Bro. Jeff Peace spoke to an enthusiastic crowd at West Side Masonic Temple on the history of speculative Freemasonry.
Tubalcain420 has written about it on his blog in an article called "A Great Masonic Weekend." In part, he writes:
The fellowship and brotherhood that was exemplified this weekend will have an eternal impact on many lives. The masonry/brotherhood we all experienced cannot be regulated; it cannot be chartered; it cannot be dispensated; And it cannot be forced. The love and tolerance that was exchanged between brothers (whether recognized or not), unconditionally is what masonry is supposed to be about. Men meeting on the level. There were no aprons brought out to potentially show some inequality in rank, there were no appendent bodies trying to get recognition. It was men only interested in the world of Blue Lodge Masonry. Where ALL men meet on the level.Bro. Jeff writes of his experience in Ohio:
The knowledge that Brother Peace has on Masonry, the zeal and passion for the fraternity is second to none. I am quite content in the side of the story I have on Brother Jeff Peace being expunged from the records of the GL of Ga without a Masonic trial (which I thought we were all afforded?). Once a Mason always a Mason. All I know is that any group of Masons would benefit from having Brother Peace around, teaching and enlightening the members. Whoever Brother Peace meets with at the present time must be blessed men to be privileged to be exposed to a man with this knowledge and love of the craft. Another humble servant of the craft. Brother Jeff Peace is a Mason through and through and no man has the authority to say otherwise.
— Tubalcain420
On Saturday, April 21st, 2007, after 20 years of being a Freemason I discovered the secret treasure that every true Freemason seeks: a real Masonic lodge. Like many others after so many years of searching and hoping I had all but given up any hope of ever meeting on the Level with true brother Freemasons in a Masonic lodge dedicated to the very spirit of Freemasonry. I had become so accustomed to the long boring meetings of doing nothing more than meeting, eating and paying the bills that each visit to a Masonic lodge to give a lecture on history or symbolism represented something I dreaded, but felt obliged to do. Within minutes of meeting the brothers at Halcyon Lodge, No. 498, in Cleveland, Ohio, I knew that something was very different here. This was a thriving lodge of young Freemasons whose interests were wide and varied. There was total equality among them and nasty Masonic politics was nowhere to be seen — all met upon the same Level. As a brother who has been erased by the Grand Lodge of Georgia I had expected a rather cold reception, but instead discovered the warmth of friendship and brotherly love with each new face I came across. One brother came up and said, "Brother Peace, no Grand Lodge has the power or the authority to sever the mystic tie that binds us together as brothers. Once a Freemason — always a Freemason. Forget your past and live in the radiant Light of the present." It was at once humbling and wonderfully refreshing to be among this most excellent group of men, who were not only Freemasons, but true brothers.Image: Brothers from Georgia with Ohio brothers before Bro. Peace's lecture April 21, 2007. L-R back row: W. Bro. Chris Snow, Bro. Eric Chipps, Worshipful Master Mike Howard. L-R front row: Bro. Brian Roper (Ga.), Bro. Jeff Peace (Ga.), and Bro. Andrew Kavanaugh.
The lodge building where Halcyon meets resembles the Greek Parthenon and is a magical edifice where the ghosts of brothers past freely roam the halls speaking out from their graves in testament to the brotherhood that still exists within the walls of this temple. For it is indeed a "temple" and not just a "lodge" — it is a Temple erected to the spirit of Freemasonry and the brotherhood of man. I couldn’t help but feel that some sacred force lived within the walls — ever watching over the brotherhood.
While I am not a member of Halcyon 498 I shall always know it to be my mother lodge because it was there that I first discovered Freemasonry.
— Bro. Jeff Peace
Masons | Masonic Education | Jeff Peace | Freemasonry | West Side Masonic Lodge | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
It was by far the best Masonic expience that I have had over my ten years of being a Mason.
ReplyDeleteI would have Bro. Peace and Bro. Roper join us anytime they want for a day of brotherly love and friendship...
Words alone can not describe what a fabulious day it truely was!
If only all lodges had the same attitude, the world of Free Masonry
be the best institution ever.
Once again thank you to Bro. Peace and Roper for taking the time to visit.
Only one word comes to mind, WOW.
Hopefully there will be many more days like this in the future.
For those with negative attitudes and who like to cast judgement, please join us the next time, so once and for all we can set the record straight and bring brotherly love to the entire fraternal orginization.
I agree. Bro. Peace gave an awesome presentation with a beautiful slide show. Be able to hangout with these two brothers afterwards made it all the better. Our whole lodge benefited from their visit, and everyone is looking forward to their return.
ReplyDeleteBro. Peace's description of the lodge in Ohio sounds great. If there were a lodge like that where I am, I would attend. After several years of intense activity in Masonry, holding chairs, etc., I am giving up. I am sick of the doddering old rednecks, the barely-literate, and half-witted racists who are the overwhelming majority in my jurisdiction.
ReplyDeleteBro. Jeff Peace's lecture was truly enlightening. All in attendance were luck to experience the event, we all learned a lot --including our own 22nd Masonic district masonic scholar, RWB Charles Berry, 33 who knows more on the subject than any Mason I've known.
