As I wrote once in some article here on the Burning Taper, since I am a Mason, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, everything I think, do or write is colored by my Masonic filters.
As an experiment, I'm selecting some random "quirkies" from the British news website Ananova to show how easy it is to find something Masonic about everything you read. You can find meaning everywhere.
- Women to rule new town: "China is to create the world's first 'Woman Town' where women make all the decisions and disobedient men face punishments," the first paragraph reads. And how is this different from the typical meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star?
- Wordsworth turns rapper: This article is about how William Wordsworth's poem about daffodils "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" has been set to a rap tempo. MasonicWorld.com has used the Wordsworth quote "The child is the father of the man" in an excellent essay on how Freemasons can act as a moral compass to young people.
- Proclaimers inspire Italian Romeo: This man is going to walk 500 miles and then turn around and walk home to prove he loves his girlfriend. There and back again, a true "traveling man." Instead of meditating on the Lost Word as he walks, he'll be i-p(l)odding to the Scottish band The Proclaimers along with Elvis, David Bowie, Lou Reed and John Lennon.
- Call to ban 'Satanic' Eurovision song: Swiss Christians want to ban a song because it has "occult lyrics." I'll bet they don't like Freemasons, either, what with all that Ba'al worshiping we do behind closed doors.
- Beer banned from British pubs: Freemasons used to hold lodge meetings in British pubs. Now they meet there afterwards. But they can't drink this beer 'cause it has a naked woman on the label.
- Man born on Friday the 13th gets married on Friday the 13th: Well, there was that whole "kill the Templars" thing about 700 years ago that started the Friday the 13th franchise, or so the story goes.
- Masturbating woman disturbs fraternity: These brothers should have had a tiler at the door if they don't welcome masturbating women! LOL!
- Potential spoiler alert: Stop reading now if you haven't seen the movie Magnolia.
Magnolia, one of my favorite films, could be subtitled "It Could Happen." One of the things that happens in the movie — quite unbelievably (but it could happen!) — happened in Serbia recently.
The Masonic connection?
The image above is from the movie. Just before going on stage Burt Ramsey/Narrator, played by Ricky Jay — who is wearing a masonic ring — asks gameshow host Jimmy Gator, played by Philip Baker Hall, "You with me, Jimmy?" Jimmy replies, "The book says we may be through with the past but the past ain't through with us." Burt replies, "We met upon the level and we're parting on the square."
It's interesting how the world people perceive is colored by their own experiences, often without any realization of the bias.
ReplyDeleteThat's really what it is, you know. Bias.
When conservative Christians observe the world around them, they "see" the work of God, and the work of the devil. The same may be true of devout followers of Islam, and many other religions. "End timers" believe that hurricanes and volcanic eruptions are "signs" that the end of the world is near, while certain religious groups believe that certain diseases are God's wrath against particular people.
As Masons, we've come to view the world less objectively and more "Masonically," just as the Widow's Son suggested in this topic. Is that necessarily good, or necessarily bad? I don't know, but I think we should at least realize the impact our Masonic association has on us, and ponder the less obvious (or more insidious) ways it affects our lives, and the lives of those around us.
If you're a Mason, and you're in a position of hiring a new employee, would you be more inclined to hire a brother than an equally qualified (or better qualified) "profane?" Does Masonry actually teach that, or is it a bias we've allowed to creep in?
If you're on a jury, and the defendant you're assigned to judge is a brother, would you be more inclined to give him the benefit the doubt, or more likely to judge him harshly for not living up to your idea of "Masonic standards?"
I don't believe that Masonry "teaches" Masons to be biased, any more than I believe that Islam "teaches" people to wrap themselves in explosives, and detonate themselves in crowds. I believe both illustrate the difference between "theory" and "reality," when "reality" becomes warped by bias and human nature.
Masonry teaches absolute equality, yet look at the actual practice. Men who attain leadership roles in the fraternity, commission oil paintings of themselves wearing huge gold Masonic "necklaces." They purchase (at the fraternity's expense) extravagant aprons bordered with gold and silk, and demand to be "officially received" by "Grand honors" and other ritualistic methods of subjugation and subordination of their brothers, while stroking their own inflated egos.
