Saturday, April 28, 2007

'Mission accomplished'?

1501 days.

3,337 dead American military men and women.

24,314 wounded American military men and women.

421 billion dollars.

So far....

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  1. American Revolution (2920 days)
    Total servicemembers 217,000
    Battle deaths 4,435
    Nonmortal woundings 6,188

    War of 1812 (1095 days)
    Total servicemembers 286,730
    Battle deaths 2,260
    Nonmortal woundings 4,505

    Indian Wars (approx. 29,565 days)
    Total servicemembers 106,0001
    Battle deaths 1,0001

    Mexican War (730 days)
    Total servicemembers 78,718
    Battle deaths 1,733
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) 11,550
    Nonmortal woundings 4,152

    Civil War (1460 days)
    Total servicemembers (Union) 2,213,363
    Battle deaths (Union) 140,414
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) (Union) 224,097
    Nonmortal woundings (Union) 281,881

    Total servicemembers (Conf.) 1,050,000
    Battle deaths (Conf.) 74,524
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) (Conf.) 59,2972
    Nonmortal woundings (Conf.) unknown

    Spanish-American War (1460 days)
    Total servicemembers 306,760
    Battle deaths 385
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) 2,061
    Nonmortal woundings 1,662

    World War I (365 days)
    Total servicemembers 4,734,991
    Battle deaths 53,402
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) 63,114
    Nonmortal woundings 204,002
    Living veterans fewer than 500

    World War II (1825 days)
    Total servicemembers 16,112,566
    Battle deaths 291,557
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) 113,842
    Nonmortal woundings 671,846
    Living veterans 4,762,0001

    Korean War (1095 days)
    Total servicemembers 5,720,000
    Serving in-theater 1,789,000
    Battle deaths 33,741
    Other deaths in service (theater) 2,827
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) 17,730
    Nonmortal woundings 103,284
    Living veterans 3,734,0001

    Vietnam War (4015 days)
    Total servicemembers 8,744,000
    Serving in-theater 3,403,000
    Battle deaths 47,410
    Other deaths in service (theater) 10,789
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) 32,000
    Nonmortal woundings 153,303
    Living veterans 8,295,0001

    Gulf War (365 days)
    Total servicemembers 2,225,000
    Serving in-theater 665,476
    Battle deaths 147
    Other deaths in service (theater) 382
    Other deaths in service (nontheater) 1,565
    Nonmortal woundings 467
    Living veterans 1,852,000

  2. Painful figures Brothers...but we must confront them.

    We must enter that dark room if we are to shed any light on it.


  3. the elete love human sacrifices in babylon!

    keep sending christians to die W

    Rome is alive and well, huh my very careful

  4. "Mission accomplished?"

    well, depending on your interpretation of the "mission," you could easily say Mission Accomplished.

    for example, the both Patriot Acts were passed, National ID Cards were set in stone to come into effect next year in May, Passports now require RFID chips, nd the North American Union is well on it's way to manifestation. On top of that, Saddam and his family are pretty much gone.

    To some, this is certainly a mission accomplished.

  5. I would add to all these thoughts that 62,000 civilians--at minimum--are estimated to have been killed during our military intervention in Iraq. The medical journal Lancet would place the number at well over 100,000.

  6. Add to all that:

    US national debt higher than ever.

    Personal debt in US higher than ever.

    US trade deficit higher than ever.

    Number of illegal aliens in US higher than ever.

    Crude oil prices higher than ever.

    Gasoline and diesel prices higher than ever.

    North Korea stronger than ever.

    Iran stronger than ever.

    China stronger than ever.

    Worldwide opinion of America worse than ever.

    Unfortunately, the American public, as a whole, deserves what they're getting for sitting idly on their hands and allowing the things above to happen, buying in to the propaganda their government feeds them, and utterly failing to take responsibility for their own destiny.

    Exactly the same thing is happening in American Masonry today. The overwhelming majority of Masons (99.9%) sit idly on their hands while the representatives they "elect" to their Grand Lodges lead them around by the nose and destroy Masonry.

    What's the difference between 1776 and now? In 1776, the of citizens of the land that became the United States, took an active role in their government and helped steer their own futures. Today, they allow themselves to be fleeced and led to the slaughter by the short-sighted and self-serving professional politicians they repeatedly elect as their representatives. Average citizens don't vote, or do anything else to get personally involved in their government, and that degree of separation allows the right hand not to know what the left hand is doing -- even when it's shooting the owner in the foot.

