I’m really quite surprised by the number of emails I’ve received about my upcoming talk at Halcyon Lodge in Cleveland, Ohio. Some are curious about the subject matter of the talk while others are outright concerned. After reading through some of things being spread around the Internet regarding my talk, I thought a little clarification might be in order.Note from Widow's Son: Some recent emails I have received indicate that some readers think I am Jeff Peace. I am not, nor am I a "mouthpiece" for him or for anyone or any group. If you have Masonic news or comments of interest you would like to see published here,
The talk is entitled “The Brotherhood of Man” and looks at the early development of speculative Freemasonry and how that the rediscovery of the basic principles of the Craft are its future. It is not a message of condemnation of the present ‘Antient’ state Grand Lodges, as many have speculated. These institutions of corporate Freemasonry became irrelevant to modern American society back in the 1960’s, and have no place in the future. The future of speculative Freemasonry lies in bringing all people together upon the same Level. Men and women do not join with us for initiation into a mere social club, but because they want to be a part of something greater than any individual, that points the way to a brighter future for us all.
Through this talk I hope to allow everyone a glimpse into the workings of the early lodges in hopes that they can begin to emulate their character and sense of brotherhood. I think we, as a fraternity, have lost sight of these fundamentals and replaced them with politics and justice. This is our greatest failure. Neither politics nor justice can replace the primordial nature of all human beings to long for the warmth and security of being associated with others. We are a social species that has always formed tribes, cities and states. For Freemasonry to be of value it must once again be able to forge the bonds of friendship between people who would otherwise have forever remained at a distance.
I believe this is possible, but only if we are willing to look within ourselves and our fraternity and make the changes that are necessary for brotherhood to prevail. These changes must start with us, if we and Freemasonry are to prevail.
— Jeff Peace
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I look forward to hearing your lecture Bro. Peace. Since I cannot attend the lecture in person, will you have it video taped for us all to see?
ReplyDeleteI also would love to see the video as I value Jeff as a true Masonic historian. If this could somehow posted as a video I think many would get alot from it.
ReplyDeleteof course this is easier said than done.