Why do Masons accept, and even "support" such behavior? They do it for the same reasons that church congregations compete with neighboring congregations to furnish their ministers the most extravagant parsonages, the most luxurious automobiles, and the most lucrative compensation packages. That seems strange for a religion whose "hero" walked almost everywhere he went, often barefoot, and made an effort to live as simply and modestly as possible.
It seems to me that Masonry today is consumed by pride. When we decorate our cars and trucks with Masonic emblems, wear flashy 32nd Degree rings and Masonic lapel pins, etc., we're really just showing off. We're saying to the world: "See what a good boy I am? See how important I am, what I've accomplished, what I've done?"
And what have you done, really? Have you ever driven a shingle on a needy person's roof, or mowed an elderly neighbor's yard? Have you ever delivered a "Meals on Wheels," or stirred a can of paint for "Habitat for Humanity?"
What practical reason do we have today to be proud of anything we "accomplish" in lodge? What does it really mean to be a Master Mason, a Knight Templar, a 32nd Degree, or a Grand Lodge officer, if it's all for ourselves — for our own vanity and gratification of our ego?
If we are to sacrifice a portion of our lives and our resources, change our way of thinking and understanding, and perhaps even commit wrongs for which we should seek forgiveness from God and our fellow men, shouldn't we expect something more in return?
An interesting essay by Jack R. Levitt, PGM of the Grand Lodge of California, titled "Masonic Ethics," includes this paragraph:
ReplyDelete"Freemasonry's only dogma consists of moral principles requiring only common sense to understand them. T.R. Fehrenback, an editorial writer, observed that ethics is — 'Do right if you can; above all do no harm; and if questionable, do not do it, whatever the law allows.' Freemasonry sets a higher standard to always do right. Its ritual includes references to: purity of life and conduct; being good and true; practicing the domestic and public virtues; squaring our actions by the Square of virtue; and displaying discretion, virtue and dignity. But even the most explicit laws or lists of do's and don'ts or standards of conduct are futile if those they apply to lack the basic character to abide by them."
— W.S.
As Masons, we need to get back to being humble servants of the craft, and working on our skills for using the Trowel for its intended purpose. Not just lip service and the means for aquiring masonic graffitti.........
ReplyDeleteHow about if you go to Cons a lot and see the rest of humanity as mundanes.
ReplyDelete32 killed at Va. Tech
ReplyDelete32 degrees in masonry(high level)
33 dead counting shooter
33 degrees supreme elete mason
masonic relevance?
masonic relevance?
ReplyDeleteShame on you for trying to use this tragedy to support your own paranoid delusions.
Grow up, get a life, and contribute something of meaning to society.
Let me just start off by saying that I am not of the Masonic Order. I believe in a truth that supersedes any man made up orders. For it is the will of a divine universal order that imposes its mark on mankind daily. No matter how well planned a man made concept maybe, all good intentions pave a road to hell on earth. So with this illumination I will quote you then try to answer with truths.
ReplyDelete"When conservative Christians observe the world around them, they "see" the work of God, and the work of the devil."
I'm not sure all conservative Christians percieve the world in this way and obviously not believing in the bible yourself you believe they think in this way. I will tell you what I personally believe. All natural things of this universe is of a beauty and higher design. This to me is the one truth. All man made things, arts, and crafts are in the way of me seeing and understanding what the universe's divine plan is for me. So every man made thing is evil; no its only the objects created out of greed and lust not out of need is garbage. Before you is the world that is not yours to sell but to share equally.
"would you be more inclined to hire a brother than an equally qualified (or better qualified) "profane?" Does Masonry actually teach that, or is it a bias we've allowed to creep in?"
When you exclude people from joining groups this is called prejudism or form of bigotry. This is proof to yourself that you are better than others and above them in all fashons. Hitler had his elite SS which excluded bald headed men as well as people with browns eyes no matter how Aryan their family tree was. This is something you have been taught from birth which is a natural feeling among all races, sexes, and ages. Even if you don't know someone you will base a decision on common interest or likeness. Is this moral? Only you can answer that one yourself, listen to what your heart says not your mind. Choosing the wrong person for the job usually based on some order rather than the right person, dumbs mankind into a primitive system and creates a dwarf like state his evolutional growth.
