "Do you seriously declare upon your honor that you will cheerfully conform to all the ancient usages and established customs of the Fraternity?" I presume you were too.
I also solemnly and sincerely promised and swore that I would stand to and abide by all the laws, rules and regulations of a lodge of Master Masons. And those laws, rules and regulations in MY lodge descend from my Grand Lodge. I am REQUIRED to abide by those rules and regulations. When the rubber hits the road and I have the choice of upholding my own honor while acting within the rules, versus hiding behind websites, noms des guerres and multiple personalities, I choose the more adult approach.
The alternatives are few - work with the system to change the existing rules, live with them, or leave. If you want to go start your own lodge and meet with your comparatively tiny group of like-minded brethren in a Starbucks, knock yourselves out, as long as you have the honor to resign from your "regular, recognized" lodge first.
Unfortunately in Jeff's case, that decision was made for him. Not saying it was right in that case. Just saying.
"Do you seriously declare upon your honor that you will cheerfully conform to all the ancient usages and established customs of the Fraternity?"
ReplyDelete“I would stand to and abide by all the laws, rules and regulations of a lodge of Master Masons. And those laws, rules and regulations in MY lodge descend from my Grand Lodge. I am REQUIRED to abide by those rules and regulations.”
All of that sounds wonderful and honorable but nobody seems to be holding the Grand Lodges, more especially Georgia, to any such standards. It seems to me you want TB420, Jeff Peace, and everyone else to accept a Freemasonry of double-standards. In other words “do as I say, not as I do” is an acceptable and justifiable argument among Freemasons.
This, my dear brother, is why the public laughs behind their back as Freemasonry and Freemasons. We publish materials and talk as if our institutions are perfect beyond question, when in reality they have fallen to the bottom of moral ladder. Why do you think we have so few educated men join our ranks? Where are all of the doctors and lawyers of yesterday?
Educated and honorable men are not interested in becoming a member of a social club where back-biting, dirty politics, racism, and corruption are considered the norm.
All of you should be ashamed for the way you have treated Jeff Peace. He did what all of you were too afraid to do; he pointed out that the emperor hasn’t any clothes. He also tried to create something new and interesting for the young men that we desperately need.
If you believe for one minute that the Scottish Rite SJ wasn’t behind all the un-Masonic business that took place here, you are fooling yourself.
<< Educated and honorable men are not interested in becoming a member of a social club where back-biting, dirty politics, racism, and corruption are considered the norm. >>
ReplyDeleteBack-biting, dirty politics, racism, and corruption are NOT the norm in Masonry. They are not endemic to the institution, and if you don't know it, get out from in front of the computer and expand your sphere of experience. Just because you read some inflammatory story here on this blog doesn't make Freemasonry what you describe. For every political hack who claws and scrapes and stabs to be Grand Supreme Hierophant of the Puffy Backside there are a thousand who aren't, quietly going about running their lodges.
Now, do you have to be patient sometimes to wait through three years of little dictators to get to a GM who really cares about making changes and improving the fraternity? Sure. But things didn't get screwed up overnight either.
As for Jeff's situation, again, I believe he was punished in this instance for things that had happened in the past. He has had his tactless moments, and I have no question it was a revenge slaying. I am not in any way condoning what his GL did to him. However, I will say I was astonished they didn't whack him in years previous. But it was wrong this time.
"Back-biting, dirty politics, racism, and corruption are NOT the norm in Masonry."
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you've been smoking, but after thirty-five years as a Mason, the organization today is at an all-time low of self-agrandizement and immorality.
I have a deep respct for Jeff for being courageous enough to stand-up and point it out to everyone. My hat is off to him.
I think Burning Temper is really an old friend named Ed. You think?
ReplyDeleteFr. F.Roy Dean Schlippe
where are bro jeff's horns?