From England we often see articles about the fear townspeople have of the "network" of Masons in political, judicial and law enforcement positions. Demands for Masonic membership lists are common.
In Mexico, too, it seems, Freemasons play a prominent role in politics.
Today I found an interesting item from the Catholic News Agency. The Vatican maintains that for most of the 20th century, Freemasons controlled the politics and government of Mexico.
The report stated:
Mexican Masonry played a decisive role in the configuration of the Mexican State and in political measures such as the stripping of the Church's right to own schools and communications media, the right to vote of priests and religious, and the rupture of diplomatic relations with the Vatican.Recently, Mexican bishops announced they would begin a campaign to regain the rights stripped from them by the previous Mexican constitution, put into place at the behest of Freemasons.
The anti-clerical policies were kept in place throughout the entire period of rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), dominated by the Masons, from 1929 to 2000.
"The Great Teacher" Pedro Marquez, head of the Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico, reacted by accusing the Church of wanting to "return to the past."
"The Catholic hierarchy wants to dictate a political policy and that is a very grave error, as our society is no longer in the era of Christianity and priests are no longer viceroys of New Spain," Marquez said during a press conference.
"There is a tendency in the Church to meddle in the social and political affairs of Mexico, but the priests should return to their Churches," he added.
Bro. Oscar J. Salinas sheds further light on the political and religious intrigue surrounding Freemasonry in Mexico in his 1999 talk titled "Mexican Freemasonries: Encounters with Religion and Politics."
Update, Saturday, August 11: A priest known only as "Father V." picked up on this Mexican Masons story from the CNA, and posted the following as part of his "priestly commentary":
I would invite any Catholics who are Masons to renounce their memberships (and not to receive Holy Communion until having done so), get to confession, and join the Knights of Columbus! Your time will be better serving the Lord and His Church, and your dues won't be going to activities that you wouldn't want to support.
Masons | Masonic Politics | Mexican Freemasonry | Freemasonry | Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico | Burning Taper | BurningTaper.com
General Sam Houston, along with many other Texas heroes from the Alamo and the revolution were all masons. Coincidentally, so was General Santa Ana of Mexico. So when Santa Ana was captured on the field, it was brotherhood that saved his life and allowed for a peaceful surrender rather than an execution.
ReplyDeleteSome day I'd like to visit the archives of Holland Lodge No. 1, the first lodge in Texas, to fully appreciate its history.
Not surprising. As former head of the Inquisition (or whatever it calls itself these days), Benedict XVI has demonstrated a desire to cast light anew on the old Masonry vs. Catholicism squabbles of the 14th century.
ReplyDeleteLet's face it: Organized religion is dead. Church attendance among mainstream denominations is way down, at least in the US. The only churches that thrive are the cults we often deride. As a baptized Catholic and Freemason, I view this as a mediocre attempt by the Church to get publicity. Plain and simple. Yawn. Sigh.
Fraternally yours,
The Libertarian
Oh, I should have said the Masonry vs. Catholicism squabbles of the 18th and 19th centuries. I've heard so much nonsense about the Knights Templar-Masonry relationship, I think my mind slipped back to 1307 and got confused.
ReplyDeleteTo The Libertarian:
ReplyDeleteI believe you are Refering to the Congrigationf For the Doctrine of The Faith, which is the current guise of the Inquisition.
For me, I believe that most of the organized religions today are more about control than they are about worship.
For years after my father's death we received colection envelopes in his name; but never once a visit from clergy to console his widow.
The bitterness and visciousness of some of the sentiments expressed in your comments by Masons towards Christianity is really something to read.
ReplyDeleteMasonry in Mexico was a terrible persecutor of Christianity. Tens of thousands of Priests and Religious were murdered by the PRI over the years, in a system of government that closely paralleled that in the Soviet Union.
Masonry in Mexico was purely an American Masonic animal, both of it's main bodies were set up by U.S. Freemasonry the Yorkinos and the Eccoses. At one point American Freemason Andrew Jackson and his ilk's plan for Mexico was to kill off the entire population and replace them with imported slaves from Africa.
American Freemasonry has much to answer for in Mexico.
As the revolutionary leaders in South and Central America looked to the US - and in some instance came here - for guidance in overthrowing the Spanish government and the Church of Rome's influence, it's hard to believe that Freemasonry in general had some kind of "plan" for Mexico.
ReplyDeleteAt one point American Freemason Andrew Jackson and his ilk's plan for Mexico was to kill off the entire population and replace them with imported slaves from Africa.
I'd love to see some kind of reference or citations for a claim like that.