"Masonry teaches absolute equality, yet look at the actual practice."
It is within every man made structure there is an order in which something over something else. Eventually man will elevate himself above a position of a divine creator just to realize that what he actually created was not alive but a true death to follow. Power structures corrupt, blindfold and mislead. The Roman Catholics preach that Jesus walks bare footed or in sandals while the Pope wears golden silk slippers worth millions instead of trying to be Christ like or to be Christian. This is not a true divine way for man to choose greed instead of need but it is the purpose within man to change himself and the world around him. It is the hypocritical oaths you submit too you question.
"Why do Masons accept, and even "support" such behavior?"
The Mason motto or logo or whatever, order out of chaos. Do not think for one minute they have your back in the end. Beware of false teachings they are meant to mislead. It is your right to question secrets becuase they hold them above you like the mule chasing the apple tied on a stick. Naturaly you fear the dark and are in need of illumination But what you really fear is the fear of not knowing the next guiding light. So like a soap opera you come back for more trivial nonsensical knowledge. Your money and time would be best spent on your own families. You have less than five years left on your Mayan calender before the Mayan Pagan Gods return to enslave us bringing hell on earth. Building the 3rd temple in Jerusalem to elevate this hell to the heavens or whatever the real "UFO" secret diabolical plan is. I personally don't really care I just want to speak the truth and let it be known. Oh and by the way seems the number five is just as important as the number three in order of things five represents man. Don't believe me just turn your back to the sun god Ra and spread yourself like an eagle look down to your shadow and count how many points of the star you see. Its what wasn't taught in our schools that we will listen and follow blindly to fools.
"It seems to me that Masonry today is consumed by pride."
I hate to be such a Star Wars geek but to quote the great words of master Yoda "Pride is a way to the dark side". We must as a single beings humble ourselves for a higher wisdom we are just still children and that is what keeps us from evolving into higher beings of true light. Truth is only if we humans can put away our childish play things and our foolish way of thinking can we truelly become an adult to grow. Badges, trinketts, and trophies are measurements of accomplishments but do they really have true meaning. Your good deeds should be your own reward and not a way into heaven. Tell this to your children next time you have to pay their allowances for chores see if they dont ask you for something in return. You could try giving them your love see if they accept that as payment. Most adults are the same way we need reward for good behaviors.
"And what have you done, really?"
Supported a group that allows rituals and pagan belief to become real by playing into the foolish games. How? By paying your dues, buying their products, believing in a man made plan instead of a true divine order. By serving as a tool for chaos, your tying a noose around the worlds neck. A everyone for themselves free for all brotherly clan. You the ones that are above it all are still just followers of a dark craft and will never be real leaders of free thinking and goodwill. Oppression comes with your secrets. And the Secrets they tell don't really mean anything. They just show us how rituals and idol worship of emblems, logos,and symbols dumb down human intellect.
"If we are to sacrifice a portion of our lives and our resources, change our way of thinking and understanding, and perhaps even commit wrongs for which we should seek forgiveness from God and our fellow men, shouldn't we expect something more in return? "
you will never know the truth follower. Now bow your heads in shame for you will never understand. It will be a great mystery as if a dark cloud hangs over all your heads. Beware there are powerful people watching you and your first priority is to safe guard your family from its decieption. You will soon learn more as the truth is in everything you see with a simple internet search you will find truths and half truths they are meant to decieve and their is only one true deciever of man it is the fallen day star, the god of broken love its what masons truelly worship. It is a time of brother against brother. I have pity on your souls. Even if you study Einstein's works you will never understand what he truelly saw that everything is relative and nothing is left out of the loop what you do to one effects the other, So as the Masons build the great pyrimid of wealth, power, greed within the world eating away at the three chaotic institutions like a cancer. I ask you this, what becomes of the blacksheep your brother in five years? Is your selfish greed for advancement really worth the self sacrifice? Would you really kill yourself to protect a masonic secret? What would you gain if you lost your own soul? Is it better to give than recieve? All these true questions you must answer yourselves as you are truelly alone followers.