ReplyDeleteBro. Howard,
Master, Rocky River #703
Plural Member, Halcyon #498
Scribe, Cunningham Chapter #187 RAM
This was one of the most informative talks I've ever heard given about Freemasonry. I came away with a new respect for the brothers who created our speculative fraternity, and for brother Jeff. For those of us lucky enough to attend the dinner afterwards their was further light about symbolism and the degrees. Every lodge in America should have the opportunity to hear this talk because it will change the way you think about Freemasonry.
Thanks to Halcyon Charities for putting on the event. That organization is already beginning to pay dividends to Masonry in Northeast Ohio. Hopefully we'll see much more of this from them in the future.
ReplyDeleteIt was good to see so many brothers from Halcyon 498 and Rocky River 703 out to get a glimpse of Jeff's well-researched work. Brother Coste has been keeping up a strong lodge education program at Halcyon 498. Between his hard work and speakers being made available by Halcyon Charities, we have been learning a lot about Masonry this past year.
WB Ken Miller
Master, Halcyon #498
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBro. Peace's description of the lodge in Ohio sounds great. If there were a lodge like that where I am, I would attend. After several years of intense activity in Masonry, holding chairs, etc., I am giving up. I am sick of the doddering old rednecks, the barely-literate, and half-witted racists who are the overwhelming majority in my jurisdiction.
Brother, I do not know where you live, but do not give up hope. We at Halcyon hope to eventually hold quarterly masonic functions(retreats?) to spread fellowship, light, education and universal brotherhood.
I would like for you to partake in our masonic events that we plan on holding in the future. It is possible to have a masonic experience without openning a tiled lodge where titles, recognition and jurisdiction worries need be.
Our idea of masonry and brotherhood transcend geographical boundaries and limitations or restrictions. If you do not like masonry in your geographical area, you may want to check us out, and look to us for a masonic experience.
I sure wish I could have attended but could not because of work. However, I look forward to seeing the video, if it turned out.
ReplyDeleteTo the previous brother who talked about giving up. DON'T let anyone run you off from Freemasonry. Ok, if your lodge sucks then tell them so and bail but don't forget, there are plenty of Brothers out here that want our institution to change for the better and will not allow a few old grumpy men to ruin a good thing.
D. W. Brown, MM
"Do you still do that Rite of Memphis thing though, with the slide shows etc?"
ReplyDelete"I never really did the Rite of Memphis. I was looking for something that would attract and keep young enthusiastic Masons in their lodges. I must admit that I started off half-cocked with the Rite of Memphis, knowing nothing about it other than it was dead."
Try a google search to see how involved - the former grand hierophant- jeff was. This lying sack of contempt (for Freemasonry)
has repeatedly attacked then crawled back to the lodgeroom that expelled him. He is a political race baitor. His hate for true brotherhood is typical of his pretentious stuartish pedigree.
Antients never had a better, bitter agent provacateur.
Rui, Barry and Peter would be proud of his constant backpeddling and recalcitrant lies.
ReplyDeleteYour post says more about you than anyone else. Bro. Jeff is a great Freemason whose love and dedication to the Craft are at once apparent to anyone with eyes to see.
Please take your anger and hate elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteIt is a known fact that Bro. Peace was never "expelled". He was removed without charges or trial. Even The Philalethes Society has remarked at the un-Masonic actions taken by the Grand Lodge of Georgia against this brother.
You choose to believe the rubbish that appears on MasonicInfo. For those of us who know Bro. Peace personally his motives were always very clear. The RoM and RRCG were his attempt to stop Masonic membership decline and keep our newest members coming to lodge.
He was recently accredited with being one of the most influential Freemasons of modern times in "The Working Tools Masonic Magazine."
Since it is apparent that you do not know Bro. Peace then I recommend you step back and get to know him before you make your self look even worse.
Let's heal that angry , intolerant brother......
ReplyDeleteRelief is extended your way via eternal compassion and tolerance nurtured by the Men of Halcyon. We view all as our brothers under one deity.........There will always be family quarrlells, we will patiently wait for you to see light and join us in masonic harmony!
God Bless you angry brother.....
Hopefully the laws of equality and karma will set you aright.
We tolerate you and hope you heal that dark spot in your heart for brother peace and his fellow brothers.
so mot it be
So mote it be.
ReplyDeleteJust wish I could have been there Brothers.
ReplyDeleteyou were in spirit!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see this grass roots movement taking hold of the new brothers.
ReplyDeleteYou continue on Brother Peace.
Well... finally Bro. Peace is back where he belongs. Good to see you back again my brother. I knew the Grand Lodge of Georgia couldn't keep you out for long.
ReplyDeleteHow about giving a talk at Palestine lodge 486 in Atlanta? We would love to have you down for a visit. Al Garner and Buster Horne have no friends here I assure you. We thought they were dirt bags when they erased you and the other guys.
Welcome back!
Greetings! The Grand College of Rites of the USA is the sole, Regular organization with an Unbroken Line of Succession to two Memphis Systems, and many more Hermetically oriented Masonic Rites. All Regular MM's in Good Standing are Invited to grandcollegeofrites.org for Membership information! Be Well! MTM