Well go read a book Tom. I would love to see your proof that he/she is lying about Andrew Jackson. All you do is stuff about black helicopters and stupid purple aprons. You know what would be funny? If you actually were in a black helicopter and it crashed into your lodge. That would be a blog worth reading.
ReplyDeleteNow lets see some of that proof about what you say about Andrew Jackson Tommy.
I would love to see your proof that he/she is lying about Andrew Jackson.
ReplyDeleteUm, Paul? The convention is for the person making the unusual or contrarian claim to provide the proof or source. Know why? It's because it's virtually impossible to prove the non- existence of something. If I read 999 books about Jackson and said that it "proves" that he never said it, then you'd say "But maybe the 1,000th book will have the quote."
Mr. Nony claims that Pres. Jackson was part of a conspiracy to eradicate the population of Mexico and replace the Spanish and Indians with Negros from Africa. Sounds like an enormous, if not impossible undertaking, one that a politician with a long military career should understand.
And again, both you and Mr. Nony miss the main point; it isn't even about Jackson, it's about this alleged Masonic conspiracy in which he was supposed to be involved. Let's see some proof of that. I suspect that there's just as much proof of this one, though, as there is about the black helicopters, the Denver Airport underground base, and the secret alien labs in Area 51.
As your your other comment - if you dont' like my stories about purple aprons and my Masonic bling, then start your own blog. What kinds of interesting things do you have to write about?
Okay Tommy. It would impossible just like it was impossible for 300,000 people in Rawanda to gear up and kill all those people.
ReplyDeleteBut then again you have not read any books by Jackson. Lets see some of that proof you have that he didn't. I suggest picking up a book instead of a keyboard and typing about helicopters and airplanes.
Maybe I should start a blog like yours. After all you get so many comments on yours. One a month. But you must like talking to yourself in cyber space.
I am both a Freemason and a catholic and have an ability to separate my fraternity from my religion I wish my religion would take a personal moral inventory of themselves before they point the finger of blame at the craft. So Mote It Be!
ReplyDeleteAndy, after such a long time, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are ipso facto excommunicated from the Catholic Church for being a Mason. The Church has imposed the penalty of excommunication on Catholics who become Freemasons. The penalty of excommunication for joining the Masonic Lodge was explicit in the 1917 code of canon law (canon 2335), and it is implicit in the 1983 code (canon 1374).
DeleteBecause the revised code of canon law is not explicit on this point, some drew the mistaken conclusion that the Church's prohibition of Freemasonry had been dropped. As a result of this confusion, shortly before the 1983 code was promulgated, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a statement indicating that the penalty was still in force. This statement was dated November 26, 1983 and may be found in 13/27 (Nov. 15, 1983), 450.
That notion of brotherhood didnt do Saddam much good. I'm sure he okayed his invasion with the hierarchy.
ReplyDeleteYou naughty Masons are becoming as corrupt as the Imperial Papacy.
Anon said "I've heard so much nonsense about the Knights Templar-Masonry relationship, I think my mind slipped back to 1307 "
ReplyDeleteI am a WASPM/CoS, and inherited my ancestors tracing board ( 1600CE ) which clearly shows that the Scottish Rite was founded believing in their relationship with the Knights. The centre piece is a crest inscribed " WE STOP AT PHILLIP "
Then Silvertrine said...
You naughty Masons are becoming as corrupt as the Imperial Papacy.
NO we would have to sink a hell of a lot further to tell the lies they have told for nearly 2000 years.
Freemasons are the true criminals in Mexico. They killed the industry, the education and the peace of the prosperous Mexican people and replaced it with what Mexico is today. Whether freemasons are incompetent or just plain criminals, it did not make any difference. The PRI (the mason’s political party) is well known for its crimes, corruption and incompetence.
ReplyDelete"Freemasons are the true criminals in Mexico. They killed the industry, the education and the peace of the prosperous Mexican people and replaced it with what Mexico is today. Whether freemasons are incompetent or just plain criminals, it did not make any difference. The PRI (the mason’s political party) is well known for its crimes, corruption and incompetence."
ReplyDeleteOh, right -- not to forget the speeding ticket you got last week; certainly the masons are behind this as well!
You should do yourself a favor and see the movie FOR GREATER GLORY. It is based on a true story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QUb_StcVzg
DeleteMy earthly father left the Church for 40 years after becoming a Mason believing the lies of the Masons. By the grace of God he had a deathbed conversion and received the Sacraments before dying. Most are not so blessed. BTW, MASONIC SOCIALISM is the father of Fascism, Nazism and Communism. It is destroying freedom in America.