I tell you this I would rather die on my feet than remain living on my knees. To see grown men squirm becuase of a foolish boy scout fraternity sickens me. How did man fall so far from grace? Rise up follower and become a leader of truth...
That most recent long, rambling manifesto by Anonymous reminds me of a street preacher standing in a downtown park, barking out long sentences and paragraphs that for a second catch your attention as something possibly interesting, but not coherent enough to be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteCan you rephrase all that blather with a 100-words-or-less rant that makes sense?
— W.S.
If at first you do not find no real knowledge look again for there are secret hidden messages so you can see how it feels to keep truths from people who are no less dumber than you are. I don't know if I can sum up anything in 100 words or less. I am a thinking man just like you all are and if you cannot read for a hour then you do not need to hear me out. I think this one is just as lengthy as the first rant so remain a follower you can never lead. At first like a child I was very offended by what you said and wanted to retailiate with harsh insensitive words. But as the old saying goes fight the good fight. Elevate your reasoning to an adult level and put away all the insecurities. I stated before I am not of a scholarly Masonic background so take easy on me. I just want to know as you want to know. I am not in this discussion for self gratification or to start some nonsensical political debate, or neither in it for profit. I am no meglomaniac hellbent for my 15 minutes of fame nor am I a loner of a paranoid delusional world of my own making or of anothers conspiracies.
ReplyDeleteIt will be extremely difficult to hold back my rants, ramblings, and nonsensical rhetoric I am only human you know, I will try. Please except my deepest apologies for previous notations of calling Masons devil worshippers or satanist if thats how it came across. I do not believe all Masons are this however in a right or in a wrong way they believe and what they believe is of a dark sinister order of secrets to which we all are living on our knees. How do I know it is sinister well I don't think it's a surprise party for the world 2012. So why is it secret? This is a significant date but it is not what you think. It more for a ritual rite than it is a new world order. Why is it so afraid to be revealed into the light for the world to see. Perhaps you don't want us to see the truth of it for fear of ridicule. Maybe we can't handle the truth. Could it be that you all don't know yourselves. After all this website is for that purpose to see what we know is right?
Since I was a very young child age five, I have always questioned my existance. Sometimes I would stare out in deep inner thought till my vision would blurr into a purple haze and I would almost pass out from these experiences. I was looking for a key to the door within me for a divine order of things a hidden truth. I had no knowledge of freemasonry at the time. I had only until recently found out that my great grandfather was a 32 degree mason of the blue lodge. He was also a Lutheran minister of a small town church. During the teenage years of my life I had my own rebellions like any normal kid of that age does. Still not knowing of the Masons I was fascinated by all the mysteries of the world. My studies included Occultism, Atlantis, Greek Mythology, Mayan civilizationt, the 3 major religions, on and on etc,etc. I also was facinated with egyptology, nocturnal dream experiences, and death. As a young adult my trades or crafts as you like to call them included carpentry, mechanics, plumbing, electrical installation, sales, computer repair, the list goes on. Still not of the knowing man made order and brotherly love. I made my way without a order to show me the way. As a child I had this rare divine gift for the truth because when you lie it murders some part of the world. This natural gift helped me learn and grow even when I had no real formal education. It helped me see into my own abilities to overcome ignorance and bigotry
12 years ago I had an experience that would change my way of thinking entirely. I had a near death experience and could remember the journey I took with great vivid detail. I will not reveal what I saw, you would dismiss it as fodder or foolishness that I am not willing to open myself up for redicule. Afterwards I had a hard time trying to love anything including my own family. My studies did not mean anything anymore The things I did for recreation and pleasure didn't hold the same magic it once did. The only thing I could do that was still in me was hate everything. For ten long suicidal years all I could do was hate. I walked blindly zigzagging looking for that one thing in life that would give me ultimate pleasure and reward. It is only human nature to want to belong and to feel unconditional love. It is what we are all looking for a security that we have lost being that innocent unscarred child that is unconditionally loved by its parents. Knowing this I had to get help for myself and snap out it. Being of a very poor, uncaring in nature family I had to rebuild my life by myself. By studying human psychology I found out what I needed to rehabilitate myself back to health (and still discovering).