    Who's to blame? We all are; those who've tried to change it and failed, but more especially those who perceive the problems, yet make no effort to do anything about them, and even refuse to recognize that because they did nothing to change things, they share a part of the responsibility for everything they allow to happen.

  7. Sounds like things are going better than expected.

  8. First and foremost, this is obviously your blog and you can publish what you like. However, there is a reason our ancient brethren prohibited political discussion. For my $0.02, I would say I enjoy reading your comments about the Craft a great deal; your comments are insightful and thought provoking, and there is isn't enough good Masonic content on-line.

    Political screeds I can get anywhere.

  9. Brother,

    "Our ancient brethren" did not prohibit political discussion among themselves or with others. They simply prohibited it during sessions when a lodge was at labor.

    Freemasons often discuss politics. They designed the Revolution against England in the 1770's, and they created the United States. And these days, they pledge allegiance to the American flag during lodge sessions — definitely a political act — and they promote 4th of July and Veterans Day events, etc. Politics and Freemasonry, for better or worse, seem to go hand in hand with current mainstream Freemasonry.

    This blog isn't a lodge.

    And the short article wasn't a screed, political or otherwise.

    It is simply an enumeration of dead and wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen and other American military personnel, and the Iraq War's length and cost so far.

    Why do you take offense at that?

    If I'd wanted to write a long essay either supporting or decrying the Iraq War, I would have.

    By the way, this isn't a Masonic blog. This is a blog written by a Mason. I'm not Masonry's P.R. guy. In addition to Freemasonry I have other interests, other things I pay attention to, and other things to write about.

    — W.S.

  10. Brother,

    You mistake me; I didn't take offense at your comments, I just find the subject of politics to be very corrosive. I don't assume this blog is a lodge, I just think the ancient prohibition makes sense even beyond the doors of the lodge room. Perhaps it is exceptional, but I do not know the political leanings of my closest brothers in lodge, and I don't care to know. I have other, and more important, things to talk to them about.

    I don't agree with you that politics and Freemasonry go "hand in hand," by your example of a lodge meeting including a pledge. Is a baseball game with the National Anthem then similarly a political excercise? I'll research the history of the pledge + lodge equation, but it strikes me as an Andersons-esque excercise demonstrating subordination to the civil power, a reaction to the forces of anti-Masonry, as it were.

    I find it regretable that there are untold bandwidths completely consumed by political bickering, while there is,comparatively speaking, very little Masonic content on-line. Would that the situation was reversed.

    Your blog is a bright light, and I think, an example for Craft bloggers. I just like it better when I can read your Masonic posts, that's all.

  11. Wayfaring man writes:

    "I'll research the history of the pledge + lodge equation, but it strikes me as an Andersons-esque excercise demonstrating subordination to the civil power, a reaction to the forces of anti-Masonry, as it were."

    It's a post World War II "innovation," as is the "Chaplain" in lodge, etc.

    Millions of servicemen returning from World War II, had grown accustomed to having a Chaplain in their midst and they'd been fully indoctrinated with the patriotic fervor of the day. They were gung-ho on "God and country," and they brought their fervor to lodge.

    As is typically the case when men with little foresight (and perhaps little intelligence and/or common sense) start changing things that have been successfully done for extended periods of time, the innovations they made had many unexpected results.

    What's a brother supposed to do who's a visitor from another country? Can you expect that brother to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" to America? What about brothers who aren't Christians? Why do virtually all lodges have Christian "Chaplains," but no representatives of other faiths?

    How did Masonry manage to survive, and even thrive for several hundred years, without the numerous innovations made during the 20th century?

    And speaking of "innovations," is it just here, or is it a common elsewhere that incoming Worshipful Masters are made to swear: "You admit that it is not within the power of any man, or any group of men, to make innovations in the body of Masonry?"

    Does anyone actually pay any attention to such oaths, or are they just another example of oaths that Masons take, but make little (if any) effort to follow, or perhaps even to understand?

  12. Anonymous writes:
    What's a brother supposed to do who's a visitor from another country? Can you expect that brother to recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" to America? What about brothers who aren't Christians? Why do virtually all lodges have Christian "Chaplains," but no representatives of other faiths?

    Yeah. And for that matter - why don't we have chopsticks at refreshment? By Odin! That's not fair.


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