The more I learned the more I tried to change my own enviroment in which I was living. To of no end I selflessly helped people with difficult issues and help them with their everyday troubles. But my good works and good deeds were only charities to get people through to next week until they needed my help again. I could not truelly help these people. It is not for me to help them that is not the purpose of life. What I was doing was just delaying the enivitable. So I tried to teach people but they were to clouded by self pity self doubt, or man made misery to see a true way to live, all my pleas fell on deaf ears. That is what secrets and not knowing does to people. Delays and loses precious time to dumb down human intellect. When you place yourselves above others you tell the rest of the world that you are somehow better. But in the same fact your intelligence means nothing. Ask yourself are you smarter than something else? I will tell you that your as dumb as a rock. Fact is a rock has more intellegence than any person living on this planet. Einstein, if alive today would agree to this statement.
Bare with me I am going somewhere with this. I have within me a knowledge a technology that could lift mankind out of the dark ages and up to the heavens with ease. It will eliminate all need for fossile fuels. electricity would be free to all nations without fear of fallout. This is a power you cannot control for it is every where the universe has spanned. It is of the same elements free to all humans like water and air. But like nuclear technology in the wrong hands it could be made to oppress and subjugate others. This knowledge uses simple universal forces to create a gravity field to lift objects from the smallest mass to the largest structures say like a egyptian pyrimid. Do you know how many people would kill for such a powerful knowledge? This order keeps me from completing this technology. The powers of men that squeeze money and labors over others for personel pleasures and earthly greed. What is offered instead of real help to get you on your own feet is charity to keep you coming back for more on your knees. This is oppression not liberation.The only secrets that are kept are ones that in time most anyone could figure out on their own if they would take their blindfolds off. Out of money you will lust and do anything for this is not a real love but a false hope. people in power must stay and maintain power becuase that same force would ultimately destroy them, the double edged sword of power. Recently I have picked up on my studies, and I am learning about the ingenious works of Tesla. It is the only joy still left in me the journey of learning knowledge. Because I never relearned how to love and I have by will suppressed my hatred to feel nothing not love nor hate but a uncaring the same as my own birth family.
1] good deeds dont get you into heaven. you can't see a light inside yourself because of the darkness that comes with power and greed so you are lost and will never know any other way but than that of your own design.
2] oppression comes with ignorance of the truth which being book smart doesn't mean you are streetwise in other terms you are hoodwinked into a religious pyrimid like structure of a faith in unimportant knowledge.
3]prejudism is an exclusion of certain undesirable people which in turn elevates you above them to subjugate for your purposes and wills.
4]stop giving your time and money to a false teaching like christians giving 10% of their income to the catholic church to build golden temples of deceit and not for a purpose of freeing the bonds of mankind.
5] instant gratifications and rewards are not worthy love and devotion if you look inward you will know this true.
I know their is a lot of mispellings and punctuation errors I hope that doesn't exclude yourself from a universal knowing. Even the most ignorant of people you can learn from. Come down off your throne and suffer with the masses. Deny yourself different basic pleasures of your everyday life (it doesn't have to be too extreme) and learn a knowledge that comes from a sufferring. You will learn to treat people with respect and treat them like equals not animals or imbicles. This is a knowledge you will not find in any sacred script it is one you have to experience for yourselves. I don't preach from a cult text this is knowledge that comes from within me. I am not a new age cultist, religious fanatical, or political pompus. For those who did not gain from this you are lost in the dark I hope you someday soon find a true light know that this light is within you. I don't claim to know it all please be aware of people who claim to know it all, they are decievers. I do not want followers or your money so what is it i am selling? A real freedom none of us has. I do not want a name for myself, for I am nobody, nothing, without purpose. Is that so hard to deny for yourself or are you really somebody? If you are the sum of your good works than you are really nobody too. As of now I do not follow but I lead by example. I am a tool for new way of life to enlighten not to mislead or destroy. For those who think this is too preachy, help me, kill me or kiss my ass!!!
Since you all love symbols so much here will be my signature so that you will know who I am
How Masonic is that one?
I stopped reading after "Bare with me I'm going somewhere with this." Can someone tell me if it even began to remotely get useful after that?
ReplyDeleteCan someone tell me if it even began to remotely get useful after that?
ReplyDeleteYou mean you needed to ask?
According to satanic beliefs, killing living beings during the Spring Equinox enables satanists to absorb energy released by their deaths. The month of April is very significant as satanists consider it the month for sacrifice. April is also symbolized by the Ram, or to students of satanic cults, the lamb -- it's common knowledge that the lamb has been identified with sacrifice since antiquity. However, all true satanists agree that animal sacrifice is a poor substitute for human victims.
ReplyDeleteThe Significance of the Death Numbers:
* Virginia Tech massacre - 33
* Columbine High School massacre - 13
The numbers 33 and 13 figure prominently in freemasonry, satanism, the Kabala, the Torah and mysticism -- not to mention within the very framework of the United States and many of its historical events. Invariably the number # 13 is interpreted as representative of ill-omens. Bearing that in mind, one cannot exclude the possibility of pre-planned, ritual executions based on an ideology founded in numerology and having a history of such crimes.
Numerology, The USA and Freemasonry:
* most of the United States' founding fathers were masons
* there were 13 original colonies
* the Great Seal has several occurrences of images with 13 parts each
* first A-bomb tested at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Site
* the Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13 dropped an A-bomb named "Little Boy" on Hiroshima near the 33rd Parallel
* Harry Solomon Truman was the 33rd president and a 33rd degree mason
* Truman ordered his nuclear attack against a Christian community in Japan with no military significance
* July 4, 1776 to July 4, 1945 equals 169 years = 13 x 13 = 169
* July 4, 1945 to August 6, 1945 (bombing of Hiroshima) = 33 days
* Federal Reserve private bank took control of printing US money in 1913
* Franklin D. Roosevelt (33rd degree mason) announces in 1933 abandonment of gold standard
There is literally an infinite list of events and dates correlating with the numbers # 13 and # 33 that when examined closely dovetail seemingly with some master plan that precludes mere coincidence. One such incident is the interesting fact that John F. Kennedy was shot in the exact same three places as Hiram Abif, who was murdered on Friday the 13th in the year 1307 in an Masonic initiation that represented the persecution of the Templars. Abif was struck in the back, the throat and the head.
There is literally an infinite list of events and dates correlating with the numbers # 13 and # 33 that when examined closely dovetail seemingly with some master plan that precludes mere coincidence.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget the other important number: 42
One such incident is the interesting fact that John F. Kennedy was shot in the exact same three places as Hiram Abif, who was murdered on Friday the 13th in the year 1307 in an Masonic initiation that represented the persecution of the Templars. Abif was struck in the back, the throat and the head.
Umm... you do know that HA was not shot, right? And that he was not struck in the places that you mention, right? And that it was not in 1307, right?
More specifically, you do know that HA is a fictional character, and possibly not invented until the 1700s, right?
WS, I swear - you are some kind of major k00k magnet!
Our latest fundamentalist anonymous conspiracist wrote:
ReplyDelete"According to satanic beliefs, killing living beings during the Spring Equinox enables satanists to absorb energy released by their deaths. The month of April is very significant as satanists consider it the month for sacrifice. April is also symbolized by the Ram, or to students of satanic cults, the lamb -- it's common knowledge that the lamb has been identified with sacrifice since antiquity. However, all true satanists agree that animal sacrifice is a poor substitute for human victims.
The Significance of the Death Numbers:
* Virginia Tech massacre - 33
* Columbine High School massacre - 13"
According to the beliefs of a particularly large present-day cult, the killing of one particular person during the spring equinox has enabled these cultists to spread a lies about other people, act superior to other people, and think they can get away with most anything because they've been "saved."
April is also symbolized by the Ram, or to students of christian cults, the lamb — it's common knowledge that the lamb has been identified with sacrifice since antiquity. However, all true christians agree that animal sacrifice is a poor substitute for nailing a man onto a cross.
Significance of numbers:
* 33 -- age of Jesus when they nailed him to a cross so that his cultish followers could babble ceaselessly about things they don't understand for the next 2,000 years.
* 13 -- number of members of a ragtag team of wandering Jews whose actual message has been so distorted by later generations that their true teaching of "Love one another" has been replaced with "Hate and belittle those who don't believe the way we do."
— W.S.